I found and installed it on the problem machine. Now if I can figure
how to use hyperterminal on the good machine, I'll try it on the bad
In Hyperterminal, under Files>Properties , you were not supposed
to enter any phone number. That phone number option must remain
blank. Only look at the Connect Using option. Make sure Connect
Using is to a modem. That is all that paragraph said to do. Leave
phone number blank. Only make sure you are talking to the modem.
Then when OK is clicked, a blank Window remains. Every keystroke
goes direct to modem's computer. Modem's computer then echos that
keystroke back to the blank window. But modems often are changed to
'no echo' by the operationg system. Therefore we enter AT&F (and
return) or ATZ to enable echo. When modem changes to 'echo', it then
responds with OK after 'enter' is pressed AND it echos every keystroke
to that blank window.
Instead, you gave Hyperterminal a phone number. Therefore
Hyperterminal dialed the number AND did not let you see those modem
commands between Hyperterminal and modem. The idea was for you (not
Hyperterminal) to enter those commands. Then modem would tell you of
its error - not tell Hyperterminal.
Had you not entered a phone number into Hyperterminals options, then
modem would talk to you. Modem should only be told a phone number by
you directly when you entered, for example:
which dials (913)555-1234
Well it does not matter. Since you told Hyperterminal to dial, then
Hyperterminal made a connection to the ISP. You saw the ISP display
LOGON: . Test done and no hardware failures. Modem and phone lines
are 100% OK. Now you can start blaming Windows options for all
You made a complete modem connection to the ISP without
complications of an OS. Had you (rather than Hyperterminal) told the
modem to dial using ATDT9135551234 (or whatever), then any error
messages would have been seen by you. Since you entered that phone
number, instead, in Files>Properties, then Hyperterminal dialed the
number, saw any modem error messages, and did not show those error
messages. (Of course, no error messages would exist during the good
By confirming hardware, you are also learning how main computer
talks to a modem. It is called Hayes Commands. Each command starts
with AT followed by a chain of command letters and numbers. The
commnd DT says to dial using a dial tone the number 9135551234. The
command L3 says to put modem speaker at highest volume (3). The
command &F tells modem to reset.