Microsoft MVPs Say They Want Old VB Back

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Hubbard
  • Start date Start date

Rob Nicholson said:
I'm going to be sacrastic but guys, it's time to move on :-) Come on in,
the water's fine.

In other words: "Come on, loose your assets. Get over it!" Sorry, but
that's not a viable proposal.
We've got a pretty big VB6 application that cost a lot to develop. It's
six years old and reached maturity about two years ago. When it's
replaced, we will effectively be starting again - not only has the market
changed in requirements (we have to be a lot more web friendly) but we've
also changed. We've learnt new ways of doing things - having to start
again is probably a good thing.

New technologies are typically designed to make people more productive for
/future/ development. If a new technology requires a rewrite, the
advantages of the new technology are lost. Remember that .NET will
experience the same fate as COM in some years.
Ray Cassick (Home) said:
Ok then, lets use the analogy of the machines that create the cars then.

Just because some people still want to use old cars that were made back in
the 70's and 80s' should the car manufactures be required to maintain the
line (tooled in the old way) that created them and their parts while at
the same time maintaining the newer lines for the newer cars?

VB6 = classic VW bug
VB.NET = the newer style

Both made by the same company...
One old, one newer with more (better) features...
The new one could not be built using the older technology that created the
older one...
There was a group of people that were highly pissed when the new one came
out because it 'was different'. They also complained that it was not
'classic' and that the flood of new ones was lowering the value of all the
classic ones left today.

Even with the change in car industry you describe stopping production of
cars of a certain type doesn't dispose customers' assets.
Rob Nicholson said:
Isn't this counter to the argument?. Surely DOS 3.1 isn't supported
anymore by Microsoft, neither are the langauge tools used to write the
programs running under DOS. The systems have continued to run without
support. So therefore will (say) Windows 2000 running VB6 applications for
a good many years to come.

But why does Microsoft still support non-.NET technologies like Visual
FoxPro? COM won't stop to work in near future, so there should not be such
a big problem to further support VB6, which includes enabling VB6
applications to make use of new systems of the operating system.
Yes it certainly does...

People want an industry to continue to support and maintain a specific
narrow product line that is owned by millions of people around the world.
Sooner or latter, people that insist on using that aged technology are going
to be forced to switch to something new even if they don't want to.. either
that or take public transportation.
Ray Cassick (Home) said:
Yes it certainly does...

People want an industry to continue to support and maintain a specific
narrow product line that is owned by millions of people around the world.
Sooner or latter, people that insist on using that aged technology are
going to be forced to switch to something new even if they don't want to..
either that or take public transportation.

That's, at least in Europe, not the case. You'll get spare parts for cars
older than 50 years, because there are irreparable cars which can deal as
repository of spare parts. So IMO the case of cars cannot be compared to
the VB6 -> VB.NET transition and discontinuation of VB6.
That's true, Visual Basic has never been standardized. However, is this an
excuse for Microsoft to dispose customers' assets?

I've never said much on this subject, mainly because I just don't care
very much about it. It's also a pretty common situation, a company
stops development of a development tool and its customers clamor for an
easy upgrade path. The more common solutions don't seem to be on the
table, but then VB has a pretty unique place in computing history, as
does Windows and certainly Microsoft.

There's one thing I keep wondering about, though. Didn't you see this
coming? I mean, that doesn't invalidate the petition at all, as far as
I'm concerned it's perfectly reasonable for customers to make their
desires publicly known, but in every single requirements meeting I had
back in the 90s the probable limited lifespan of VB was a given.

Sometimes we'd use VB anyway, sometimes we'd do the UI in VB but the
business logic in a more easily ported language, but in every meeting I
was in, in every language comparison I read (ones that weren't from the
MS marketing department at least), the probability that VB code would be
stuck without a migration path at some point in this decade was
mentioned. It wasn't a certainty that this would happen, but everyone I
knew considered it probable for a number of reasons.

