Yousuf Khan
As we know Microsoft sued Lindows for its name being too close to
Microsoft's Windows. It turns out that Lindows in turn challenged
Microsoft's right to use the term Windows, since it is generic. So the
result? Microsoft ended up paying Lindows $20 million and Lindows will
change its name to Linspire. Good way to make cash from Microsoft: Microsoft
sues you, then it pays you. I doubt Microsoft will try to challenge
infringements on its Windows name anymore, because it might just lose it
next time.
Yousuf Khan
Microsoft's Windows. It turns out that Lindows in turn challenged
Microsoft's right to use the term Windows, since it is generic. So the
result? Microsoft ended up paying Lindows $20 million and Lindows will
change its name to Linspire. Good way to make cash from Microsoft: Microsoft
sues you, then it pays you. I doubt Microsoft will try to challenge
infringements on its Windows name anymore, because it might just lose it
next time.

Yousuf Khan