Mesh – 3 months+ of distress

Dec 19, 2007
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Hi all

I received my Mesh PC on 12/11/07. When I unpacked it, it wouldn't even switch on. It took over a day to get through to somebody on the phone who suggested looking for loose connections. I did this in the presence of an IT professional as I wasn't happy with taking the case off a brand new PC. No loose connections were found, and the PC refused to operate. It simply sat there bleeping every couple of seconds.

Therefore, on 14/11 I called Mesh and rejected the PC outright. A girl on the phone told me I would have to put my request in writing. I asked what other details would be needed and she told me my order number and name would be sufficient. I asked if I could fax the request and she told me that was fine. I faxed my refund request through from work and immediately called back. Mesh told me they had received my fax and that the goods would now be collected.

It took 2 WEEKS for Amtrak to come and collect the machine. Yet another 2 WEEKS went by before I had to call Mesh myself and ask where my refund was. To my utter amazement, I was passed around and eventually told that Mesh had "examined the machine" and found nothing wrong with it. As "the goods had been used and a fault reported" my refund was rejected.

Needless to say, one month on I was stunned by this. Colleagues advised me I was perfectly within my rights to reject the PC within 7 days under the Distance Selling Regulations 2000. I had not authorised Mesh to "examine" the PC and deem it fit or otherwise, my request was for a refund outright. I was also angered by the fact that the company was adamant "the goods had been used"...I wasn't even able to switch the PC on!!!!

The fact that my machine was certified dead by an IT professional (who I can get as a witness if required) is, as I see it, irrelevant anyway. Under Distance Selling regulations the goods can be rejected outright without reason. I've long since been forced to buy a PC from a decent and reputable firm so am well out of pocket because of this.

It is now coming up to 3 months since I requested my refund and Mesh have had my money since 25/10 and the PC since 26/11. How can anybody be treated in such an appalling way by a supposedly reputable firm? I can't begin to tell you how upsetting and distressing this battle has been so far.

Mesh's defence appears to be that under their terms and conditions, a refund request under Distance Selling regulations needs to be sent to a very specific department, the first part being [font=&quot]"DEPT CS 2000. MESH Computers Ltd." I was never told about this whatsoever when on the phone and requesting the information about a refund. Mesh seem to think that because I didn't read this in the terms and conditions it exonerates them. Surely this is nonsense?

Does anyone have any advice about what I could do next? I don't want anyone to go through the stress I've gone through in dealing with this company and I cannot emphasise enough that if you are thinking of buying from them, take your money elsewhere.
The Distance Selling Regulations allow for written notification by Fax, Letter or Email - you did so by fax and they acknowleged receipt so you are covered despite what their own T&C's say..........however there are some exemptions to your rights to cancellation, one being 'Goods made to a customers specification' - was this an off-the-shelf system, or did you make changes to the spec?
Owning a mesh can damage you health

Sadly Mesh seem to know the law quiet well as they use it every time to stop giving refunds.
If you paid by credit or debit card you may have some redress through your card company.
Or you could contact BBC Watchdog who did a slot on Mesh last year.
It does however show you that Mesh's customer service is 100% crap.

And some pc mags still say Mesh are the best out, shows that advertising revenue is more sought after than telling the real truth about how Mesh shaft their customers time & time again!!!

My own Mesh pc is now over 3 years old & has been looked at by a professional pc techie who could not believe the way my pc and been built in such a shoddy way.
Just goes to show they are only number 1 in the pc market by those they advertise with!!!!

Note for Mods: If this post needs to be trimmed to stop the site getting into trouble with Mesh do what you need to do.
Thanks for reading. I specified a graphics card over on-board graphics and I believe that was it. Components are just components though, can't see that one being a problem. They could easily use the bits in another machine etc.

Thanks Murdoch – am currently looking into all possibilities including going to my bank etc. I've also written to Watchdog yesterday.

Number one in the PC market?! You have to be kidding me. I thought Tiscali were mind bogglingly atrocious to deal with but Mesh make them look like award winners.
Mesh can ruin your PC & your Health

Sadly mesh seem not to care about their customers.
May be another appearance on Watchdog will result in another promise of upping their customer support by 100%.
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hi all, new to this, inspired by my loathing of mesh computers who have put myself and my son through hell too.
should have had the unit, complete with monitor and speakers collected by amtrak today.
guess im in for a long wait and a long court battle because i am perfectly willing to take this as far as it needs to go to get money back to enable me to buy a computer for my boy who has had a critical illness and been waiting for this computer since before christmas.
it has been a long battle to get them to agree to a refund, but now i fear it may have been a hollow victory.....for now.
i will post any news of progress and follow your progress ( if you get any) with envy.
Good luck to all fellow messed up mesh victims.
Sorry to hear your problem mesh mush, but sadly it's not uncommon when dealing with mesh.
If you paid by credit or debit card you may have some redress via your bank.
But mesh play by different rules to any other company and it will take ages to get a refund.
Or contact BBC Watchdog as I & Others have done in the past.

Mesh even come and look at what is posted here, but sadly dont feel they can respond to posts.
You would of thought if they cared about their customers they would do so!
haha cheers mate.

