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Honestly, I think we are witnessing a miracle. I dropped out because I
couldn't imagine where the extra markup is coming from. If you select "A"
and copy it to the clipboard, it is only possible that the clipboard would
contain "A" not "B". Or what am I missing?
Using notepad normally gets rid of all extraneous formatting - it
definitely does for me, unless what you are pasting *includes* all
this code.

When you create a page, DO NOT USE WORD. I cannot emphasise that
Word is for printed documents. FrontPage is for web pages.
Word will produce bloated code, an example of which is all that
MsoNormal malarkey.
Dear Murray,

Thank you for your input, but if it is a miracle iti is a minor one. For
some reason I can't totally explain, being an intemediate user I've found if
I open and copy Souce in IE the meta tags are fine. But, if I copy code from
a tutorial into Notepad or straight from the tutorial it adds all the HTML of
the original documents created in either Word or some other program where
they have selected a font, color in the original it "interprets and
translates" all their background choices.

Thank you again for all your help. I've put in 4, twelve hour days and
today is my medication time for my nerve disorder which I was stricken with
using a new product from Parker Paints it caused severe neurological and
nerve damage. The have me on a controlled substance and to avoid addiction I
can only take it once every three days to stop the shakes that get so bad
that I end up using the backspace key a lot and my wpm goes down.

After the "nap" I'm good to go for about two and a half days. Today is a
day beyond nap day so yesterday's 12 hours of work input produced only about
six hours of true work being done.

Youze guys and gals are a real inspiration to me. Thank you again and
may God richly bless and keep all of you and yours eternally.
Dear Ronx,

Thanks for the heads up on Word. I want clear uncluttered code. Do you
know if I will get this saving to a CR-RW?

Thank you again.
If you mean CD-RW, where you save or backup to will not make any
difference to the code.

From your reply to Murray, I will make the assumption that you are
copying the meta tag from Code view (or view source) of a tutorial
page. Try copying from the web page itself, then paste into notepad
as described before.

The tag itself is a PICS label, which merely designates your page as
being suitable for range of users. ICRA is a body that also produces
PICS labels, and makes it easy to produce the labels for your site,
but in a different way.

Dear Ronx,

Thank you again I am currently waiting for a response from ICRA, I
applied a few days ago. As for the </PRE> in the vancouver-webpages rating,
that was in the original generated code from them.

I hope that all of this gets sorted out by; MS Submit it @

It may cost me a bit but it will be worth it to know that the site is
optimized and submitted correctly.

Thank you again,
Thank you again I am currently waiting for a response from ICRA, I
applied a few days ago. As for the </PRE> in the vancouver-webpages rating,
that was in the original generated code from them.

I hope that all of this gets sorted out by; MS Submit it @

It may cost me a bit but it will be worth it to know that the site is
optimized and submitted correctly.

Thank you again,

I'm afraid at present that would be a no ...

optimised how? SEO, Accessbility, usibility, validation ... ???

You need a doctype for a start

that's wrong it should be name not mame

<meta mame="robots" content="All, Index, Follow">

You have links which include & .... either use a redirect and use that or if
it will work with it .. use &amp;amp;

You have missing tags

the height and width should go into a external CSS sheet

a lot of the others are to do with the fp hovers which you should not use
anyway...but can be fixed

HOWEVER..... your whole top section of the html is just wrong.... your head
tag is not in the correct place you have so much unessary stuff in there and
things are in the wrong places.... I've tweaked it for you and took all the
formatting out and put it in a embedded style sheet which you can take out
and put into an external one .. I gave you a background as well.

I would throw out those hover buttons I would have redone that in css but it
was a bit too much time to take.. at least put in some text links in the
footer if you muse this useless things ... use an include page .. and put
the css into an external sheet and apply it ... of course you would need to
redo all your pages if they are all like this one in the header.

I also fixed your pics label ...

copy the below ... paste to notepad.... reselect and copy and paste into a
blank page in the html (make sure you remove any html in there first) ....

name and save the page ...

I added an alt attribute to the picture you will need to change the text of
it to what you want...