Now I could be reading this wrong, but the tone of the conversation
around this issue today makes it sound like my situation then was much
different than everybody elses. I often say it's impossible to make
statements about what "everybody knows" when it comes to development.

Like I said, this wouldn't invalidate the goals of the petition one way
or another, and I personally don't care much about those goals one way
or another. I'm just curious if this is the case. Back when you
decided to create all this code in VB6, was the lifetime of the product
a point of discussion at all?
David said:
That's true, Visual Basic has never been standardized. However, is this
excuse for Microsoft to dispose customers' assets?
There's one thing I keep wondering about, though. Didn't you see this
coming? I mean, that doesn't invalidate the petition at all, as far as
I'm concerned it's perfectly reasonable for customers to make their
desires publicly known, but in every single requirements meeting I had
back in the 90s the probable limited lifespan of VB was a given.

Back in the late 90s, it was clear that there will be an improved version of
Visual Basic available in the time after VB6. Many VB customers set their
hope into this VB7. Microsoft (at least partially) implemented a VB7 which
contained implementation inheritance and many other features. This version
and its set of features has been presented at the BASTA conference in Munich
in 1999. However, this version has never been released. Instead, Microsoft
created a new programming language and marketed it as VB7. This
discontinuation of a product was not forseeable.
Sometimes we'd use VB anyway, sometimes we'd do the UI in VB but the
business logic in a more easily ported language, but in every meeting I
was in, in every language comparison I read (ones that weren't from the
MS marketing department at least), the probability that VB code would be
stuck without a migration path at some point in this decade was
mentioned. It wasn't a certainty that this would happen, but everyone I
knew considered it probable for a number of reasons.

I have to disagree. Microsoft could have made a code-compatible VB7 based
on .NET. However, surprisingly Microsoft decided to create a new
programming language which broke compatibility even in cases where a break
was not necessary from a technical point of view and didn't bring benefits
(make the language more consistent, etc.). Additionally most Classic VB
code was not written directly for VB6. Instead a lot of code has been
written in previous versions and it was simply upgraded to the new version
of Visual Basic.

Some companies started writing the code they use in Microsoft Basic days or
earlier. So, at the time when the decision for using Microsoft Basic
(QuickBasic, PDS, GW-BASIC, Visual Basic) was made it was unforseeable that
Microsoft would discontinue the product and stop the evolutionary process
the language followed from early Microsoft Basic days to VB6.
Back when you decided to create all this code in VB6, was
the lifetime of the product a point of discussion at all?

Back in 1998, when VB6 was released, Visual Basic was the result of 22 years
of language evolution. Would you imagine that an evolution that lasted for
a quarter of a decade would suddently stopped and replaced by revolutionary
Back in the late 90s, it was clear that there will be an improved version of
Visual Basic available in the time after VB6. Many VB customers set their
hope into this VB7. Microsoft (at least partially) implemented a VB7 which
contained implementation inheritance and many other features. This version
and its set of features has been presented at the BASTA conference in Munich
in 1999. However, this version has never been released. Instead, Microsoft
created a new programming language and marketed it as VB7. This
discontinuation of a product was not forseeable.

I have to disagree. Microsoft could have made a code-compatible VB7 based
on .NET. However, surprisingly Microsoft decided to create a new
programming language which broke compatibility even in cases where a break
was not necessary from a technical point of view and didn't bring benefits
(make the language more consistent, etc.). Additionally most Classic VB
code was not written directly for VB6. Instead a lot of code has been
written in previous versions and it was simply upgraded to the new version
of Visual Basic.

Some companies started writing the code they use in Microsoft Basic days or
earlier. So, at the time when the decision for using Microsoft Basic
(QuickBasic, PDS, GW-BASIC, Visual Basic) was made it was unforseeable that
Microsoft would discontinue the product and stop the evolutionary process
the language followed from early Microsoft Basic days to VB6.

