Micro Direct Disgrace

They're really big in Manchester, and I haven't heard of anyone having problems when they just buy things from the shop. In that respect they're really good - they just don't seem to be able to cope with the demand they face from the net. I think they're also due to expand... it still doesn't excuse the way they've been treating all the non-local customers though!
Hi, Well we arn't making all this up mate, if you go to the shop its 1 on 1 but for anyone not local their support is pathetic to say the least.

Well 5 months on and still no Refund

I will have to take up the suggestions here, ill write a letter I guess or pay for that legal system.

I am not at all surprised they have fancy cars thats because there no refunding the money they stole from customers like myself, can you imagine a company sending u the wrong TFT for 300 quid and then taking it back and not bothering to give you back that money?!

Thats excluding the faulty 6800GT also thats another 300 quid, in total waiting for £600 refund from MD, you think in the 5 months ive waited I should get compensation ?

5 months is long enough mate I would go to the Consumers Advice, thats where I'm going. I've just written a letter to The Managing Director and if I don't get the processor they say they have sent then I'm going to take some kind of action. Posting on every forum is one way, it will cost them more in the long run than £74.75.
I've had to go out and buy another one but from a local shop, its more expensive but at least I can see someone face to face if i have to.

Thats the sad thing I didnt get my money back yet still ordered the correct parts from MD cos they were taking too long with the RMA process.

Thats more $$$ to them that gave them there fancy cars I guess.

Worst part is MD still has pukka prices online.... sad to see it
Hi all

large post alert :/

I'm yet another poor customer who's been lulled into a false sense of security by the professional looking website and multiple retail outlets! Ensnared by the promise of decent products at marginally cheaper prices, I came to MicroDirect and was treated like Steve Jobs at a Bill Gates appreciation society annual bash.

I bought a Sapphire Radeon 9800 pro for about £130 in feb 2004, and it arrived quite fast. No criticisms there. Unfortunately, in early september it broke. I sent it back to MD around the 20th november, because I'd been trying to get through to someone in the returns / customer (dis)service department and they only answer the phone if they roll three sixes in a row or something. I want the 3 days worth of time back that I wasted trying to get an RMA out of these people.

They even have 5 phone lines, but I think that there must only be 2 people between them, bouncing you about and putting on different voices to simulate the different departments.

Note to all prospective cusomers: Phoning on the 'Business sales' line ensures much higher chances of someone deciding to answer the phone! ie, if you start calling at 06:00 then you might get your call answered before the staff go home. I eventually got through, but only cos I spent the 3 days on hold learning about phreaking and i found out how to kick all the other callers off the segment.

Alarm bells were ringing when I was told that they'd e-mail me an RMA number later because their computer systems were not working properly.

I digress. I finally got this garbled message through from a customer service outsourcee:

MicroDirect Customer Service Droid said:
MicroDirect Customer Service Droid said:
As per our conversation earlier in regards to your faulty graphics card,
I do apologies about before as I could not issue you with a RMA number as
the systems
(trained monkeys? hamsters with attatched post - it notes perhaps?) were duplicating the same RMA number around the office......very strange. Any way please find your RMA details below:'
How do these people manage to run a business?

I sent back my 9800 via royal mail special delivery, and waited eagerly for news from Microdirect. A week later, I was still waiting. Royal Mail had told me it would only be a day in the post, the 9800 pro's were in stock on the website, I was looking forward to HL2 and finishing my Doom3 savegame!

Meanwhile, my clan was missing me in training...

I had to email MD in the end to get acknowledgement of receiving my card. I was unpleasantly inroduced to new levels of surprise in the lack of professionalism from the returns department when they told me:

Possibly outsourced MD employee[/color][color=black] said:
Possibly outsourced MD employee[/color][color=black] said:
According to your record unfortunately I can not say at this stage that we have received your item as of yet. As you can appreciate we have booking in system whereby when all deliveries come in to our goods in department we receive goods/ deliveries from several different couriers therefore it gets put into a queuing system, then filtered, and logged onto the system. I realize that this is a long procedure and that it will be delay (nice freudian slip there) with as soon as we have indication that your item has been logged on our system.'

A hundred little grammar faeries died that day. No amount of clapping is gonna redeem that paragraph. I think that they were trying to hope that in the confusion I'd assume the complexity of their 1337 returns dept. was so above my head and that everything was gonna be alright. Let's face it - it's not that hard to write a number down when a box arrives. I printed the RMA number on the side in 72pt Tahoma. Twice. Just to be sure.

