Microsoft confirms Win XP64 will be OEM only

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yousuf Khan
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Yousuf said:

I guess they dont wont to hear anybody complain about
absence of the drivers for their arbitrary systems, not
to mention upgrading the old once. OEMs will probably declare
they system config before they get the OS.



*science&fiction*free programs*fine art*phylosophy:
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Evgenij Barsukov said:
I guess they dont wont to hear anybody complain about
absence of the drivers for their arbitrary systems, not
to mention upgrading the old once. OEMs will probably declare
they system config before they get the OS.

That's possible but they're saying you can get an OEM version of Win64 just
by buying some kind of cable.

Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan said:
That's possible but they're saying you can get an OEM version of Win64 just
by buying some kind of cable.

Yousuf Khan

Yeah, go do a google search for OEM Office 2003, or OEM Windows XP. You'll
find them out there, and usually you have to at least buy an IDE cable to
get it ( because it must be purchased with "hardware" ). I think all they're
doing is encouraging people to pirate Win64 even more than if it was
available at the local Staples.

Note also that MS is also saying the OEM version
is XP Pro, and not XP Home.

MS is being reasonably clever here. Few existing
AMD64 systems have 64-bit drivers for all the
components in the system. And the do-it-yourself
crowd won't be tying up MS support phone lines,
as OEM Windows probably includes no direct MS
support responsibility.
That's possible but they're saying you can
get an OEM version of Win64 just
by buying some kind of cable.

That's been the case all along, but is a surprising
admission. Normally MS wants individual end users
to think they have to buy the retail products.

Unresolved issues remain:

1. Price. Is this OEM-Pro product priced like the
existing XP32 Pro, or like the version sold for
Itanium workstations? (And we don't know what
the latter is, since it apparently is not sold

2. Licensing. Is XP64 an unlimited license, or is
it timed-bombed (subscription). Is access to
WindowsUpdate time-bombed? Any other IP

3. Will retail and upgrade XP64 products eventually
be released? If so, will the generic OEM
products remain available? Or will MS force the
OEM path to WHQL-only RecoveryMedia-only?

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Alexander Grigoriev said:
The clever part from MS side is not having to do tech support for it.

That seems to be case anyways whether you're buying OEM or retail.

Yousuf Khan
That's possible but they're saying you can get an OEM version of Win64 just
by buying some kind of cable.

The cable is the thing that satisfies "must be purchased with hardware".:-)
At one time, NewEgg was showing a power cable Y-adapter as err, suitable
and was "included" in the price of say Windows XPPro-OEM.

Rgds, George Macdonald

"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
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The cable is the thing that satisfies "must be purchased with hardware".:-)
At one time, NewEgg was showing a power cable Y-adapter as err, suitable
and was "included" in the price of say Windows XPPro-OEM.

I wanted to buy an OEM copy of WinXP at Fry's a while back for a computer we
already had. They said nearly anything in the computer-hardware part of the
store would qualify the purchase, so I bought a couple of power splitters
for $3 or so. Even a bag of screws would've qualified (but I have plenty of
those left over from building computers).

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from the wonderful person said:
I wanted to buy an OEM copy of WinXP at Fry's a while back for a computer we
already had. They said nearly anything in the computer-hardware part of the
store would qualify the purchase, so I bought a couple of power splitters
for $3 or so. Even a bag of screws would've qualified (but I have plenty of
those left over from building computers).

Don't forget that the OEM version is 'forever wedded to' the hardware it
came with .. so I hope you're moving the power splitters along with the
licenses. 8>.
Hash: SHA1

I wanted to buy an OEM copy of WinXP at Fry's a while back for a computer we
already had. They said nearly anything in the computer-hardware part of the
store would qualify the purchase, so I bought a couple of power splitters
for $3 or so. Even a bag of screws would've qualified (but I have plenty of
those left over from building computers).

Well I just took a look at NewEgg last night and it seems that things are
changing - M$ putting their foot down?? A while back I was able to buy an
Office 2003 Prof OEM 3-pack along with system components I was buying but
it's no longer available. In fact, even the single user OEM version now
has "must be purchased with a laptop" as the qualification; MWAVE has "must
be purchased w/PC or notebook". Even WinXP 3-packs are no longer available
though the single pack still only specifies "must be purchased with
hardware". Somebody is squeezing us.... M$ or Dell?<shrug>

Rgds, George Macdonald

"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
If I can't buy it at a reasonable (read - OEM) price, I will find a
way to load it even cheaper (free - you can't beat this price). If
somebody at M$ thinks _this_ is the way to increase the revenues...
but common logic has little in common with corporate logic.

Just my $.02...

On Sun, 04 Jul 2004 02:47:50 -0400, George Macdonald

If I can't buy it at a reasonable (read - OEM) price, I will find a
way to load it even cheaper (free - you can't beat this price). If
somebody at M$ thinks _this_ is the way to increase the revenues...
but common logic has little in common with corporate logic.

Hmm, I just don't trust cracked - I'll never use that stuff. The best
alternative is to just say NO - I'd rather send a $100. donation to open
source than pay that same to M$... but in fact M$ want's *more*... and what
we need to realize is that they'll want more tomorrow than today and then
the next day.......
Just my $.02...

On Sun, 04 Jul 2004 02:47:50 -0400, George Macdonald


Rgds, George Macdonald

"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
I wanted to buy an OEM copy of WinXP at Fry's a while back for a computer we
already had. They said nearly anything in the computer-hardware part of the
store would qualify the purchase, so I bought a couple of power splitters
for $3 or so. Even a bag of screws would've qualified (but I have plenty of
those left over from building computers).

I thought you were going to say that you'd already been screwed by
Micro$oft. 8)
Considering that we dont get to buy Win XP64, maybe
the beta-version is something that could be more easily
How good is it btw? Anybody here has tried the beta for
functionality with common hard/soft?

Did they solve in the beta version the
problems with serial ATA drives not supported,
that was observed with customer preview version that
can be donwloaded here:



*science&fiction*free programs*fine art*phylosophy:
----------remove hate_spam to answer--------------
Fresh from an Iraqi prisoner interrogation " said:
If I can't buy it at a reasonable (read - OEM) price, I will find a
way to load it even cheaper (free - you can't beat this price). If
somebody at M$ thinks _this_ is the way to increase the revenues...
but common logic has little in common with corporate logic.

Funny you should mention that.

WinXP-64 is currently posted in
No Intel compatibility :D
mahahahaha thats funny

What a surprise ? Intel breaking compatybility for the sake of being
the big guy who gets M$ delay XP64bit crap.

The iBoot-licking by "analysts" here is err, truly revolting... and then
there are customers who have been waiting for the Intel hardware. I wonder
how they explain that to their bosses.

I sure hope the XP-64 bounce-buffering is capable of being turned off,
either at install or boot-time, where it's not required... on AMD64. I'm
wondering if there are any 3rd party chipset mfrs who have a license to the
P4 FSB who might do the PCI Bus Mastering DMA right?? Didn't SiS get a
license a while back?

Rgds, George Macdonald

"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??