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You did not notice ';-)' it seems.
I am not blind. However anti-semitism is not a laughing matter. The
Nazis also started from mocking and ridiculing Jews. We all know
where all this ended.
OTOH any _religion_ based state, say Israel, Iran, Pakistan (to a lesser
extend), is based on what I would call 'illusion'.
So do not ask me to support Israel, or Jews, or Islam, or whatever.

Either you don't know or you pretend to. Jews are not a group of
folks united by the religion. Jews are an ethnic group (just as
Anglo-Saxons, or French, or Germans, or Arabs), a majority of which
happens to practice (to full, or partial, or almost negligible extent)
Judaism. No baptism saved anyone from being deported to Auschwitz.
Even if only one of grandparents was Jewish and all 3 other
grandparents were (German, French, Dutch, whatever) and practicing
(Catholics, Protestants, Atheists - pick any). It was about Jewish
*blood*, not religion. It still is.

There was no religion in USSR, yet everyone had a record of ethnicity
in their ID, like Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, or - guess what? - Jew.

If there is one secular state in the whole of Middle East, it's
Israel. The religious parties, combined, are just a small minority in
the parliament. And by the way, the most deeply religious Jews think
that the state of Israel is illegal because according to some
interpretation of some obscure texts the state can't be established
before the Messiah comes and rebuilds the Temple - ain't this funny?

It's convenient to declare one's position as anti-religious or
anti-Zionist to avoid being called the proper name - anti-semitic.
As for Julius GW BUSH Caesar, he is just a Saudi agent,
Oh, you are into the conspiracy theories ;-)
he does not give a dime for any US people,
He promised to cut the taxes - and he did. Yes it is not a dime - it
is billion$, combined. Given to US people.
even less for others.
Why should he? They didn't vote for him. And I, as a taxpayer,
firmly object using the taxpayers' money for charity purposes
Look at it from the Saudi POV.
And _you_ want us Europeans to just be dummies and play along?
It seems that you Europeans will do anything to stick it up to US,
even if it's against your own interests. However no matter how hard
you try to be different, for the likes of al-Qaeda and Iranian mullahs
you are just as *infidel* as America, and subject to:
- conversion
- subjugation
- slaughter
So what is your choice? Want to veil all of Europe in chadors? Or
accept dhimmitude? Or get your throat slit in the name of Allah?

Sorry folks in 'Chips' for getting so much OT. But Jan was really
asking for it.

As for the Dutch & Germans I can't imagine they're
any better than Bimbo Broadcasting Corp over in the U.K.... sad really: BBC
used to be a world benchmark for accurate reporting; now it's just another
Telebloid/Webloid selling seats to the rabble.

Right. BBC under Tony Blair (and he's not the worst of the liberals)
is not what it used to be under Thatcher. Back then, when there was
no WWW, I used to tune in on Short Wave to get the real information.
Any estimate of how long will it take the Conservatives when they get
back to power (hopefully sooner rather than later) to clean up BBC?

I am not blind. However anti-semitism is not a laughing matter. The
Nazis also started from mocking and ridiculing Jews. We all know
where all this ended.

Sorry zioNazi. That argument is plain silly. You are claiming a
"right" to be exempt from all criticism (healthy or otherwise) and even
friendly ribbing by virtue of an ancient injustice. That's crap.

So sorry the Deutche Abeiters Partie snuffed your great auntie. Get
over it already.

Right. BBC under Tony Blair (and he's not the worst of the liberals)
is not what it used to be under Thatcher. Back then, when there was
no WWW, I used to tune in on Short Wave to get the real information.
Any estimate of how long will it take the Conservatives when they get
back to power (hopefully sooner rather than later) to clean up BBC?

I'm not sure the conservatives will make any difference to the BBC or
anything else that's wrong in GB. The conservatives have the burden of the
"upper class" to take care of and Cameron is probably lighter-weight than
even B'loney Blair. It seems to me that Frank Burns [MASH] has taken over
the world.

As for the BBC, the MSM is sick everywhere now. At the risk of further
thread-drift:-), in this article I stumbled across the other day this caught my eye:

"Q: Why do you think those closest to the case and the general public were
so quick to implicate John and Patsy for JonBenet's death?

Because it's easy. People need to hate other people and the media feeds
this need. It's in the business of creating demons and selling them to the
public." Seems to have been rather effective with puir wee Jan.;-)
I'm not sure the conservatives will make any difference to the BBC or
anything else that's wrong in GB. The conservatives have the burden of the
"upper class" to take care of and Cameron is probably lighter-weight than
even B'loney Blair.

