Hi Urine Vendor ,
You offer your wares :
" Do You Need Any Urine Today ? "
From Ananov.COM , Leeds U.K. , September 2001
" Hindu nationalists in India
have launched a marketing exercise
to promote cow's urine as a health cure .
They say the urine , being sold for 30p a bottle ,
can be used for ailments ranging
from liver disease to obesity and even cancer .
The urine is being sold under the label ' Gift of the Cow ',
and is being enthusiastically promoted
by the government of Gujarat .
The urine is collected every day
from almost 600 shelters for rescued and wounded cattle ,
and is available in about 50 centres in Gujarat .
It also comes in tablets or a cream
mixed with other traditional medicinal herbs
and demand is currently outstripping supply .
Dr Jadi Patel , at the VHP's headquarters in Ahmedabad ,
said : ' It's very popular because
the results are very good , but we've got a shortage . '
The healing properties of cow dung and cow's urine
are mentioned in ancient Hindu texts
and authorities claim research conducted by doctors
at the cow-protection commission indicates
the urine can cure anything from skin diseases ,
kidney and liver ailments to obesity and heart ailments .
Although most Indian doctors view the medicines as eccentric ,
several advocates of the treatment have come forward
in Gujarat to support the claims ,
reports the Daily Telegraph .
They include Vidhyaben Mehta ,
a 65-year-old woman with a cancerous tumour on her chest
who has been taking cow's urine for the past three years .
She says she is no longer in pain
and has survived in spite of medical predictions
that she would die two years ago . "