Mint 7 launches

Have installed the D-Link GWL 510 wireless card and as I suspected Windows Seven turned it's nose up at it but I'm now online with Mint V7.0

Currently applying updates to Mint.

So where do I find this 2Gb of storage space then?

Page 54.

I have been making backups of the " / " partition at each and every step along the way with Acronis in case of glitches. Only takes about 4 mins as the partition is only 5.5GB.
Wiped the partition and did a test and everything ran ok.

Glad your getting the old Mint working. I ain't got time to try it out so how are you finding it ? Hope you have as much fun as I'm having with Mandy.

Urmas just love the Tux cut out modle, think I'll save that as a project for the winter.


Mandy 1 W7 0
Nice link Urmas - a manual :) :thumb:

Abarbarian said:
Mandy 1 W7 0 :lol:

That would be right :D

Or in my case Mint: 1 Win 7: 0 ;)

I only went wireless originally as it's difficult to lay cable between rooms out of sight where I live but I'm going to reapraise the situation.

I have 2 machines in the living room, my main setup (see sig) and the media machine. It's a short distance between them so I could lay cable but the wireless is working flawlessly there as they are so close to each other, no online gaming so it seems pointless changing it. And the main machine is hardwired to the router anyway as they're next to each other.

The other machine, the AMD jobbie, is in my bedroom and that's the one where I try different distros. I am going to see if it's feasible to run CAT5 under the carpet and maybe work away a little concrete from the floor between the wooden cross members on the floor between 2 rooms.

And Mr Urmas, your 'Redmund Payware Distro' reference did not go un-noticed :D hehe ;)

Mint is running fine, very fast, very positive, plays DVD's and CD's, has the Gimp, Open Office, Firefox and a whole heap of other stuff.

I haven't tried to install Nvidia drivers or any games yet, I have that to look forward to :eek:
I follow the stuff over at Phoronix every now and again. Seems Nvidia drivers have been of some concern in Linux lately. This was an interesting tit bit.

However this is probably more interesting if you are looking for driver information.

If the latest drivers do not help then this may.


I don't normaly goof so my typo as you pointed out should indeed be "Or in my case Mint: 1 Win 7: 0"
Oh, I'm going to have some fun here then, especially as I haven't got the first faintest clue how to install the drivers anyway :lol:
I've just downloaded the drivers (before reading the above post) and have copied this:

STEP 3: Install
Type "sh" to install the driver. NVIDIA now provides a utility to assist you with configuration of your X server configuration file file. Please see Chapter 3 of the README or run 'man nvidia-xconfig' for details on usage. Instructions for those wishing to edit their X config file by hand can also be found in the README.

The drivers are stored in a folder on a seperate hard drive, any idea where I put the downloaded drivers in Linux Mint before typing that command in at the console?
floppybootstomp said:
The drivers are stored in a folder on a seperate hard drive, any idea where I put the downloaded drivers in Linux Mint before typing that command in at the console?

Easiest to copy them to your /home directory... that way you don't have to do any "cd" [change directory] commands before running the script.

If - for example - you put in on the Desktop [note the capital "D"], you need to do (replace "urmas"... well, you know.):
urmas@jaunty:~$ cd /home/urmas/Desktop

P.S. The script needs privileges... so the command is
sudo sh

(But... gotta say I'm still curious about your graphics card... are you sure that you need the "latest and greatest" driver from Nvidia? There are proprietary drivers available "the GUI way" as well.)

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Thanks Urmas, the graphics card is an Nvidia GTS8800 640Mb first generation.

I just figured I should have the best drivers as I intend to install whatever games will work within Mint.

There is an Nvidia driver supplied in the repository, do you think it would be wiser to try that?
floppybootstomp said:
There is an Nvidia driver supplied in the repository, do you think it would be wiser to try that?
There are many Nvidia drivers in the repo, actually. General rule: ABSOLUTELY! The first thing to do is to go to (OK, it's Mint, but in "Ubuntuspeak") restricted drivers manager (System --> Admin --> Hardware Drivers) and let it do its job.
floppybootstomp said:
That looks good.

I will have to spend some time with this thing when I get a moment or six :)

An I thought I had short term memory loss :eek: Thats the same link I gave in post 2

Abarbarian said:
An I thought I had short term memory loss :eek: Thats the same link I gave in post 2


I realised possibly a decade ago that not everything I post is read .

It seems you've now discovered that as well.

Back at Post 2 I possibly wasn't interested in Mint.

But I am now.

So don't you roll your eyes at me matey :p
floppybootstomp said:
I realised possibly a decade ago that not everything I post is read .

It seems you've now discovered that as well.

So don't you roll your eyes at me matey :p

Or the 2 of ya are just getting old...:p