Okay. Like I said, it's impossible to generalize about what "everybody
knows". It's a big industry, and obviously what was considered a
probability in my corner of the industry was considered extremely
unlikely in your corner. I'm sure the opposite is true on other topics,
where things I considered to be almost certain to happen never came
about at all. I was just curious if that's what was going on, and
you've answered that question.

And I don't disagree you have a beef with MS, who certainly implied that
VB had a longer lifetime than they gave it.
Back in 1998, when VB6 was released, Visual Basic was the result of 22 years
of language evolution. Would you imagine that an evolution that lasted for
a quarter of a decade would suddently stopped and replaced by revolutionary

Yeah, that's in the FAQ as well, but I don't see it at all. I never saw
VB as some kind of continuation of MSBasic, and I've seen an extremely
small amount of code ported from one to the other. Most VB development
I've seen started in VB (or VBA). Of course, neither one of us has firm
numbers here on the amount of code ported into VB from MSBasic, just
anecdotal evidence, so there's no way we're ever going to resolve that
question here.
David said:
Yeah, that's in the FAQ as well, but I don't see it at all. I never saw
VB as some kind of continuation of MSBasic, and I've seen an extremely
small amount of code ported from one to the other. Most VB development
I've seen started in VB (or VBA). Of course, neither one of us has firm
numbers here on the amount of code ported into VB from MSBasic, just
anecdotal evidence, so there's no way we're ever going to resolve that
question here.

That item in the FAQ was to counter the myth that VB and COM are
interdependent and almost synonymous, and to counter the myth that changing
platforms inevitably results in major changes to languages. Versions of
Microsoft Basic have gone from CP/M through MS-DOS, 16-bit Windows to 32-bit
Windows with the language mostly being extended and not changed. It could
have been the same for the move to .NET, but Microsoft didn't do that.

And if Microsoft get into the habit of believing that platform changes mean
big language changes, yours will be among the code which has to be rewritten
next time round.

Dan Barclay (a former VB MVP) has a large amount of commercial code in VB6,
some of which originated in proijects he did in DOS days. I don't doubt
there are many others.

But even if the majority of code has been written in VB4 or later, that
still doesn't change the fact that substantial projects cannot easily be
moved on.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition
Jonathan West said:
But even if the majority of code has been written in VB4 or later, that
still doesn't change the fact that substantial projects cannot easily be
moved on.

You cannot make that generalization about every 'substantial project'
really. Perhaps that has been your experience with your projects and maybe
even a few other with theirs, but I can't believe that is EVERYONES
experience that has a larger project and decided to make the jump to VB.NET.

Are you are looking to just run the VB6 code through an upgrade wizard and
get 100% useable VB.NET code out the other side without any additional work?
If you are then I am afraid that you are never going to be satisfied.


I would not want my large VB6 project simply migrated over to VB.NET that
way. That amounts to nothing more than a new exe file that has been run
through the new compiler but makes use of barely any of the benefits of the
new platform. Why do it? In fact MS points this out in all their web casts.
While it gets you a new exe it is NOT the same. You can even take older C++
code and simply compile it with the /clr switch and get the same effect.

..NET is a NEW platform with advantages that the older VB6 runtime does not
have. To take full effect of the new features you need to rethink some of
hat you did in the past.

If you have customers that are asking you to update your legacy VB6 apps to
add new features then do your self a favor and rewrite the VB6 code into
VB.NET. If your customers are happy with your legacy stuff and the legacy
stuff is still supported by the OS then go for it. At the point the OS stops
supporting your legacy stuff, or the newer OS platforms start causing
problems with your legacy stuff then it is time that you make a decision.
Are you going to keep up or simply refuse to state support for the new
platforms and suffer the consequences that come with that decision.
That's true, Visual Basic has never been standardized. However, is this an
excuse for Microsoft to dispose customers' assets?

I don't think Microsoft are disposing of their customers assets any
more than the fuel supply companies in the UK disposed of their
customer assets, when they were no longer able to supply leaded
petrol. Many "assets" had to be converted to run using the new
standard, though they provided an upgrade path, this did not cover all
of the assets in the field.

