Microsoft and .NET VS The World

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jeremy S.
  • Start date Start date
Cor Ligthert said:
I get the idea that you did not understand me, I mean remove that sentence
of the "with" completly. It is in my opinion not an advantage at all, when
you really want to do that you can do it in C# (and in VBNet without the
dot) in almost the same way, and than even not as bad readable (although as
well not nice) as that ugly dot. That was the meaning of my message. There
is not any advantage from the dot at all (there is a mythe about winning
performance with that). And because that you can do it in C# in almost the
same way is it not an advantage.

Ah, right. Yes, I can do that. I'll have a look at the background
compilation issue and find out whether or not VB.NET has a "using"
equivalent in Whidbey, then make all the changes at once.
Or do they tend to give a more rational response?
Nope. A lot of people are quite willing to slag off Linux just on what
they've heard - whereas most of the people I know who use Linux in
preference to Windows have at least *used* Windows.
I have to admit that seeing the latest versions of Linux they have improved
Now is the question, will they keep up with the new Windows that will com
out in 2006?

This weekend I have been searching for the 64 bit version of Linux. SuSe was
my preferred choice, but to my big suprise, I could not find any Linux in
the shops that previously sold Linux. So I have no Linux yet.

I want to update my Linux experience a bit because with the .NET Mono, I
could in theory create one .NET program and distribute it to Windows and
Linux without need to recompile. When compiled with Visual studio 2005, the
same exectable should run as 32 bit and 64 bit natively depending on your
windows version. So if the 64 bit Mono exists, then this would mean that I
only have to create one executable with Visual studio 2005 and that one will
run on Windows 32 bit, Windows 64 bit, Linux 32 bit, Linux 64 bit and maybe
even the Mac! This would be a dream come true. :-)
I am as well from the .Net side, however I have seen nice Linux solutions
(in the time when routers where expensive) to make from old computers
dedicated router/firewalls.

I think that for that Linux is one of the first chooses and not the all
purpose windows OS.

We also have to keep into mind that Mac OS X is built on top of Linux, so it
is very popular.
So I believe that we should also think about the Mac OS X into account if we
want look it about it objectively.