Thatcher was also slighted when she was fighting her way to Downing
St., and right after that. She was also considered lightweight (was
the gender at least partly to blame?) Then as soon as she took the
first significant steps she was vilified left and center (almost said
'right'). She was hated because she broke years-old unwritten social
contract and dismantled the welfare-state, or at least the ugliest
parts of it. Yet now GB is the only EU country with viable economy,
even despite years of labor rule. The impulse given by Thatcher was
simply too strong to overcome in the economy.
The BBC is a different matter. As soon as it was stuffed with a
critical mass of lefties it started pontificating the leftie ideology
instead of reporting. But IMO replacing a few worst offenders up at
the top will result in system-wide changes. Hope it will eventually

Yet now GB is the only EU country with viable economy,

You must be kidding.
GB could only sustain itself in EU because it had to pay less
Economy of the Netherlands is much better for example.
GB is not even a real part of the EU, does not have the Euro, only
worthless pounds, might as well print monopoly money.
The BBC is a different matter. As soon as it was stuffed with a
critical mass of lefties it started pontificating the leftie ideology
instead of reporting.
...... all is relative.......
But IMO replacing a few worst offenders up at
the top will result in system-wide changes. Hope it will eventually

Nobody wants an other Fox TV.
Economy of the Netherlands is much better for example.
GB is not even a real part of the EU, does not have the Euro, only
worthless pounds, might as well print monopoly money.

Worthless? Last I looked, the UK pound was more valuable than the Euro
by some 40%
Worthless? Last I looked, the UK pound was more valuable than the Euro
by some 40%

So is a hundred dollar bill.

Read up on currencies.

But 1 UK pound will not buy you anything on the continent, the real Europe,
not the Blair facist state:

UK pound will simply not be acdcepted in the shops here, while Euro will
be accepted in most EU countries, all over Europe in fact, even in US!
My Euros were accepted there.

Even the oil producing countries will want Euros!!
Thatcher was also slighted when she was fighting her way to Downing
St., and right after that. She was also considered lightweight (was
the gender at least partly to blame?) Then as soon as she took the
first significant steps she was vilified left and center (almost said
'right'). She was hated because she broke years-old unwritten social
contract and dismantled the welfare-state, or at least the ugliest
parts of it.

No, she was worse than that and I did not like her at all - she pandered to
the *idle*... emm indolent rich... see poll-tax. While she was not the one
who privatized the rail system, she was the one who made sure it was
broken. Whether you believe in privatisation of such national resources,
it hasn't worked anywhere else and the evidence is clear that GB went from
having one of the best rail systems in the world to one of the worst.
Yet now GB is the only EU country with viable economy,
even despite years of labor rule. The impulse given by Thatcher was
simply too strong to overcome in the economy.

I'm not sure that GB is any better off than any other EU contry - they have
no indigenously owned industry left... even the viable parts have been
plundered by EU (mainly German) corporations.
The BBC is a different matter. As soon as it was stuffed with a
critical mass of lefties it started pontificating the leftie ideology
instead of reporting. But IMO replacing a few worst offenders up at
the top will result in system-wide changes. Hope it will eventually

I *could* use terms which I'm sure would offend some people but let's just
say that the BBC has been taken over by LGBT members - the GB police is
going the same way.
You must be kidding.
GB could only sustain itself in EU because it had to pay less

As it should. Wha? you want the Brits to help you subsidize your
industries and farming boondoggle?... as well as stay silent as the rest of
EU plunders their fishing grounds?
Economy of the Netherlands is much better for example.

Uhh, Netherlands doesn't exist any longer - it's just an insignificant part
of the 4th Reich.
GB is not even a real part of the EU, does not have the Euro, only
worthless pounds, might as well print monopoly money.

Better check again - on international markets, for whatever reason, the
pound is doing rather well... for the moment.

I find it all rather amusing that the EU crypto-fascist pigs in Bruxelles
make up all those rules about free enterprise and economic drive for
private industry while UK is the only country actually adopting the umm
strategy. You lot have all those bloody quangos installed in high-profile
luxury resort settings living off the fat.
..... all is relative.......

No it's not - there *are* absolute values. If you want relative, BBC used
to be excellent and impartial; now it's a hotbed of PC nonsense.
Nobody wants an other Fox TV.

EU needs something like that to balance out the one-sided propaganda you
get spoon-fed - maybe Rupie's SKY?... same thing as Fox, I guess.
Better check again - on international markets, for whatever reason, the
pound is doing rather well... for the moment.

