Microsoft MVPs

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bob Lucas
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1. As just replied to Mike Hall, I didn't realise all MVPs on here were
volunteers. I assumed (obviously foolishly) that a company that generates
profits of a million dollars a second could afford to have real employees to
deal with problems raised on their own forum !!!

2. Makes sense.

3. Perhaps Microsoft should do domething about this ?!? You say "There is no
requirement that any of us be of any value to you." ... Now sorry, but this I
disagree with 100%. If Microsoft create a forum such as this, where problems
are going to be reported and solutions required, then they should ensure that
knowledge and resources are available to answer and resolve said problems.

1. As just replied to Mike Hall, I didn't realise all MVPs on here were

I assumed (obviously foolishly) that a company that generates
profits of a million dollars a second could afford to have real employees
deal with problems raised on their own forum !!!

2. Makes sense.

3. Perhaps Microsoft should do domething about this ?!? You say "There is
requirement that any of us be of any value to you." ... Now sorry, but
this I
disagree with 100%. If Microsoft create a forum such as this, where
are going to be reported and solutions required, then they should ensure
knowledge and resources are available to answer and resolve said problems.

My point is simply this: I took umbrage at your comments, and told you that
I don't need to help anybody, and I have no interest in even trying to help
someone who insults me.

_All of us_ is correct English.


So is "Let him who is without sin cast the first stone"

An episode of Star Trek had the incorrect title "Let He Who Is
Without Sin". Bad form.

Some people find it hard to maintain the distinction between
subject and object exemplified in the following biblical
"he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be

There are even people, like Hines himself, who think it's all
right to say "All things come to he who waits." They think that
the correct form -- "All things come to him who waits" -- is an
attempt to impose German syntax on English.


And to quote George Washington:

I add no more than that you may ever count upon the friendly
sentiments and best wishes of him who has the pleasure to
subscribe himself

James Hogg

You are having another bad day. Did you read the OP's post . Ken's
reply was appropriate and correct(All of we) and in proper English be
it British,Australian ,American , Canadian and etc.

Might not have been in South African English but it was correct for
all others

Earle Horton said:
"All of we" does not appear on that page. In this case the pronoun
is the object of the preposition "of" and so the accusative pronoun
is required. According to the advice on the page, which is not bad,
«decide which case fits by narrowing the sentence down to the
subject and the verb. If your pronoun is neither of these then use
"us".» Object of a pronoun, therefore "us". The rules are so

Now which use of Ken's is "correct"? He says "all of we" and "any
of us" as if both were permissible. According to my quick Live
Search results, one person out of 1699 agrees with the first use.
The inconsistency is the part that tells me not to take this guy
seriously. Learn to read, and if you post a link as evidence of
your position, read it first.

Earle Horton -- (e-mail address removed)

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Ken's use of "we" is correct. You can begin your basic studying

"All of us". That should kill the OP's hope of contacting any
live via this avenue. Live Search has 29,900,000 results using
normal grammar, and 17,600 using what you have. Do people
actually talk like
I wouldn't have said anything, but you used the correct form later.

Earle Horton -- (e-mail address removed)
-- Defender of the English language.

It's a valid and interesting question, and judging by the 40+
has rattled a few cages ... perhaps now that their cages have
been rattled
and they are awake, perhaps some of the MVPs (real and fake)
try and answer why Windows Live Messenger is crashing in Vista
they don't know then to raise the issue with people who might
know or
to find out ...

Three points:

1. All of we MVPs are volunteers

2. All of we MVPs know some things very well, others slightly, and
others not at all. I, for example, have no interest in Windows
Live Messenger, know nothing about it, and can't help you
regarding any problems you have with it.

3. Some MVPs may have the ability to discuss certain types of
problems with the appropriate Microsoft employees; others don't.
In many cases,
wouldn't even know who to raise an issue with. Regarding Windows
Messenger, not only do I not know anything about it, but I don't
the name of a Microsoft employee who does. Moreover, this is not
an established method of getting problems solved, and even if I
knew the right person at Microsoft and asked him, there is no
guarantee that it would lead to a solution.

perhaps that mught be a more valuable use of their time than
arguing and whining, after all, isn't that supposed to be what
for ?!?!?

No, not at all. We are volunteers who each have knowledge in
only. It's for that reason that each of answers some questions and
others, about which we know nothing (or at least not enough)

They're of no VALUE to me if they don't help resolve this issues

Then feel free to ignore or even killfile all of us. There is no
requirement that any of us be of any value to you.
Vodkasoda said:
Re: MVPs ... apologies, I didn't know you were all volunteers. I would have
expected that on some private forum or discussion group, but when I have a
problem with a Microsoft product & I come to a Microsoft site for help and
advice, I expected to be helped by a Microsoft "expert" ... it's not as if
they can't afford to pay the wages !!!

This isn't a Website. It's a public Usenet group. If you're using a Web browser
to read it, you really should get a real news reader. There are quite a few free
ones available. Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail all have
one built-in.

Tom Lake
Vodkasoda said:

1. As just replied to Mike Hall, I didn't realise all MVPs on here
volunteers. I assumed (obviously foolishly) that a company that
profits of a million dollars a second could afford to have real
employees to
deal with problems raised on their own forum !!!

Microsoft does have employees who provide support. However, that is not
what these newsgroups were designed for; they are merely peer-to-peer.
If you want an actual support person, you will need to pay for the
support, either ahead of time (through a license) or after the fact (per
incident). For what it's worth, I have found the quality of advice from
the volunteers here very helpful. YMMV. Then again, I am intelligent
enough to killfile impostors and other wannabees, so the noise level
that I encounter is fairly low.
3. Perhaps Microsoft should do domething about this ?!? You say "There
is no
requirement that any of us be of any value to you." ... Now sorry, but
this I
disagree with 100%. If Microsoft create a forum such as this, where
are going to be reported and solutions required, then they should
ensure that
knowledge and resources are available to answer and resolve said

You misunderstand the nature of Usenet and these peer-to-peer
newsgroups. Are you interested in learning how to maximize your Usenet
Daave said:
Microsoft does have employees who provide support. However, that is not
what these newsgroups were designed for; they are merely peer-to-peer. If
you want an actual support person, you will need to pay for the support,
either ahead of time (through a license) or after the fact (per incident).
For what it's worth, I have found the quality of advice from the
volunteers here very helpful. YMMV. Then again, I am intelligent enough to
killfile impostors and other wannabees, so the noise level that I
encounter is fairly low.

One does see actual MS employees in these groups, but that is very rare and
your good luck if one actually is able to help you. It would be like if you
walked out on the sidewalk in front of your house and one happened by.
Earle Horton said:
One does see actual MS employees in these groups, but that is very rare
and your good luck if one actually is able to help you. It would be like
if you walked out on the sidewalk in front of your house and one happened

One does see actual MS employees in these groups, but that is very rare and
your good luck if one actually is able to help you.

They come here looking for answers too. <eg>.