Yousuf Khan
Timely message.
I just installed Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on an older XP-Home machine.
The old windows directory was saved under windows old and the data stayed on
the data portion of the HD.
Okay, that's good, that's the kind of thing I wanted to know. So the
Windows directory got saved, what about the "program files" directory,
and the "documents and settings" directory? Did they also get backed up?
Also did you have to install from within Windows, or did you have to
boot from CD and install?
But here is my twist. That Win7 CD is for a different computer, and I want
to "roll-back" to XP Home. Well, perhaps I ought explain what happened.
The machine became corrupted by a virus, went into continuous reboot mode,
and would not work in any way shape or form. After trying Kaspersky and
BartPE to get a functioning machine and getting nowhere, I loaded the Win7
So I assume it got infected under XP rather than Win7?
Anyone have any good suggestions for getting past that Admin Password to
reinstall XP? I tried the password that was on XP and that wasn't it....
Here's the Microsoft official method:
How to log on to your Windows XP-based computer if you forget your
password or if your password expires
Here's a bunch of others, most seem to be password crackers:
win xp admin password reset - Google Search
So, Yousuf (Cat Stevens - is this you?), it will all work. However I have
another problem on my hand.
No, actually I may be dating myself here, but I've been Yousuf longer
than he's been Yousuf. He's been around on Earth bit longer overall, but
not as Yousuf.

And yeah it is odd that Windows 32 bit is sitting there right next to
Windows 64 bit. And everything is "pretty" accessible.
I'd like to make the migration even simpler by using this utility:
Upgrade XP to Windows 7, hassle-free — Zinstall
I've been carrying out an email conversation with them, and I asked them
whether I should be making a dual-boot out of this thing, and they said
specifically, "no, install it over top of the existing XP". So this may
explain how they do it. It doesn't matter, I've managed to make a clone
of my boot disk onto an external eSATA disk now, and I can conceivably
go either way now, installing it overtop or dual-booting, both options
are now available to me.
Yousuf Khan