I've taken a look at Cerberus - it's the app that Ian and Chip used to track the Manchester Meteor I've already got Android Device Manager which does something similar albeit with far fewer functions. I'm a little wary of Cerberus in case anyone hacked the phone, but perhaps I'm just being paranoid!!
Nova looks brilliant, I'm going to get that as it would be nice to customise the home screen I'll see whether anyone I know has Whatsapp too. I get unlimited texts with my package and don't really send many, but I guess it would be useful for other people to contact me.
Yeah was going to say about ADM, its much the same as Cerbrus without the extra bells and whistles. If your happy with ADM then thats just as good, just make sure its set up.
Nova launcher is great, much smoother, faster and more customisable than TW, and i prefer the 'vertical app draw so much more than the side to side one. Buying the prime version is well worth the money if your that was inclined. Plus then you can use Tesla Unread for badge icons for unread counts of email etc, like iOS.
I get unlimited text too, but only ever send a handful a month, whatsapp gets a hammering though! haha.