I checked with Royal Mail, and a pleasant woman answered the phone within seconds, and told me inside half a minute that my goods had been signed for at Microdirect.

I cotinued to sporadically contact MD to ascertain whether or not I'd hav a gfx card in my box for Xmas, cos I' having a LAN session and even athlon64 don't cut the mustard with a Radeon 7000. I theorised, If I cant get one, I'll just go buy a 6800GT. I eventually got a response - I quote this snippet, harvested from the literary phenomena that is their Customer Service dept. e-mails:
Normal MD Procedure said:
'According to your records, this item has been tested you should of been informed of this as this is the normal procedure when the item has been tested.'

That really, really annoys me. Even I know what a normal RMA procedure is, and I'm not the computer shop staff for christs sake!

For any MD staff reading this thread, my advice is to take that 'normal procedure' and actually implement it, as opposed to throw it around in patronising e-mails, and you'll get less irate complainants. But it won't happen. After all, that could only benefit the customer and it might mean having to hire another staff member to cover the workload. Or teach the returns droid to use the 'database' (if they actually have one). Perhaps by 'Normal procedure' they mean that it's normal procedure for them to have not bothered informing the customer until they phone up weeks later.

Anyway... here's the punchline. I got the damn card back, finally, friday (17 dec.) morning. Went out and bought a new game too! I opened the box when I got home from work's Xmas party on saturday - ideal recovery planned, 2 day pizza and Half life binge.

It was not to be.

The Radeon emerged from the antistatic bag and it had fingerprints on it. The AGP connector had tell - tale slot marks, from where the contacts had previously been when it was inside a computer. Given that they extended to the retainer clip also, I surmised it used to be sat in an AGP pro slot. There were several scratches on the card itself, too, and the heatsink was neither attatched properly, nor in perfect health - several of the heatsink fins were bent.

On closer inspection, the label at the back of the card appeared to be stuck over the top of another one! I looked underneath, and theres a different ID stamp under there too...

Very suspect, IMO.

I booted my PC and installed the Catalyt driver. Restarted PC. Now my PC boots, gets to the user selection screen and hangs, emitting a nasty screech in a near successful attempt to take out my audio rig too. To say I was not happy is redefining understatement. I've tested this a few times now, and It does the same thing each time. My crappy radeon 7000 is however, fine.

I then phoned up one of my freinds, who also works in computers (yes I do, I know what I'm on about honest) and he's had equal, if not more amounts of trouble with Microdirect! I'll try and get him to post on here too - but I'll make sure he doesnt waffle like i did ;)

Thanks everyone for taking the time to post about your collective MD nightmares, this thread's gonna be referenced when I get around to trading standards. Anyone else out there?

I want this page to be the 2nd link in Google when you type in ‘Micro direct’
Techy said:
‘if it MD were a big issue and were really crap this thread would be on 10 pages by now!!!’
There aren't enough words to describe how bad these people are. I made an order 4 weeks ago. The items have been in stock all the time, but still "awaiting despatch" according to their website. It takes at least 10 mins everytime to get through to customer services. I've had people hang up on me (I wasn't being rude at all). People have told me "it's on the pallet and going out this evening" and a week later it's still "awaiting despatch". I've just been given this story again, so we'll see what happens.

All in all, these are the kind of people that give internet retailing a bad name. I blame myself for not checking out their ratings on a site such as this one and also for going for the cheapest retailer without a hint of scepticism.
Chalk this one up as a learning experience and hope I haven't just p*ssed 50 quid down the toilet.
Now Ive moved to Manchester, Im prepared to shop there again. That's the ONLY reason I would, because I can physically walk it back into the place.

You are not alone in your wish that MD would sort out the mess their website and ordering system is.

Yet one more muppet who placed an order with Micro Direct without bothering to see if the site had been commented on by anyone. Same story as everyone else; no replies to emails, impossible to contact by telephone on any of the numbers published on their website. Thankfully I only ordered a £30 Secure Digital memory card from them, so it's not the end of the world, but it's the principle that annoys me.

