Paul Clement said:
¤ > It's all about choice. While we may not use more than one language we
¤ > have a choice. We also have
¤ > a choice with respect to other features, such as the development of
¤ > components for distributed
¤ > applications and shared code libraries, the development of web
¤ > applications and services - choices
¤ > notably absent from REALBasic.
¤ You're right. Those things are absent right now. But, it is something
¤ REALbasic team is working on.
The problem is that they're trying to catch up to Classic Visual Basic.
They can't touch .NET.
Actually, they aren't playing catch-up to Classic VB at all. From what I
understand, REALbasic has always been object oriented (something even VB6
didn't fully acheive). They are trying to capitalize on a vacuum left by
Microsoft abandoning the "task oriented" developers by adding features that
make classic Visual Basic programmers feel more at home in the REALbasic
environment. They are also following up with what Microsoft has proven to
be a winning formula with classic Visual Basic. Those are just smart
business practices.
¤ >
¤ > While touting the advantage of a multi-platform development tool I
¤ > it's also important to note
¤ > that this feature is not particularly significant with respect to
¤ While still far behind Windows, the demand for Linux is growing by leaps
¤ bounds....if I may....
Well that's what some folks having been saying for the last five years.
You would have thought by
now that Linux would have passed up Windows by now. ;-)
Me too. But, I believe that I know why it hasn't. There are 2 reasons....
1) The GPL. The GPL is great for exchanging knowledge, but it sucks as a
business model. You can't make money as an ISV if you give away your source
code to potential clients (who can just compile it and run it for free) or
to potential competitors (who will simply take your hard won innovations and
cut and psate them into your competitor's products). In order to have a
solid foundation for software, there has to be proprietary code and a
pay-for-use model. Anything else (although quite charming in a socialist
sort-of way) will fail.
2) Lack of a "task oriented" programming language in all distros. The one
single thing that had the most impact in making Windows the dominant force
it is today was classic Visual Basic. (Don't take my word for it though....
Check out Alan Cooper's web page here - - especially the last
It is clear to Bill Gates that Visual Basic was a dominant force in
making Windows the success it is today. But, why is that?
IMHO, it is because small businesses could adopt Windows as a platform
and use classic Visual Basic to write business-specific applications without
having an MIS degree. It made programmers out of almost anyone. It
empowered people and businesses without burdening them with the task of also
becoming a professional programmer to write applications to accomplish their
personal and business goals.
"Task oriented" programmers do not care to know how the IDE works "under
the covers". They don't want to be bogged down with the details. They just
want to be able to sit down and write a simple application to make their
lives easier.
The typical "task oriented" developer does something other than
programing for a living. S/he may be a veterinarian, attorney, mail clerk,
student, housewife, stay-at-home dad, libraian, CEO,
just name it. They used Windows and VB because those 2 tools allowed them
to fill in the gaps that they see in their everyday jobs. They only write
apps to make making a living easier. They aren't "professional programmers"
and, frankly, they don't want to be.
When small businesses saw the vlaue that Visual Basic added (by turning
a great deal of their current workers into "programmers") small business
adopted it in droves. And, when the employees of those businesses saw how
easy it was to use, they adopted it for personal projects too. And, when
programming shops saw Visual Basic taking off, they understood that it was
because of ease-of-use and they added to this ease-of-use by creating the
largest 3rd party component base for any program in history.
Visual Basic is what made Windows great. And, Linux distributors
haven't figured this out yet. If they would just package something like
REALbasic with every Linux distro, they too could take advantage of this
proven model for success. THAT'S when Linux will really start to
move....and not until then.
Sure.....they have MONO. But, Mono is not a "task oriented" RAD
environment. Linux has always had a problem dumbing down enough for the
masses. Linspire has made great strides in this area....but, without their
own Visual Basic, they will never be a real contender to the throne.
This is the most puzzling thing to me about Microsoft's VB.Net
ambitions. They threw away the most successful tag team in the world (the
classic Visual Basic RAD/"task oriented developer" toolset + Windows). Why?
I really do understand moving forward, and I completely agree with it.
But, not at the expense of losing the army of "Task oriented" developers
that depended on a high level, RAD intensive, drag and drop environment like
classic Visual Basic.
Have you ever read a VB.Net book (epsecially by Microsoft)? I have 54
of them. They all go into great detail about the .Net framework, classes,
garbage collection, remoting, ad nausem. DO THEY EVEN KNOW THEIR TARGET
They are doing nothing more than discouraging the "task oriented"
classic Visual Basic developer from moving on and adopting VB.Net.
"Task oriented" developers don't care about what's "under the covers".
Why in the hell would you show these developers the internally written code
in a VB.Net application? To confuse them? If that was the goal -
With VB.Net 2005, Microsoft is getting closer to the olde classic Visual
Basic "task oriented" way of doing things. I am actually impressed with
what I have seen of VB.Net 2005 so far. But there is still a ways to go to
get it back to a tool that "task oriented" developers can feel comfortable
(i.e. not stupid or overwhelmed) with.
And, my greatest issue is still the conversion of old Visual Basic 6
code. I'll bet my company that if Microsoft were to make VB.Net 2005 truly
"click and upgrade" classic Visual Basic 6 code that ALL of the petition
issues would just go away.
¤ It's like the adoption of Firefox in place of IE. Firefox is making
¤ strides in the browser market, with no signs of stalling. People will
¤ the best technology for their enterprise, whether that is MAC, Windows
¤ Linux.
Don't get me started on the Firefox issue. As market share increases it
becomes a much bigger target
to hackers and those looking to exploit security holes. If probably won't
help that MS is now
working on an updated version of IE.
I was only pointing out that people are not as adverse to change as you
might think. They will change when they see (either real or perceived)
benefits of doing so.
¤ The adoption of Linux will happen sooner than you think, in more places
¤ you think. There are things in the works right now that will make Linux
¤ premier desktop of small and mid-sized businesses worldwide. Add them
¤ the governments making the switch, and you have yourself a little
¤ revolution.
They way Linux has been hyped over the last several years I would have
expected a significantly
higher adoption rate. Problem is there's literally no money to be made in
this market in comparison
to the Windows market so quality applications lag behind. In addition,
there's simply too many user
interfaces and variations for this OS so standardization becomes virtually
With REALbasic, this isn't a problem.
¤ >The cost to support
¤ > multiple platforms is typically a deterrent.
¤ Again, you are right.
¤ In the past, developing for different platforms has been costly. This,
¤ the most part, negated any potential gains from supporting Linux or MAC
¤ operating systems.
¤ But, REALbasic makes this as easy as recompiling the software. Just
¤ and run on a different OS. There is no additional development required.
¤ Just select the checkboxes of the platforms you want to distribute your
¤ on and click "Build".
¤ REALbasic builds your app for all of the platforms you have selected.
¤ Developing cross-platform desktop applications can't be any easier than
¤ that.
Unfortunately not all operating systems support the same level of features
so there is almost always
a trade-off - another reason why companies spend little time developing
their applications for
multiple platforms.
In REALbasic, all core components work on all OSs. (Jon....correct me here
if I'm wrong please).
Jim Hubbard