Andre Da Costa[ActiveWin]
Sure, I can't wait to send back the pictures.
Well that is understandable. Sony need a bit of mud slinging to bring
them down a notch or two after their recent
behaviour/comments/arrogance/etcetera. ;-)
Mark Gillespie said:Ah, welcome aboard the Microsoft sponsored bandwagon...
No bandwagon. Long term user of the PS2, just sick of the way they have
handled the PS3.
Or the way the media has told you to behave in respect of the PS3? Whilst
it may be delayed, it's fully featured, not the half baked Xbox360, which
went for the Xmas $$$ by cutting features, and launching with serious
reliability issues still unresolved...
I really don't care what the gutter tech press think of Sony this week, I
am glad Sony stuck to their guns on PS3. I am glad they had the nerve to
stick with Blu-Ray for movies and games, rather than taking the easy
option of flogging it with a DVD drive. Why? Xbox360 games are ALREADY
shipping on tripple DVD, with 4 and 5 DVD games coming next year... LOL,
I hope those owners like getting up and down often,,,
Mark Gillespie said:Or the way the media has told you to behave in respect of the PS3? Whilst it may be
delayed, it's fully featured, not the half baked Xbox360, which went for the Xmas $$$ by
cutting features, and launching with serious reliability issues still unresolved...
I really don't care what the gutter tech press think of Sony this week, I am glad Sony stuck
to their guns on PS3. I am glad they had the nerve to stick with Blu-Ray for movies and
games, rather than taking the easy option of flogging it with a DVD drive. Why? Xbox360
games are ALREADY shipping on tripple DVD, with 4 and 5 DVD games coming next year... LOL,
I hope those owners like getting up and down often,,,
I haven't played any XBOX 360 games that come with 3 DVDs. 4 or 5?
I think you are mistaken.