Pound of gold yes.

EU needs something like that to balance out the one-sided propaganda you
get spoon-fed - maybe Rupie's SKY?... same thing as Fox, I guess.

Yes, I have heard it is the same, have not watched it though, needs a card
You must be kidding.
Not kidding. Just compare the numbers on economic growth and jobless
rate for the last, let's say, 5 years. Do the math.
GB could only sustain itself in EU because it had to pay less
GB has no business supporting French, and now also Polish and Czech
farmers. If these countries want to conserve the rural way of life
regardless ot its economic viability they should pay for it
Economy of the Netherlands is much better for example.
GB is not even a real part of the EU, does not have the Euro, only
worthless pounds, might as well print monopoly money.
Why then the Germans regret dumping Deutche Mark in favor of €? Even
Italians are talking about resurrecting the Lira that was always a
joke of a currency comparing to $ or DM(RIP) or £ - you had to count
in thousands. Probably the only ones that are more happy with € than
not are the French.
..... all is relative.......
If the worst offense in their "have your say" is being homophobic
then... you got the idea of how they are related
Nobody wants an other Fox TV.
But I want back the BBC of Cold War era, and I'm not alone - George
would second me on this.

Man it looks like your brain got excessive left-sided washing, and
whoever washed it forgot to dry it afterwards. Try to dry it somehow.
A visit to a communist "heaven" like N.Korea or Cuba might help. Just
try to stay away from the officially drawn beaten path, and you'll
see, unless you're blind.

Or maybe you're just too young. I can't reproduce this quote to the
word ;-( and don't even remember who was the author ;-( but it goes
something like that:
<quote>Who wasn't a socialist at 16 has no heart, but who remained a
socialist by 20 has no brain</quote>

Hash: SHA1

CNN, NYtimes, us.politcs, German TV, Dutch news....

Consensus is they all are pro US

Please tell me you're joking. You think al-CNN and al-NYT are "pro-US" news

The Fourth Estate is more like a Fifth Column.

Have a look here if you don't believe me:

/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( Top-posting!
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

Not kidding. Just compare the numbers on economic growth and jobless
rate for the last, let's say, 5 years. Do the math.

Muslim slave labor?
GB has no business supporting French, and now also Polish and Czech
farmers. If these countries want to conserve the rural way of life
regardless ot its economic viability they should pay for it

That is an excuse, paying less helps their economy, relative to
other countries, you see that no?

Why then the Germans regret dumping Deutche Mark in favor of €?

They do not, there are always _some_ people who will object, but
elections have (with a much larger percentage then the US president
got) shown they want Euro.
Italians are talking about resurrecting the Lira that was always a
joke of a currency comparing to $ or DM(RIP) or £ - you had to count
in thousands.

Most Italians are happy with the Euro, now pizza is only a few Euro.
End of constant devaluation of lire.
Probably the only ones that are more happy with € than
not are the French.

I am under the distinct impression you should use an other SYMBOL,
as you are posting char set text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1, and that
does not have the Euro (from the headers you use).

If the worst offense in their "have your say" is being homophobic
then... you got the idea of how they are related

Well, BBC is state controlled, and as such now Blair controlled, before
that it was a bit more free, but still selected what to do and how, they
were never really _left_ in the sense of communism, it is just that same
old scolding you refer to when you have no argument against any form
of not ultra right fascist Bushism.
They were not Bushists, and now they have been made silent.
It had to do a lot with weapons of mass destruction, that any half good
journalism would reveal to not exist, while Blair needed them so much
to get the common not thinking for themselves people on the war bandwagon.
In changing policy BBC news has lost all credibility, I only watch Top-Cat
on BBC, he (Top Cat) is more mild then Blair.
But I want back the BBC of Cold War era, and I'm not alone - George
would second me on this.

mmm, Mc Carthy? Russia was betrayed by the man with the black spot.
Look where he lives.

Man it looks like your brain got excessive left-sided washing, and
whoever washed it forgot to dry it afterwards. Try to dry it somehow.
A visit to a communist "heaven" like N.Korea or Cuba might help. Just
try to stay away from the officially drawn beaten path, and you'll
see, unless you're blind.

