I assumed it is a male because women are far too smart for such stupidity.
Hey Penny!
For me it's day four and it only now seems to be abating. I just called the AP in New York. They'd
heard nothing about it but were interested, 'natch. If there is a god, she will find the offending
motherfucker and make his dick fall off.
Can't speak for the NY Guru's, but, God may be listening, and she may be
taking pity. While my Hotmail is still being bombarded, I just set up the
Message Rules in my OE6 when the storm started and added new ones as they
mutated, and now I've only had one all day today...??
As for the other part(s) ...can't say I find any fault with that <g>
However, could it not be a female?? Nah..... We all know females have no
viable knowledge of computers, so how could they have conjured up such a
vile thing, when we all know they can't even find the keyboard without a
flashlight and Yahoo map. Plus, it would have taken time to put all this
together, and we all know that timeliness is not consistent with the female
genetic make up.
After all, look how long Adam had to wait for Eve to show up ...;-))