hth Tina

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nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Welcome</p>
<p><img height="414" src="Perry.gif" width="265" align="right" border="0"
<p>The Ark of the Covenant of God is more than a religious symbol; it is
proven over unity or zero point energy device that reveals many secrets of
the universe.&nbsp; </p>
<p>The Ark develops 500 to 700 Volts DC current per vertical meter as found
in private libraries and government documents and other sources.&nbsp; It is
the key to many covered up over unity patents which we will share to study
and to build.</p>
<p>There are two Arks of the Covenant and we show where they both are.&nbsp;
<p>We show how God has provided us with many alternatives to building copies
of the Ark for energy.&nbsp; Other over unity devices are now in public
domain so now we can build them.</p>
<p>We also show how some of these secret patents will be used against
us.&nbsp; See <a
href="">Newsletter</a> for
hyperlinks to sites.</p>
<p>Although the work is basically Christian it is in Public Domain,
therefore everyone is welcome to help make things better.&nbsp; </p>
<p>It is written in Luke 16:8: &quot;And the lord commended the unjust
steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in
their generation wiser than the children of light.&quot;&nbsp; </p>
<p>It is time to set prejudices aside and be accepting of each other, we can
all learn and prosper from each other; Blessed are the Peacemakers for they
shall be called the children of God.</p>
<p>To make our world a better place we have sought the Lord and found we
need all willing minds including the children of this world who are in their
generation wiser than the children of light &nbsp;to work together and
overcome the barriers of Big Oil, Banking, the Government and the
Press/Media. It is something we all want and need; now we have a plan.</p>
<p>Our group of over 100 people beginning in 1981 have contributed to find
solutions to today's problems and to make a way possible for those in
Banking, Oil, the Press/media and government to repent and become part of
the proactive solutions.</p>
<p>We have found trillions of dollars worth of Public Domain patents,
processes and methods that can enrich and empower us to regain our Democracy
along with fruitful independence for those who work with us in this employee
owned company where you can work from home.</p>
<p>We show how to start your own corporations and how to get backing from
banking and Oil.&nbsp; We show how you can do this and be tax free, free
from the Mark of the Beast and prosper in adversity by working together,
for; affordable education, high mileage carburetion, over unity devices,
land reclamation, inner city development to aid the poor, homeless and
starving plus much much more.</p>
<p>We have found in the fastest growing high protein foodstuffs that one
pound in a 1.200 gallon vat produces 1,000 pounds of high protein while
creating 20 gallons of oil as well all in five days.&nbsp; For the feeding
of the nations.</p>
<p>Since there has been a major $15 Billion cut in federal funding for
grants for education, we have found ways to work for shares to complete a
college education and we feel that we have a viable alternative that will
work for teachers and professors and students, in a work for shares
environment.&nbsp; The shares are converted to cash after we begin selling
our products.</p>
<p>We invite you to investigate our claims and be part of them.&nbsp; We
thank Perry Stone of Voice of Evangelism Ministries <a
href=""></a>&nbsp; and his TV
Manna-Fest Ministries for his contribution and permission to use copies of
photos of the Ark of the Covenant in the book.&nbsp; </p>
<p><a href=""></a></p>
<p>There is so much more that we have discovered about the dirty little
secrets of government, Big Oil, Banking and the press and media that this
eye opening book reveals concerning the last days and the prophecies of the
return of Christ. </p>
<p>It is imperative that you purchase, download and read this book. Then
take action to make our world a cleaner, freer, more prosperous, safer place
to live for all in the here and now and in the time to come.</p>
<p><a href="">About
the Author</a></p>
<p><input type="image" alt="Make payments with PayPal - Download with
PayLoadz" src="x-click-but23.gif" border="0" name="I3" width="68"
height="23"> </p>
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<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Shoreline WA. 98155 </dd>
<dd>Electronic mail </dd>
<dd>General Information Webmaster: </dd>
<dd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>&nbsp
;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </dd>
<p>If for any reason you cannot contact us through the site email; <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> with the subject
line; &quot;Stone&quot;</p>
<p><a href="">Products</a></td>
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<td>&nbsp;Send mail to <a
href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>with
questions or comments about this web site.<br>
Copyright © 1990, 2001, 2006 The Stone Soup Corporation a subsidy of Walked
After God Publishing&nbsp; Ministries.&nbsp; Last modified: 02/06/06

Dear Ronx,

I am still struggiling with ICRA, I have the download but am having
trouble where to put it so that I can open it. It didn't work on the desktop.

Thanks again Ronx.
Dear Tina,

God bless you and thank you for all the work you have done for us, if you
would like we will send a free copy of the book to you. Even though it is
only 243 pages with ten plates it it too big for Outlook which breaks it up
into three files to send.

We use "". You are entitled to a free book.

Now, do I use this for my index.htm page then edit the title, description
and keywords for individual pages?

Thank you for all your work and care.

Art O''''Shea

Tina Clarke said:
Thank you again I am currently waiting for a response from ICRA, I
applied a few days ago. As for the </PRE> in the vancouver-webpages rating,
that was in the original generated code from them.

I hope that all of this gets sorted out by; MS Submit it @

It may cost me a bit but it will be worth it to know that the site is
optimized and submitted correctly.

Thank you again,

I'm afraid at present that would be a no ...

optimised how? SEO, Accessbility, usibility, validation ... ???

You need a doctype for a start

that's wrong it should be name not mame

<meta mame="robots" content="All, Index, Follow">

You have links which include & .... either use a redirect and use that or if
it will work with it .. use &amp;

You have missing tags

the height and width should go into a external CSS sheet

a lot of the others are to do with the fp hovers which you should not use
anyway...but can be fixed

HOWEVER..... your whole top section of the html is just wrong.... your head
tag is not in the correct place you have so much unessary stuff in there and
things are in the wrong places.... I've tweaked it for you and took all the
formatting out and put it in a embedded style sheet which you can take out
and put into an external one .. I gave you a background as well.

I would throw out those hover buttons I would have redone that in css but it
was a bit too much time to take.. at least put in some text links in the
footer if you muse this useless things ... use an include page .. and put
the css into an external sheet and apply it ... of course you would need to
redo all your pages if they are all like this one in the header.