Or the broadcasters will have to continue providing analogue signals
to their customers assets after the switch off date in 2008.

Suppliers only have an economic or contractual duty to their
customers, so HP still supply the HP 1000 E series to the US military
as they have a contractual duty, though they obsoleted it 15 years
ago. If you want to guarantee supply, right it into your supply

Doug Taylor.

In other words: "Come on, loose your assets. Get over it!" Sorry, but
that's not a viable proposal.

Sorry, but you have to consider that, if your petition fails, which I
strongly suspect it will, you have three choices.

1) Migrate to a .net based language
2) Move to a different platform and language
3) Go out of business
New technologies are typically designed to make people more productive for
/future/ development. If a new technology requires a rewrite, the
advantages of the new technology are lost. Remember that .NET will
experience the same fate as COM in some years.

This is somewhat less likely, COM was never adopted outside of the
Microsoft world, whereas the framework is supported by Borland and
other companies are beggining to move and provide other .Net

In addition there are compatible frameworks for Linux in development,
so you can develop common code for the two OS's, I also bet that
Microsoft as bigger vendor of Apple Apps is considering a framework
for the Apple OS's to reduce their development effort.

The best parallel is the USCD framework, which lasted at least 20

Doug Taylor.
Ray Cassick (Home) said:
You cannot make that generalization about every 'substantial project'
really. Perhaps that has been your experience with your projects and maybe
even a few other with theirs, but I can't believe that is EVERYONES
experience that has a larger project and decided to make the jump to

Point out some that haven't. EVERY large VB6 project that I have seen try
and make the jump to VB.Net has meant a substantial (most times) complete
Are you are looking to just run the VB6 code through an upgrade wizard and
get 100% useable VB.NET code out the other side without any additional
work? If you are then I am afraid that you are never going to be

Why not? It is technically possible. Microsoft simply chose to break
backwards compatability with VB6 while maintaining it with C/C++. It was a
choice to screw the largest group of developers on the planet. A very bad

Isn't that the whole jist of this thread? Did you just get that?
I would not want my large VB6 project simply migrated over to VB.NET that
way. That amounts to nothing more than a new exe file that has been run
through the new compiler but makes use of barely any of the benefits of
the new platform. Why do it? In fact MS points this out in all their web
casts. While it gets you a new exe it is NOT the same. You can even take
older C++ code and simply compile it with the /clr switch and get the same
effect. WHY?

For 2 reasons.....1) so that your code continues to run on the new platform
(.Net) and you continue to get the benefits of your investment and continue
to be able to access your data the way you always have.......2) So that you
can implement VB.Net capabilities as YOU need and want to......NOT as
Microsoft dictates.

I don't think anyone here has said that they don't want to migrate their
apps to VB.Net. The problem is that there is no way to do that (in most
cases) without rewriting the application.

THERE IS NO VALID UPGRADE PATH! If you disagree with this (and would sign
an NDA) I would be happy to let you try and update the application that I am
working on.
.NET is a NEW platform with advantages that the older VB6 runtime does not
have. To take full effect of the new features you need to rethink some of
hat you did in the past.

Sure you do. But, you should be able to do that on your own time, without
being force-marched into rewriting all of your old VB6 code. Migrating
languages should be done because of the added benefits of the new
language.....NOT because Microsoft INTENTIONALLY broke backwards
compatability where it was technically possible to embrace it just as they
did with C/C++.
If you have customers that are asking you to update your legacy VB6 apps
to add new features then do your self a favor and rewrite the VB6 code
into VB.NET. If your customers are happy with your legacy stuff and the
legacy stuff is still supported by the OS then go for it. At the point the
OS stops supporting your legacy stuff, or the newer OS platforms start
causing problems with your legacy stuff then it is time that you make a
decision. Are you going to keep up or simply refuse to state support for
the new platforms and suffer the consequences that come with that

What would've happened if C or C++ had been treated like VB6?