All is relative, as I already mentioned, look at China, and its economy,
how eager you are to export there, where are your principles?
Do you go there and insult them before you open up shop?
Get a life.
<quote>Who wasn't a socialist at 16 has no heart, but who remained a
socialist by 20 has no brain</quote>

Quotes are worthless, cheap, cost nothing to print, understanding is
what counts, and dedicating yourself to what you _know_ is true.
Politics is not truth.
Hash: SHA1

Please tell me you're joking. You think al-CNN and al-NYT are "pro-US" news

The Fourth Estate is more like a Fifth Column.

Have a look here if you don't believe me:

No thank you.

To quote somebody you are very familiar with, "No thank you"
But 1 UK pound will not buy you anything on the continent, the real Europe,
not the Blair facist state:
UK pound will simply not be acdcepted in the shops here, while Euro will
be accepted in most EU countries, all over Europe in fact, even in US!
My Euros were accepted there.

*yawn* I've never had my local currency accepted in Europe either, or
in any of the other countries I visited except Malaysia where the
shops use an arbitary exchange rate highly biased in their favour of

What most people normally do is, they go to a proper money changer and
change their currency to the local. In which case, 1 GBP will get them
about 1.4 Euro, allowing them to buy 40% more stuff with their
supposedly worthless GBP than your 1 Euro which is still 1 Euro.
To quote somebody you are very familiar with, "No thank you"

You lose, some knowledge of the world outside can be useful.

*yawn* I've never had my local currency accepted in Europe either, or
in any of the other countries I visited except Malaysia where the
shops use an arbitary exchange rate highly biased in their favour of

What most people normally do is, they go to a proper money changer and
change their currency to the local. In which case, 1 GBP will get them
about 1.4 Euro, allowing them to buy 40% more stuff with their
supposedly worthless GBP than your 1 Euro which is still 1 Euro.

You _do_ see that that is irrelevant I hope?
The only way you can compare is not by the notes _size_, but by how
much people _want_ these.

Just as an example, if oil producing countries _want_ euros, then the euro
has a lot more value.

US is financing its shortage by having others buy dollars......
It will have to borrow money in the end just to be able to pay the interest
on their own bonds, and then borrow more money to pay interest on those loans.
By paying for oil in $$$ they can just keep printing worthless $ bills,
covered by said bonds (but since Nixon not by gold).
If they had to pay Euros, they would need to buy euros, and nobody wants
dollars here.
Nobody wants UK pounds.... remember Soro's hedge on the UK pound?
It is just worthles paper.
Do you know how many of those leaflets you need to buy a house in London?
Do you know how much a normal Londoner gets in a week in a factory?
Now that ratio, of those 2, says something about the standard of living,
and the real value.
Look at UK trains, then come to Europe and use a Ducth or German or French
IIRC they are now finally doing away with 300 year old taxis in London,
and the busses.

Na, UK pounds, only good for wallpaper in a small room.
You _do_ see that that is irrelevant I hope?
The only way you can compare is not by the notes _size_, but by how
much people _want_ these.

The fact it has a HIGHER value means it's more in demand. Basic demand
and supply, you _do_ see that, don't you? Hence your assertation that
it is worthless isn't accurate at all.
Do you know how many of those leaflets you need to buy a house in London?
Do you know how much a normal Londoner gets in a week in a factory?
Now that ratio, of those 2, says something about the standard of living,
and the real value.

Let's take a look at the Big Mac index which pretty much gives an
estimate of the cost of living. A Big Mac in UK, US$ 3.697. In Euro
area, US$ 3.779. Guess what, it's likely to cost LESS to live in UK
than the average EU area.
The fact it has a HIGHER value means it's more in demand. Basic demand
and supply, you _do_ see that, don't you? Hence your assertation that
it is worthless isn't accurate at all.

No, no, 'value' here you turn things upside down, let me try to explain:
If I have a shop full of TVs, but nobody wants one, they all want radios
(from the other shop), then although the 'value' of one TV is more then one
radio (the 'price') , they have no value, I even have to pay for storage,
so a negative value.

-In the same way ;-)- pound is worthless if oil producing countries only buy
$$ and actually _want_ to buy euros (but do not out of nuke fear).
Let's take a look at the Big Mac index which pretty much gives an
estimate of the cost of living. A Big Mac in UK, US$ 3.697. In Euro
area, US$ 3.779. Guess what, it's likely to cost LESS to live in UK
than the average EU area.

EU is rather big, a true average would include the new lower income countries,
and would beat that 4 sure.

And I stand by my opinion on the UK while Blairman rules, just did read
he was so upset by postings on Usenet that he will step down next year,
else they get zero votes....

I could imagine a nice UK (I have lived there for years) too.


And do not take all that too seriously.