Even though there are very few Jews left in Europe, anti-semitism
still thrives there - your suggestion to nuke Israel is a proof.
Can't you get over with the idea that Jews have as much right to live
_and_ have a state of their own as any of you Europeans?
You did not notice ';-)' it seems.
OTOH any _religion_ based state, say Israel, Iran, Pakistan (to a lesser
extend), is based on what I would call 'illusion'.
It is not the religion .. religion is like that medicine man dancing
for the rain-god, nothing to do with the things the _founders_,
those whose words were aped to for the religion, came for, and preached.
Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, all were referring to the fact that
'God', 'heaven', is an internal experience, 'The kingdom of heaven is within'.
Meditation can make you realize.... remember Jesus overthrew the benches with
merchandise in the temple.
The external show people started after them, is called 'religion', and aped
from generation to generation, you grow up a Jew in a Jewish family.
Muslim in a Muslim family, Hindu in a Hindu family, etc.. with high
Babies have no religion, no concepts, and do not do a rain dance for water.
So to recapitulate, a _religious_ controlled state is by its very nature
based on illusions, and as such can only conflict with other religious
based states that are of course based on _other_ illusions.
So no way should one even _dream_ of supporting these structures.
Politicians use these differences to climb the ladder of power, over the
heads of people who do not understand these basics, as do religious leaders.
It is not normally in their interest to make the people aware, it is
only in their interest they are voted for, bowed for, and there is the
basis of what is happening.
So do not ask me to support Israel, or Jews, or Islam, or whatever.
The kingdom of heaven is within (c), and only when we look inside will
be be able to respect other lives and ways of life and be able to
live in a multicultural society.
However, if these religious fanatics do not want to give up their pet ways
of worshipping, and start fighting each other with nukes, then yes, destroy
both of them if they become a danger to the rest of humanity too.
As for Julius GW BUSH Caesar, he is just a Saudi agent, he does not give a
dime for any US people, even less for others.
Look at it from the Saudi POV.
First they buy Bush Sr, then his (total failure alcoholic) son.
They secretly convert him to Islam, he stops drinking, and runs for
president, financed by Saudi money.
Now what is Saudi interest? They want higher prices for the oil (they know it
will run out one day), so Iraq and Iran are competition.
They need to sell lots of it themselves..
So first Iraq is prevented from export of oil by sanctions, then later as
that is not enough, it is destroyed completely, so it cannot really produce
anything, and now Iran must be destroyed, also competition.
Russia had big interests in Iraq too, so a deal is made with Putin,
and also pipelines will be in Afghanistan. but you cannot really invade
Afghanistan just like that, so they make Taliban the scapegoat, and the Saudi
princes get together, make a plan, one of them, Osama, will find some
'extremists' and finance their flying lessons, and do the PR from a safe
place in the desert, while the extremists get some help and fly into a few
buildings in NY.
Bush knows all this, he convenes with the Saudi prices and is in business
with them. [Stopped FBI messages about hijackers].
Maybe they did not expect the twin towers to completely collapse, maybe it
worked out more then they expected, but now 'America was at war' and Julius
GW Bush Caesar could get permission to make war from congress, and invade
Afghanistan, start bombing Iraq.
Oil exporting countries were now his allies (kill the competition).
The limit was reached when Bush wanted to allow the Saudi prices to take
control of the Saudi harbours.....
Since then it is down in the polls with the Saudi mole.
Somebody must have figured out the plot, to find the plot: follow the money!
Saudi Arabia has received zillions and zillions over the years, they have all
Now US people have higher taxes, less respect overseas, bigger national
deficit, an army nobody takes serious anymore, more violence, and as Saudi
princes take control of your land, first there will be more mosques, then you
will only get a job if you convert to Islam, and torture becomes normal.
And _you_ want us Europeans to just be dummies and play along?