Microsoft Releases First IE7 Update

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I think its all down to a `face saving exercise` designed to hide the
embarrassment of releasing IE7 too soon. Philosophy? Lets run this update
pass the users keeping as low a proflie as possible. After all, if there is a
`screw up`, which seems likely. You don`t want to broadcast it to the world
do you? ;) Bad publicity ? Just kidding. Never did establish if it was
available thru MU - picked mine up thru Calender of Updates.

Hi OldRebel,

I'm wondering if you're referring to my post, where I told people that I had
read about the phishing filter update, although I'm still using IE6.

And, of course, this is the newsgroup in which I read about it. :>


I think you might be onto something about face-saving. The conversation
below is in a thread entitled: "Phishing Filter Freezes Explorer 7" in the
microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup.


Alan wrote:
i went to the ms update page and this patch is not there either and i did it
on 4 computers
Hi Alan. LOL Indeed it was your post! I was so busy clicking links to find
out something about the update, that I did not notice who wrote the post.
It's hard to find anything on the IE NG, because it's so busy with new
complaints everyday. Actually, I'm quite pleased with IE7 and its extra
Hi Stu. You just said what I've been thinking privately. Of course, it's
possible that everyone in Redmond is just "waterlogged" the last few days.
Tim Clark scribbled:
The update is available at microsoft.
-->"This download is available to customers running genuine Microsoft
Windows. Please click the Continue button to begin Windows
validation." <--

Go to the website to download this update (like a good, compliant MS

First WGA page says it cant verify my copy of XP is genuine, try the
altewrnative method. (even though WU ALWAYS verifies XP on my computers as

So I go through the 'alternative method' steps, including downloading the
WGA checking program, and running it.

And, **** AS USUAL *** the WGA checking program I have JUST DOWNLOADED pops
up the usual error message, this program is OUT OF DATE, please download and
run the latest version and make sure your computers system clock is up
correct. (it IS)

Any one would think that Microsoft would at least get this right!!!!
Randy Knobloch scribbled:
For those running IE7, the patch *is* available via WU/MU, I believe.
The URL that Tim posted, above, is the correct URL.

No it isn't. At least it wasn't when I tried WU because the above URL will
not allow me to run WGA (or rather it wont run because of errors) before
downloading this update.
I got a similar, but different, error message about WGA not being able to
access the servers when I tried using the AOL browser, but when I switched to
IE7, the WGA tool ran normally. Just seemed strange, but sometimes Microsoft
downloads are detected by Windows as corrupted when I use the AOL browser.
Tim Clark scribbled:
OldRebel2 scribbled:
I got a similar, but different, error message about WGA not being
able to access the servers when I tried using the AOL browser, but
when I switched to IE7, the WGA tool ran normally. Just seemed
strange, but sometimes Microsoft downloads are detected by Windows as
corrupted when I use the AOL browser.

I got this error regularly when I was using IE 6, and and STILL get it with
IE 7.
Robin said:
i went to the ms update page and this patch is not there either and i did it on 4

Hopefully this will help, Robin!!
*Please* read more here -->




MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Windows Security, AH-VSOP

Security Tools Updates

Reply to group, as return address is invalid that we may all benefit.
Max Burke said:
No it isn't. At least it wasn't when I tried WU because the above URL will not allow me
to run WGA (or rather it wont run because of errors) before downloading this update.

I did say, I "believed" it was - at the /time/ of the post.
The URL *is* provided regardless.
WGA issues are not appropriate for this newsgroup.

Us MVPs post strictly as Volunteers, we are NOT employees of Microsoft
and are not disbursed any form of monetary reimbursement for our efforts.

_May I remind you that posting is MS News has a level of expectation of
reasonable behaviour_

Thank you.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Windows Security, AH-VSOP

Security Tools Updates

Reply to group, as return address is invalid that we may all benefit.
OldRebel2 said:
Something almost equally strange to me is that there is almost no mention of
this new update on the IE7 NG. I found 1 thrread with 1 post by a user who
does not even have IE7 installed. Shouldn't this update be announced more

I guess no because it looks very bad to release a patch so soon after
releasing the NEW PRODUCT. People might think they have a defective