Those languages run Windows. Therefore, they would never have been treated
that way. But, why not? Because Microsoft knows that it could not replace
all of it's millions of lines of code in C# in a timely manner. It would be
devastating for them to even try to do so.

Companies (both large and small) have millions of lines of VB code MORE than
Microsoft has of C/C++ code. So, why force them to do something that would
be devastating to your own large, multi-national company?

Because you don't give a damn about them, their MILLIONS and MILLIONS of
lines of code or the developers that helped make you the monopolistic giant
that you are. Because you have placed your own goals and plans above those
of your customers.

If Linux had a Visual Basic-esque programming language.......Microsoft would
drop like a rock. (Clicking my heels and wishing....)

Jim Hubbard

Doug Taylor said:
Sorry, but you have to consider that, if your petition fails, which I
strongly suspect it will, you have three choices.

1) Migrate to a .net based language
2) Move to a different platform and language
3) Go out of business

All of the three options are not viable -- that's why the petition exists.
This is somewhat less likely, COM was never adopted outside of the
Microsoft world, whereas the framework is supported by Borland and
other companies are beggining to move and provide other .Net

Delphi was tied to Win32/COM too. Other manufacturers wrote compilers which
could create and consume COM components. I don't see such a big difference
between COM and .NET from this point of view.
In addition there are compatible frameworks for Linux in development,
so you can develop common code for the two OS's, I also bet that
Microsoft as bigger vendor of Apple Apps is considering a framework
for the Apple OS's to reduce their development effort.

Is that really what /Microsoft/ wants?
Herfried K. Wagner said:

Is that really what /Microsoft/ wants?

You'd think not. By allowing the .Net framework to run anywhere, they make
the OS a commodity. Then, nobody will have to run a Microsoft OS to run a
..Net application. Right?

But, don't think this will happen. Microsoft is too smart for that. They
build in classes that take advantage of the Microsoft OS Flavor of the Month
and, when you use these classes to make your programming easier, you are
tied to the Microsoft OS with NO PORTABILITY to other OSs - not even to
other Microsoft OSs.

Pity they weren't as smart about the whole software-as-a-service model
(which is the real reason the whole .Net fiasco exists in the first place).
If you make applications run on servers and spit out HTML, you will make the
desktop a commodity - and BAM there goes the Microsoft cash cow that has
made them the giant monopoly that they are!

But, let's take a closer look.... At first, the .Net framework was made to
put out HTML from ASP servers. Brilliant really.... They got a lot of
people to buy into the whole idea that Microsoft was playing nice and would
let you create web-based apps that would run in any HTML compliant browser.

Now, that they've got their hooks in you, they pull the rug out from under
you by announcing Avalon as the next (and only) gui engine in the .Net
framework. Not a problem until you realize that Avalon will only be
available on Longhorn systems. NO BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY AT ALL. NO
BROWSER COMPATIBILITY. And, they've neatly sewn up the world into another
Microsoft only technology.

This time, though, they have done what nobody thought they could pull off.
They have taken over the internet. They have made it their own, and it's
users their slaves to do with as they please.

Brilliant plan! I'm happy for them.....really. I'm just really, really sad
for us.

"But here's the thing. If you have a million line code base that's mission
critical, as many companies do, and VB suddenly changes, as it did, you have
a choice: keep using VB 6 or spend a lot of time (=money) upgrading to
VB.NET. If you keep using VB 6, eventually new things will come out that
will not be supported from VB 6, and you'll be stuck using the yucky old VB
6 IDE until the end of time. Already most of the big component vendors are
doing all the new components as .NET components, not OCXes.
If you spend the money to upgrade to VB.NET, well, you just spent a lot of
money to stand still. And companies don't like to spend a lot of money to
stand still, so while you're spending the money, it probably makes sense to
consider the alternatives that you can port to that won't put you at the
mercy of a single vendor and won't be as likely to change arbitrarily in the
future. So as soon as people with large code bases start hearing that
they're going to have to work to port their apps from VB to VB.NET with
WinForms, and then they start hearing that WinForms isn't really the future,
the future is really this Avalon thing nobody has yet, they start wondering
whether it isn't time to find another development platform."

