WindsorFox said:
You are 10000% wrong and are 10000% clueless apparently.
Any 2 year old could hyperventilate more convincingly than that pathetic effort.
Moreso than on tube powered audio amps.
They are completely irrelevant to hard drives.
I still have the hard drives, care for a picture?
I never said that SOME cases dont have RUBBER MOUNTS,
I JUST said that your MOST claim is just plain wrong.
Probably not because it would show the shoulder around the screw hole higher
than the rest of the drive therefore proving you wrong. Again.
Just another of your pathetic little pig ignorant drug crazed fantasys.
With cases with metal to metal contact, with drives that do
have a raised area around the screw hole, the total metal
to metal contact area will still be more than you get with
a TO-220 case, and that is plenty to conduct away the
sort of power that a modern hard drive dissipates.
You've got that backwards given that the basic cases
sell in much bigger volume than the fancy expensive
cases that are designed to eliminate the sort of case
resonance that can happen with multiple hard drives,
because **** all of the cheap cases are intended to
have more than one hard drive used in them.
But as stated even if they do MOST drives have
a raised shoulder around the screw hole.
Wrong again with the mass market drives sold in the biggest volume.
Name one. Send a picture.
The absolute vast bulk of the low end no name cases.
It's in the distinct minority.
Pig ignorant drivel when they sell in VASTLY bigger volume
than the expensive brand name cases like Lian Li etc.
I love it when the person who is incorrect makes a misstatement and then calls
someone else stupid. The Lian Li aluminum case does have metal to metal
contact with all drives in the rack. It came with thumb screws to mount them.
Thats the problem, stupid, it doesnt have normal screws.
It does not get as warm because the hard drives have.... A RAISED SHOULDER
There by making it easily cooled with the case fans.
Nothing like what is seen with most hard drives in no name cases.
Done like a dinner, as always.