Mesh – 3 months+ of distress

Last year i know 2 people who had the same problem with " what a mesh computers". I didn't find out about thier difficulties in securing refunds for faulty computers until about 4 months after they had starting trying.

As i mentioned in previous posts, i have recently left the Military Police and have a wealth of knowledge and experience in fraud cases, as this is what this is classed as. Also my little sis is a graduate manager at HSBC.

So for any type of transaction over the phone or internet where you pay upfront for the goods and either do not receive the goods in question or are not as described are not only covered by the distance selling regulations (DSR), but also by your bank. As the DSR are so easy to get around the banks had a piece of legislation passed called

ADVANCED FEE FRAUD (I'm not shouting)

So if your goods don't arrive or are not exactly as described then the seller has defaulted on the contract and MUST offer a full refund with no penalties or charges incurred. Go and tell your bank what happened, they will then start an investigation.

Investigation basically consists of the bank phoning the seller and asking why a refund hasn't been given, (note the seller can have up to 30 days to refund), then they will tell them about Advanced fee fraud and give them a week to return the money, less they end up getting prosecuted.

Your bank will look after you in these matters, my lil sis has personally dealt with about 250 of these enquiries.

Hope this helps.
powderpuff69 was a 2 post wonder.

mesh know the law & use it to their advantage over refunds etc.
the money sits in their bank account growing interest.

mesh come by once in a while to check whats been said about them.
pity they cant comment or offer advice, but then thats not the mesh way to help their customers!!!
I see Comet are now selling mesh pc's, so that’s Comets reputation shot to pieces!
I dunno, two and a half years ago i brought a LCD TV from Comet, it was 28inches and at todays standards crap, at the time they offered thier own insurance, on the TV which was £100 for 3 years, what i didn't know was that when it got broke and i contacted them, they told me i could have the broken TV repaired or could spend the amount i had purchased the original TV for in the shop.

Well i got a really good model and it didn't cost me anything, they then sold me the same insurance policy for £100 and i got it in writing from the manager that there were no changes to thier policy.

So in two and a half years time it might fall over again.
I think it was an instore credit note or something, plus they picked up my bust tv the day after.
floppybootstomp said:
What reputation?
Keep it to 1 thread please bluecat without the links to your main one.
Will be less confusing for people, cheers.:thumb:
I know, I know, I know, I should have paid more heed to those wise folk on internet forums but No the offer from Mesh looked too good and shiny (and yes obviously it was all too good to be true!)

I won't go through the whole gruesome story blow by blow but here I am 6 weeks on, after two deliveries of damaged/not complete computers and one non-delivery today - "Yes we know we promised today but we didn't have time to do the checks yesterday and obviously ringing you to tell you was completely out of the question". I eventually had a long "chat" with their customer services supervisor who agreed with me that their service in my case had been completely unacceptable but "sorry that was that, and would I like a new delivery date". I asked them what their idea of suitable compensation for my considerable inconvenience was and was told "Mesh company policy is no compensation however incompetent we have been or how much inconvenience has been caused - oh but they could give me a "goodwill" £30 Mesh voucher" - obviously after 6 weeks I have run out of goodwill and I told them to stuff it, cancelled the order and demanded a refund. I have also spoken to my Visa card company (my only sensible action in the whole sorry saga was to pay by Visa) - their advice "give them a deadline of a week to recredit you or we will put it in dispute and recover the money the hard way"

/Rant over/

We will see what happens.

Now off to another thread to take some advice about where I should really have gone to buy my computer
Oh you couldn't make it up.

After explicitly telling the Mesh Customer Service Supervisor and sending an Email and letter yesterday cancelling the order to Dept CS2000 they actually tried to deliver a computer today. I was not there and it was not accepted obviously - I await to see what Dept CS2000 is going to do should they actually ever bother to reply to an Email.
Yes I suspect they may try that route but as they broke the contract first then their terms and conditions are now moot. I am sure Visa will extract the money back from them promptly but then it will be"in dispute" so I won't get it back immediately but equally then Mesh won't have it either - satisfying yes but not getting me my new computer ordered.