One more quote from Joel......"

Microsoft Lost the Backwards Compatibility Religion
Inside Microsoft, the MSDN Magazine Camp has won the battle.

The first big win was making Visual Basic.NET not backwards-compatible with
VB 6.0. This was literally the first time in living memory that when you
bought an upgrade to a Microsoft product, your old data (i.e. the code you
had written in VB6) could not be imported perfectly and silently. It was the
first time a Microsoft upgrade did not respect the work that users did using
the previous version of a product.

And the sky didn't seem to fall, not inside Microsoft. VB6 developers were
up in arms, but they were disappearing anyway, because most of them were
corporate developers who were migrating to web development anyway. The real
long term damage was hidden.

With this major victory under their belts, the MSDN Magazine Camp took over.
Suddenly it was OK to change things. IIS 6.0 came out with a different
threading model that broke some old applications. I was shocked to discover
that our customers with Windows Server 2003 were having trouble running
FogBugz. Then .NET 1.1 was not perfectly backwards compatible with 1.0. And
now that the cat was out of the bag, the OS team got into the spirit and
decided that instead of adding features to the Windows API, they were going
to completely replace it. Instead of Win32, we are told, we should now start
getting ready for WinFX: the next generation Windows API. All different.
Based on .NET with managed code. XAML. Avalon. Yes, vastly superior to
Win32, I admit it. But not an upgrade: a break with the past.

Outside developers, who were never particularly happy with the complexity of
Windows development, have defected from the Microsoft platform en-masse and
are now developing for the web. Paul Graham, who created Yahoo! Stores in
the early days of the dotcom boom, summarized it eloquently: "There is all
the more reason for startups to write Web-based software now, because
writing desktop software has become a lot less fun. If you want to write
desktop software now you do it on Microsoft's terms, calling their APIs and
working around their buggy OS. And if you manage to write something that
takes off, you may find that you were merely doing market research for

Microsoft got big enough, with too many developers, and they were too
addicted to upgrade revenues, so they suddenly decided that reinventing
everything was not too big a project. Heck, we can do it twice. The old
Microsoft, the Microsoft of Raymond Chen, might have implemented things like
Avalon, the new graphics system, as a series of DLLs that can run on any
version of Windows and which could be bundled with applications that need
them. There's no technical reason not to do this. But Microsoft needs to
give you a reason to buy Longhorn, and what they're trying to pull off is a
sea change, similar to the sea change that occurred when Windows replaced
DOS. The trouble is that Longhorn is not a very big advance over Windows XP;
not nearly as big as Windows was over DOS. It probably won't be compelling
enough to get people to buy all new computers and applications like they did
for Windows. Well, maybe it will, Microsoft certainly needs it to be, but
what I've seen so far is not very convincing. A lot of the bets Microsoft
made are the wrong ones. For example, WinFS, advertised as a way to make
searching work by making the file system be a relational database, ignores
the fact that the real way to make searching work is by making searching
work. Don't make me type metadata for all my files that I can search using a
query language. Just do me a favor and search the damned hard drive,
quickly, for the string I typed, using full-text indexes and other
technologies that were boring in 1973."

Microsoft does not have the best interest of the customers in mind. Not
that this is a bad thing....for a corporation, it's a good thing.
Corporations are supposed to have their investor's best interests at heart.

But, doesn't putting the customer's goals and ambitions first actually
accomplish the goal of taking care of the investors? In my experience,
taking care of the customer is the ONLY way to take care of the investors.

