Microsoft XP after Vista

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when was vista released as RTM just-in boy?

Let me educate you once more ....

IE7 for XP final> October 18, 2006
Windows Vista RTM > Nov. 8, 2006
I like how you completely ignored the fact that IE7 was released long
before Vista.

Gee.. so long... one month! lol and it was not shoved into autoupdate until>
October 31, 2006 (Posted by justin) I dont suppose that justin is YOU by any
frikin chance...???
So lets see.... 8 days.. from oct31 to nov 8 .....
Maybe it's things like this that make people want to tell you to learn?

Stick with me kiddo.. and you might learn a few tricks.... :-)
kirk jim said:
when was vista released as RTM just-in boy?
I think someone smoked pot when they created you???
Let me educate you once more ....

IE7 for XP final> October 18, 2006
Windows Vista RTM > Nov. 8, 2006

True, however you are talking about a VERY VERY VERY small group of people.
In order for your BS argument to hold any water you need to address the
RETAIL release date.

Try again jerky.
Gee.. so long... one month! lol and it was not shoved into autoupdate
October 31, 2006 (Posted by justin) I dont suppose that justin is YOU by
any frikin chance...???
So lets see.... 8 days.. from oct31 to nov 8 .....

No, that is not me. However by your use of false logic I can see how you
would relate me to anyone named Justin.
to the masses who dont live with MS leashes like you do,
its all in the general vista release time period...

Most people dont even know what the heck vista is anyway...

Gee they are lucky!
kirk jim said:
to the masses who dont live with MS leashes like you do,
its all in the general vista release time period...

Interesting. Since you think you are so cleaver, please explain to us how
I'm on a "leash"? After all I use Linux and OSX as well as Windows.

I look forward to more of your fantasy story.
user jim kirk said:
that is me :-).. I booted into horrid vista

Gee how fun vista is ... yawwwnnnn

Ah! So it is:


Well, it's good to know that you change your name to suit your needs as well
as the fact that grammar checking is all you have left in your fantasy.