It is hard to know exactly what you are referring.
The fact is, if an illegal copy is installed, the only fix is to
replace it with a legal operating system.
If the person chooses to keep his data without having a big hassle,
the only option is to buy Windows XP Pro and perform a Repair
You say "...still have not been able to get an answer from anyone..."
I see no record of this question.
The only question I do find from you Subject "this version of windows
xp cannot be upgraded" seems unrelated to this particular question.
It really does not matter how you came across a pirated version.
The point is if you have it, Microsoft or anyone else for that matter
(other than seller) has absolutely no obligation to help you or give
you any assistance what so ever.
However you do get useful information in spite of your current
Here is my "patent answer" see if you can tell me what is wrong with
You can't.
You say "hate Microsoft because of some of these very things", what
very things? Because you thought you bought a Microsoft product and
now find out it will cost you to remedy your mistake?
Are you implying Microsoft should say "you paid the money, so we will
give it to you even though we received nothing from the purchase"
What is crazy about anyone wanting you to pay for products or services
It would appear you hate Microsoft because:
There are thieves in the world.
One of the thieves found you.
You can not fix the issue without losing data (except you can)
Microsoft was not a party in any way shape or form to the illegal
transaction so Microsoft has no obligation to help you make it right.
However Microsoft did just that. If you read my link and any of the
many posts a day about this very subject, you would know that you can
keep your data while making your computer legal.
If you still have these complaints about Microsoft, this link is most
likely just right for you:
Jupiter Jones [MVP]
An easier way to read newsgroup messages:
Trent said:
I like many other people here seem to have some of the same problems
with boot-legged xp. I believe that most of us are honest folks who
got taken advantage of by bad business people. It seems to me that you
guys all have a patent answer for our problems. Buy a new copy!!! I
have a new copy and I still have not been able to get an answer from
anyone becasue it seems that you MVP's are quick to suggest that the
only answer is to buy a new one or that we are somehow responsible for
getting taken advantage of. I hate Microsoft because of some of these
very things. Even though I have shelled out the $280.00 for the retail
verson of XP Pro, I am still going to lose my data because of the way
they have made the install process. I understand wanting to protect
their investment but this is crazy I hope Bill Gates and his money
mongers get taken to the bank with these law suits. And for you MVP's
stop being such jerks and actually help someone instead of carring the
banner for microsoft or are you guys on the payroll to? If Linux was a
standard believe me I would switch in a second.