The card was showing as in stock so I ordered it on 4th Feb. The same day I received an email saying my credit card had been debited and to expect another email when the card had been despatched. By the 8th I had still heard nothing so sent off an email and then, later that day, another one. No reply. So the morning of the 9th I sent another email cancelling the order and asking for my card to be refunded. (Tried several times to telephone them but no one ever answered, just stupid recorded promo messages). I still hadn't had any acknowledgement from them, so late afternoon I contacted my credit card company and asked to dispute the transaction as I was concerned they were a fraudulent company. I fired off another email to Micro Direct, telling them the transaction was now in dispute and finally they replied, saying that they had sent the card to me on the 7th. They gave me a Royal Mail tracking number. BIG MISTAKE. The Royal Mail website has no record of the number, so the card definitely cannot have been despatched on the 7th. I asked Micro Direct about this in another email and they just replied that they will refund me when I send the goods back. FAT CHANCE . If the card ever arrives, and it is a big if, I will refuse to sign for it, because I can just imagine what the excuses will be when I pay for it to be returned. I have never come across an online company as pathetic as this one and I have bought heaps of stuff online for the past six years or so, here and abroad. This time I got lazy and the result is I now have to put up with the inconvenience and hassle.

For what it's worth, I would like to offer some humble advice to anyone worried about falling into a similar trap.

1. First and foremost, if you have one, use a credit card that guarantees to reimburse you for all "card not present" transactions. You will have to wait for the refund, but a delay is better than an outright loss. If your card doesn't do this, swap it for one that does. Under the terms of the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 Credit Act In the UK you have far more legal protection on a "card not present" transaction than you do if you actually sign a credit card slip. I'm pretty sure the card company has a legal obligation to refund you, but it's worth checking the small print of your card agreement to be safe.

2. Again, under this legislation, you can return goods within 7 days of receipt, for any reason whatsoever including "I've changed my mind" and ask for your money back. By law you must be refunded within 30 days. Notice to cancel must be given in writing; email is okay but recorded delivery letter is better.

3. If you don't know the site, check out boards such as this. (see also www.pricerunner.co.uk for sackloads of complaints about Micro Direct - 20 just in the past 7 days!).

4. Send loads of emails and keep the copies. Your credit card company will want copies of all correspondence.

5. Telephone the company before you place an order and (a) see if they answer and (b) see how friendly they are towards you. If you don't like the sound of their voice, look elsewhere. (Micro Direct would fail this test hands down!).

6. If something goes wrong, you can try telephoning them, but always send up a back up email making the same points. In a dispute it is impossible to use a recollection of what was said over the telephone as any kind of evidence, let alone that the call took place in the first instance.

7. If companies such as Amazon or Pixmania have the same product, give serious thought to buying it from them. They are too big to risk their hard earned reputations screwing you around.

8. It's good reporting these cowboy companies to organisations like Trading Standards, but the world as we all know runs on money. You will cause the company far more grief by complaining to their Merchant Service Provider (the bank or financial institution that processes their credit card transactions). This info is usually to be found on one of the pages during the payment process. If the Merchant Service Provider gets too many complaints, they will put pressure on the merchant to resolve the problems with the ultimate threat that their ability to take credit card payments will be withdrawn. Similarly, every dispute about a merchant that is referred to the credit card company is passed on directly to the Merchant Service Provider. If the Merchant is found not to have supplied the goods, or supplied faulty goods, (the onus is on the Merchant to prove they acted entirely correctly) they will have the whole of the amount of the transaction charged back and, in addition, pay a chargeback fee. If there are too many chargebacks, the Merchant Service Provider will increase their percentage transaction charges to the merchant before finally withdrawing the facility altogether. Increased transaction charges means less profit for the merchant (or higher prices which means the choice of buying from a more reputable company is made easier). And if the Merchant Service Provider withdraws their facility, the company is going to find it hard to sign up with another one.

For those of you who already know all of this stuff, sorry to have been so long winded. But if just one piece of this info is useful to one person on this board and they decide not to place their order with Micro Direct, then I'm happy. :)

Ps. Nice board.
Postscript to my earlier post.

The SD card arrived today. It came by Royal Mail Signed For Next Day delivery, which means it was despatched on the 9th after I had cancelled the order, and not the 7th as MD told me in an email on the 9th. I didn't sign for it (not because I'm bloody minded but because I had placed an order for the same card with another retailer the day I cancelled the order with MD.) I sent an email to MD telling them the transaction was still in dispute until they refunded the whole of the amount of the transaction to my credit card.