Perhaps a court summons might be a better route - as they are completely incapable of the keeping track of the simplest of information then my detailed dated account of their incompetence will be the only evidence - plus I doubt they will find one of their employees who will want to stand up in court and have to admit how crap their customer service is.
escherichia, we have seen all this before on other mesh threads here & other forums.
If your bank are OK with it then you will have a bit more clout in getting a refund.

Let us all know how you get on over the coming weeks/months!:thumb:
I have had two Mesh desktops and a laptop in the past and had few complaints
Now all has changed!!!
A brief history...
Mesh Extreme X9450SLI Value £2899.00
The machine was ordered on July 28th, 2008 and credit card payment was agreed on August 15th 2008. Delivery was promised for September 2nd. Throughout September I was receiving promises of imminent delivery. All false. Finally the machine was shipped on September 22nd and arrived on September 24th
However: the base component was severely damaged, but with no real evidence of damage to the packaging; and not all components were delivered.
When I questioned this, I was told categorially that ALL components were delivered; to belie this, two of the missing four components were delivered by DHL on the following day...! One components is still missing!
The machine was returned to Mesh Customer Services Dept on September 30th.
Second Attempt
A second delivery was made on Wednesday, 15th October. Upon unpacking it was clear that another dent in the side of the machine may have dislodged a fan. I have been trying to test the Mesh Extreme X9450SLI. It DOES power up, blue and red lights appear everywhere (how favourable is this environmentally?), but there is no further action. The monitor reads “No Signal Input” and any booting up falters. Eventually the fans stop and the lights go out and the show is over...
I requested immediate collection but it was only removed by DHL today, October 30th.
It will be 3 months since payment by the time the machine is back...
Update from escherichia

Since my last post Mesh have been spectacularly uncommunicative and unhelpful (what else did you expect!) - in response to my demand for a refund I had a standard letter from Dept CS2000 asking me to return the computer which they haven't actually delivered - duh how can one company employ so many stupid people!! I replied by email reminding them they hadn't actually delivered it and that all I needed to return was a small box of speakers and no I wouldn't like to wait in all day for DHL to pick them up. No reply after 10 days so I sent the speakers back by post, very easy, very cheap, no sitting around all day - reminded them they still owe me for the postage and to add it on to the refund asap. Another 10 days still no contact from mesh not even to acknowledge they had recieved the speakers - have now instigated formal dispute proceedings with Visa.

I wonder if it is possible to get a company struck off from accepting Visa for utter incompetence - shall investigate - if I can help Mesh a little towards insolvency it will almost make me happy.
Update from Escherichia #2

Not doing so well - VISA dispute procedure has failed - apparently because Mesh actually tried to replace the computer (they failed in this as they didn't deliver it with all the components and the "do not accept if broken sticker" was broken therefore I refused to accept delivery) then I can no longer claim under the straight forward credit card refund system - seems dumb but my bank are pretty adamant on this.

On the up side it appears that Mesh may have lied to Visa in the dispute process, i.e. they seem to have said that the computer wasn't ever returned. I still need to actually see the documentation they have supplied to Visa and to check with DHL that they actually did return it BUT if this is true I am seriously going to insist that Visa jump up and down on them from a great height - if I lied in the dispute system I am sure that Visa would take my card away, shouldn't the retailer get the same treatment??

Well, on advice from another computer forum site, I am going to try emailing Davey at Mesh and see if the threat of a court summons can get some action out of the refund team.
Sorry to hear your on-going problems escherichia.
Try emailing (e-mail address removed) and see if he can help more?
Sorry to hear your ongoing problems. DHL have "lost" my computer. However I noticed that Mesh have been more solicitous since I promised legal least for the moment.