I am not blind. However anti-semitism is not a laughing matter. TheYou did not notice ';-)' it seems.
Nazis also started from mocking and ridiculing Jews. We all know
where all this ended.
OTOH any _religion_ based state, say Israel, Iran, Pakistan (to a lesser
extend), is based on what I would call 'illusion'.
<snip>So do not ask me to support Israel, or Jews, or Islam, or whatever.
Either you don't know or you pretend to. Jews are not a group of
folks united by the religion. Jews are an ethnic group (just as
Anglo-Saxons, or French, or Germans, or Arabs), a majority of which
happens to practice (to full, or partial, or almost negligible extent)
Judaism. No baptism saved anyone from being deported to Auschwitz.
Even if only one of grandparents was Jewish and all 3 other
grandparents were (German, French, Dutch, whatever) and practicing
(Catholics, Protestants, Atheists - pick any). It was about Jewish
*blood*, not religion. It still is.
There was no religion in USSR, yet everyone had a record of ethnicity
in their ID, like Russian, Ukrainian, Uzbek, or - guess what? - Jew.
If there is one secular state in the whole of Middle East, it's
Israel. The religious parties, combined, are just a small minority in
the parliament. And by the way, the most deeply religious Jews think
that the state of Israel is illegal because according to some
interpretation of some obscure texts the state can't be established
before the Messiah comes and rebuilds the Temple - ain't this funny?
It's convenient to declare one's position as anti-religious or
anti-Zionist to avoid being called the proper name - anti-semitic.
Oh, you are into the conspiracy theories ;-)As for Julius GW BUSH Caesar, he is just a Saudi agent,
He promised to cut the taxes - and he did. Yes it is not a dime - ithe does not give a dime for any US people,
is billion$, combined. Given to US people.
Why should he? They didn't vote for him. And I, as a taxpayer,even less for others.
firmly object using the taxpayers' money for charity purposes
Look at it from the Saudi POV.
It seems that you Europeans will do anything to stick it up to US,And _you_ want us Europeans to just be dummies and play along?
even if it's against your own interests. However no matter how hard
you try to be different, for the likes of al-Qaeda and Iranian mullahs
you are just as *infidel* as America, and subject to:
- conversion
- subjugation
- slaughter
So what is your choice? Want to veil all of Europe in chadors? Or
accept dhimmitude? Or get your throat slit in the name of Allah?
Sorry folks in 'Chips' for getting so much OT. But Jan was really
asking for it.