
i was saying thats why i bought one hehe, and thats a good reason for everyone else to buy one!
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I got this mouse today and i have charged it for 5 hours at least but i still carn't make a connection between the base and the mouse.

I pressthe green LED on the base and then the button on the underside of the mouse but it does not detect it.

Any Ideas???
make sure the LED on the mouse is active, then make sure the base unit is plugged into the USB port and detected. then press the green light on the base unit and holding the mouse close to it, press the button on the bottom of the mouse. The light on the base unit will flash in ackbowledgemnt of this. When you now move your mouse, the base unit will blink and the cursor will move.
Yep I have checked everything but could the mouse i am using at the moment be affecting it.

It is a Microsoft Optical Cable Mouse
i doubt it - i have had 2 mice plugged in at the same time and both could work together.

Try changing the channel (little switch under the batteries) and trying to then connect it with the base unit?

Other than that i'm really not sure - i had no such trouble with my mouse...worked right out of the box - the batteries didnt even need charging!
Darkangel, When did you order your mouse?

I Payed £10.00 for 'Gaurenteed before friday' Delivary, it hasn't turned up!
KGB-911 said:
Darkangel, When did you order your mouse?

I Payed £10.00 for 'Gaurenteed before friday' Delivary, it hasn't turned up!

I Paid about £17. I ordered it on saturday and it came on wednesday i think.

My Mouse is working now and so far so good. I don't know why it didn't before just another mystery of life.

Where did you order yours from?
I ordered mine from eBuyer, on saturday afternoon, it said it will be here BY friday

For £18 how come yours came on Wednesday?????
KGB-911 said:
I ordered mine from eBuyer, on saturday afternoon, it said it will be here BY friday

For £18 how come yours came on Wednesday?????

How much did you pay for yours? Including P&P

Darkangel - are you happy with it? does it live up to your expectations? (forgetting about your problem before)
christopherpostill said:

Darkangel - are you happy with it? does it live up to your expectations? (forgetting about your problem before)

Yes so far so good. Hopefully i went have any more probems i don't know why i would but you never know but lets stick to the postive side.

When i got i was worried that it might be a bit laggy but no it is perfect and cheap so it is a good buy

Thanks for the tip
I just got my mouse (So much for gaurenteed before friday 3rd delivary)

Its great, easy to set up/use

Long range

The batteries worked for a bit, but now they are daed, i have not charged them yet, so that may be why!

Thanks Chris,

Mice.. Yuk!.... Ha!.... hows that from a Mouse...:)

Has anyone tried a Trackball?..

Now ive been useing one for a while i dont think i could get used to a mouse again.. plus with a trackball you dont need any deskspace really!

Help me!

I have run out os space,

I was testing the range of the mouse, it got to 5m, but then i ran out of space, i would predict it has a 7/8 meter range!!!

And i haven't chaged the batteries yet, just streight out of the packet!!


get the microsoft nightvision mouse. 50$
heh looks cool thats all i know.