I also fixed your pics label ...

copy the below ... paste to notepad.... reselect and copy and paste into a
blank page in the html (make sure you remove any html in there first) ....

name and save the page ...

I added an alt attribute to the picture you will need to change the text of
it to what you want...

hth Tina

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Dear Tina,

I just tried that and I have no banner or navigation bars, the text is
not justified and the wrong color. But I have looked at the code and see
where I am missing some things.

I should be done rebuilding the site in a few days, right now I am still
trying to get ICRA working for me and am checking the spelling of all titles,
descriptions and keywords.

It actually may take a more than a couple days as I change hosts to

Thank you for your help and you are still entitled to the uncensored copy
of the book. As soon as I am done working out the code and going to Google
AdSense and including it, I will have time to update and re-write and update
the book completely.

Thank you again.
Art O''''Shea

Tina Clarke said:
Thank you again I am currently waiting for a response from ICRA, I
applied a few days ago. As for the </PRE> in the vancouver-webpages rating,
that was in the original generated code from them.

I hope that all of this gets sorted out by; MS Submit it @

It may cost me a bit but it will be worth it to know that the site is
optimized and submitted correctly.

Thank you again,

I'm afraid at present that would be a no ...

optimised how? SEO, Accessbility, usibility, validation ... ???

You need a doctype for a start

that's wrong it should be name not mame

<meta mame="robots" content="All, Index, Follow">

You have links which include & .... either use a redirect and use that or if
it will work with it .. use &amp;

You have missing tags

the height and width should go into a external CSS sheet

a lot of the others are to do with the fp hovers which you should not use
anyway...but can be fixed

HOWEVER..... your whole top section of the html is just wrong.... your head
tag is not in the correct place you have so much unessary stuff in there and
things are in the wrong places.... I've tweaked it for you and took all the
formatting out and put it in a embedded style sheet which you can take out
and put into an external one .. I gave you a background as well.

I would throw out those hover buttons I would have redone that in css but it
was a bit too much time to take.. at least put in some text links in the
footer if you muse this useless things ... use an include page .. and put
the css into an external sheet and apply it ... of course you would need to
redo all your pages if they are all like this one in the header.

I also fixed your pics label ...

copy the below ... paste to notepad.... reselect and copy and paste into a
blank page in the html (make sure you remove any html in there first) ....

name and save the page ...

I added an alt attribute to the picture you will need to change the text of
it to what you want...

hth Tina

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There is no need to open the file from ICRA.
Full instructions are in the email:

First, save the file to your desktop.
If you are hosted on a Unix server, the file will be named labels.rdf,
if on a windows server it will be labels.xml
Open your website in FrontPage, and File->Import the file. It should
be placed in your root folder - the same folder as the home page.

In the email from ICRA is a tag similar to
<link rel="meta" href=""
type="application/rdf+xml" title="ICRA labels" />
Highlight this in the email, and copy it (ctrl-C)
Open a page in your web, switch to code view, and anywhere between the
<head> and </head> tags, paste (ctrl-V) the tag in.
Repeat the paste for each page.

If there are a large number of pages then use Find and Replace to add
the tag to every page:

Find: </head>

<link rel="meta" href=""
type="application/rdf+xml" title="ICRA labels" />

Very simple.
Dear Ronx,

Thank you for the order in which to place the ICRA. I have the dowload
in my Download Folder and have tried to place it on the desktop opened but it
does not work.

Should I just move it from the folder, put it on the desktop then enter
it in index.htm folder and open it there?
What have you downloaded? What do you mean "does not work"?

When you fill in the form for an ICRA label, ICRA sends an email, with
an XML or RDF file attached.
The file goes into the root folder of your website, that is the folder
where your Home page is.
Then follow the instructions in the email to insert the <link rel....>
tags in your pages.
There is nothing to open, and nothing to "work".

If you have a folder named index.htm, then rename it. Folders should
not have dots in their names.
artoshea said:
Dear Tina,

I just tried that and I have no banner or navigation bars, the text is
not justified and the wrong color. But I have looked at the code and see
where I am missing some things.

Just apply to the page your testing... if you have a theme, shared borders
nav bot and banner going on ... I probably deleted that bit of code out of
the head tags... enabling them again will put em back in ....

I did mention I removed all the formatting ... though I applied embedded
styles for the background, font type, colour and size, I was hoping it might
be an incentive to learn a little css, but at least get rid of some of the
formatting for you... you could just take everything from <body> upwards ...
on an existing page delete it and insert what I've given you (notepad first
remember) ... you will keep your formatting from before then.

But use this oppourtunity to look at the page I've given you and your
homepage as was... compare them .. see how you have stuff in the wrong
places above the body tag?
Thank you for your help and you are still entitled to the uncensored copy
of the book. As soon as I am done working out the code and going to Google
AdSense and including it, I will have time to update and re-write and update
the book completely.

Thank you again.

No thanks, but thanks:) It did not take me long, if you want to do me a
favour insert text, links use include pages and throw away those hover


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