Jim Hubbard
Ray Cassick (Home) said:
You cannot make that generalization about every 'substantial project'
really. Perhaps that has been your experience with your projects and maybe
even a few other with theirs, but I can't believe that is EVERYONES
experience that has a larger project and decided to make the jump to

Don't misquote or misrepresent me. I didn't say "every" substiantial
project, I said "substantial projects" in the plural.
Are you are looking to just run the VB6 code through an upgrade wizard and
get 100% useable VB.NET code out the other side without any additional
work? If you are then I am afraid that you are never going to be

No, I'm merely expecting that the work is reduced to a reasonable and
technically achievable level, which it has not been up until now.

Quite so. As Karl Peterson said back in 2001, ".NET is cool, its just a pity
they didn't include VB in it"
I would not want my large VB6 project simply migrated over to VB.NET that
way. That amounts to nothing more than a new exe file that has been run
through the new compiler but makes use of barely any of the benefits of
the new platform. Why do it? In fact MS points this out in all their web
casts. While it gets you a new exe it is NOT the same. You can even take
older C++ code and simply compile it with the /clr switch and get the same
effect. WHY?

The answer to why comes largely as a result of your own statements in the
next paragraph.
.NET is a NEW platform with advantages that the older VB6 runtime does not
have. To take full effect of the new features you need to rethink some of
hat you did in the past.

Making use of new features in .NET is why you would want to start from
making use of existing code so you can then extend it.

In saying you "need to rethink some of what you did in the past", you are
implying that there are some aspects of what was done in the past which
don't need to be rethought. But changing the language and not providing an
upgrade path means that even those parts that dont need to be rethhought end
up having to be rewritten. That's a waste.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition
Sorry to jump in off-topic, but I couldn't help it after you mentioned the
HP 1000 E-series. I did a lot of my early programming work on that platform,
and to be honest, I still miss it sometimes. Of course, it helped that we
had at the time a tremendously supportive and helpful HP representative who
worked closely with us to make sure we had everything we needed. HP was
quite a company back then.

Thanks again for bringing back some good memories. Maybe I need to join the
military just so I can work on that platform again. :)

Carl Rapson
Hi Doug,

I don't think Microsoft are disposing of their customers assets any
more than the fuel supply companies in the UK disposed of their
customer assets, when they were no longer able to supply leaded
petrol. Many "assets" had to be converted to run using the new
standard, though they provided an upgrade path, this did not cover all
of the assets in the field.

Or the broadcasters will have to continue providing analogue signals
to their customers assets after the switch off date in 2008.

Its a matter of scale & proportion. Microsoft made the change from VB6 to
VB.NET when it was their most popular programming environment, and without
making it practicable to convert a large proportion of the projects written
using VB6

Had VB6 been little used, or only a small proportion of projects taken a
significant effort to migrate, then your comparisons whould have been valid.

Jonathan West - Word MVP
Please reply to the newsgroup
Keep your VBA code safe, sign the ClassicVB petition
¤ >> Whether Microsoft backs down or not, I think it would be good for us and
¤ >> Microsoft to get as good a count of the classic VB users that are
¤ >> disappointed in .Net.
¤ > Well, I guess we still disagree. I think the effort is fruitless.
¤ > Microsoft isn't going to go out of its way to find out there is a demand
¤ > to do something it doesn't want to do nor thinks would be a bad idea.
¤ >
¤ >> Microsoft is (much to their credit) already realizing that they screwed
¤ >> up the whole RAD feel of VB in VB.Net
¤ > Jim, I'll fully admit that this may be a matter of perspective, but I
¤ > personally couldn't disagree with you more that Microsoft "screwed up"
¤ > anything. I think the exact opposite, in fact. I have some pet peeves
¤ > with VB.NET, sure, but on the whole I think they did an incredible job at
¤ > improving Visual Basic, including RAD.
¤ Microsoft didn't improve Visual Basic, it created a /new/ programming
¤ language (language stability is broken). That's what the whole discussions
¤ about VB6/VB.NET are about.

They most certainly improved it, they just didn't make it very easy to upgrade.

Microsoft MVP (Visual Basic)