I received not one, but two emails back from someone in their customer service department apologising for the inconvenience and confirming that my credit card had been refunded today (this without them receiving the goods back from Royal Mail). The two emails were intelligently composed, unlike the earlier ones I received from them.

Prior to today I had also sent them a super long email with copies of 20 negative posts from the www.pricerunner.co.uk site, all posted in the last 7 days! So maybe MD have finally decided to stop the rot as far as their web business is concerned and are paying attention to their customer service function. Or maybe something I said just hit a nerve. I honestly don't know. It would be interesting to hear from anyone who is brave enough to place an order with them in the future.
Well 6-7 months on and still no Refund, I wrote a letter.... said I have little recourse but to go thru my solicitors to get my refund back.

Im pretty sure I will get it cos I kept the staff member saying my Refunds going thru and erm that was 6 months ago.

For whatever reason they owe me so am not at all bothered but yeah MD prices temping/nice and low and as usual when it works/get delivered working and correct parts its all good.

When u need the support from MD when the above has gone wrong they get zero, no email/phone/communication support at all as you can see from my case. Even Lee who posted here if customers need urgent help can email him can do so.... Well that gets no reply either I bet he regrets posting that message on this forum !

Ill stick to Dabs/ebuyer/Ocuk at least they have similar if not better prices and an actual working Support section in place.
MicroDirect ARE TO BLAME......

Hi there

I have had similar problems recently with micro-direct...it seems to me, that the problem lies with their customer services....namely they don't have one.........oh yes by title and tel number only......

They are very good at taking your money, but their after care totally sucks...
Hello there..

They have been oput of business, i have checked with companies house, but the problem is with the FLAW in the system, they just set up another company and another.

The other problem, is that in this country we just seem to put up with being ripped off and treated like idiots (lambs to the slaughter) until we finally have enough, i personally think with this microdirect scenario, that there are enough complaints to send to watchdog, to make a public cry for justice.
Microdirect RMA's/Returns/Repairs

I had a Tagan 700W PSU fail and knew I was into trouble when after receiving it back Microdirect emailed me to say

"As your item is now over 30 days old, it is not possible for us to issue an immediate replacement or refund/credit. It will be returned to our suppliers, arranged to be repaired or replaced and then delivered back to you. If your product develops a fault, provided the product is within the warranty period. You are entitled to a warranty repair or replacement. If your goods are returned as faulty after 28 days of shipping we reserve the right to return the product to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. We will within 6 to 8 weeks, repair or replace the item(s).After receiving your warranty replacement item, the remaining warranty period is valid only from the original date of purchase; warranties are not refreshed nor renewed on items that are issued to you as replacements. We may issue warranty replacement item(s) that are equivalent to, or better than the original item(s). Please note replacements may be repaired or refurbished units. If repair or replacement is not possible, then Micro Direct may offer a refund/credit. The amount offered may be REDUCED to take into account benefit gained from the usage of the item(s), depreciation of the item(s) and the length of warranty remaining on it." !!!!!!!!!!

I have now been waiting 6 weeks - Need I say more?
riffraff said:
I had a Tagan 700W PSU fail and knew I was into trouble when after receiving it back Microdirect emailed me to say

"As your item is now over 30 days old, it is not possible for us to issue an immediate replacement or refund/credit. It will be returned to our suppliers, arranged to be repaired or replaced and then delivered back to you. If your product develops a fault, provided the product is within the warranty period. You are entitled to a warranty repair or replacement. If your goods are returned as faulty after 28 days of shipping we reserve the right to return the product to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. We will within 6 to 8 weeks, repair or replace the item(s).After receiving your warranty replacement item, the remaining warranty period is valid only from the original date of purchase; warranties are not refreshed nor renewed on items that are issued to you as replacements. We may issue warranty replacement item(s) that are equivalent to, or better than the original item(s). Please note replacements may be repaired or refurbished units. If repair or replacement is not possible, then Micro Direct may offer a refund/credit. The amount offered may be REDUCED to take into account benefit gained from the usage of the item(s), depreciation of the item(s) and the length of warranty remaining on it." !!!!!!!!!!

I have now been waiting 6 weeks - Need I say more?

Keep on at them, I suggest that you use this phone number to contact then it will save you money.

0161 6050649

I expect you have already been chasing them with regards to this, but keep on at them until they give you a replacement or a refund. 6weeks seems a very long time to me for a replacement psu to be shipped out and even then it would be a used one.

Hope this helps.