I videoed the fault on the pc, including the serial numbers of the unit etc and actually started the thing up and videoed the faults appear on the screen so if they claim there is no fault, we have evidence to prove otherwise.
They will not beat me, i can promise you that.
I recently worked in the county courts and have all the forms and information and relevant advice should I need to take them to court and am going to go to the media if my refund is not forthcoming within a set period of time.
There is no customer service as far as I am concerned, as we are not customers in their eyes. Just mugs on a treadmill and they set the speed, but im not giving in and progress was made today...I will elaborate when I have got the refund....and I will!!!!!
Good luck with your case too, and I will contact watchdog if necessary and if anyone wants to add more weight to their case by gathering case files etc, I'm only too happy to add my name to any campaigns.
How in God's name can this be going on day after day and to person after person? I'm seething with rage as I type this. Latest on my case is that the bank is investigating, but to do that they have to cancel my card and issue another one which could take up to 5 days. Upshot of that is I can't get any cash out without going to a branch (miles away) so once again due to Mesh's disgraceful conduct I will have to beg for my lunch tomorrow.

Like you though Mr. Mush, I'll be damned if this company is going to get away with it.
mesh come and check these emails every now & then and would you not think that seeing these posts they might think, oh hang on lets help these people after all their our customers.

alistair® & mesh mush sadly if past experiences are true you will both wait a long time to get a refund.

poor customer service + poor customer support = meshcomputers!!!
murdoch said:
mesh come and check these emails every now & then and would you not think that seeing these posts they might think, oh hang on lets help these people after all their our customers.

alistair® & mesh mush sadly if past experiences are true you will both wait a long time to get a refund.

poor customer service + poor customer support = meshcomputers!!!

Murdoch, bad customer service and support is one thing, this is much more than that. Witholding my money this long has to be criminal, and I will prove so in court if I have to.
ooops, im Miss mesh prob confusing, sorry...
Thanks for reply murdoch and alistair, seems we are members of a very inexclusive club, but im determind and having spoken to mesh on the phone a few times now and having managed to get unit returned by amtrak with a receipt kindly given by amtrak as proof of return and having videotaped the fault on screen as it occured, i truly am looking forward to taking them to court if my complete and full refund is not in my bank account by the end of next week.
it may be simple otimism or foolhardy wishful thinking, but as i said before, my son is going through some intensive treatment at the moment and as unwilling as i was initially to make that public, if it means he gets the computer he is entitled to, then he and i agree that we will go to watchdog, the media, all forums i can find, utube, etc and will go to local comet store and dissuade customers from buying mesh products until they see they have picked on the wrong woman here.
ooohhh, think a little boedica moment occured there, but you get my drift.
i will not let them get away with this theft and am currently considering pursuing compensation on top of the full refund as they have caused untold distress.
Your circumstances seem even worse than mine which is dreadful. Watchdog did a feature on Mesh so I'm sure they are dead keen to receive any information on them.

If my experience is anything to go by, you have a cat in hell's chance of having your money by next week. If they had any idea of how their conduct actually affected people's lives then you'd hope they would change their ways. I think it unlikely though as I've been treated like a piece of you know what.
Got an email from mesh today offering me great discounts on their current pc's.
I however like my sanity so will not be taking up their offer!
Their pc's have good parts in them, it's just the build quality & reliability thats a problem.
Customer service & support really lets them down big time.

Wonder if they will get on BBC Watchdog again?
alistair® said:
How in God's name can this be going on day after day and to person after person? I'm seething with rage as I type this. Latest on my case is that the bank is investigating, but to do that they have to cancel my card and issue another one which could take up to 5 days. Upshot of that is I can't get any cash out without going to a branch (miles away) so once again due to Mesh's disgraceful conduct I will have to beg for my lunch tomorrow.

Like you though Mr. Mush, I'll be damned if this company is going to get away with it.

you could try e-mailing this company( there website is )or go there for help.

edit : I've edited this part out, as it's old data and brent trading standards can't help directly - please contact your own local trading standards :)
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Mesh Mess?? Play them at their own game - Get Tough!

alistair® said:
How in God's name can this be going on day after day and to person after person? I'm seething with rage as I type this. Latest on my case is that the bank is investigating, but to do that they have to cancel my card and issue another one which could take up to 5 days. Upshot of that is I can't get any cash out without going to a branch (miles away) so once again due to Mesh's disgraceful conduct I will have to beg for my lunch tomorrow.

Like you though Mr. Mush, I'll be damned if this company is going to get away with it.

After buying from Mesh online in early March 2008 and waiting 5 weeks for it to be delivered I ended up sueing Mesh in the County Court after my PC package didn't work out of the box and they failed to respond to my emailed letters requesting a refund. They responded pretty quickly after I emailed a copy of the online paperwork from the County Court to their Services Dept and Managing Director :o . . and then got the same paperwork in the post from the Court! I got my full refund and court costs back in about a fortnight! . . without having to send the order back first!
This company employs all the tricks in the book not to provide customers with good service and refunds where necessary. My Advice? Don't mess about with them . . get tough from the start and don't wait too long before lodging a County Court claim for a refund. You can do this online at HMCS Money Claim Online, it's very easy to use and once you file your claim it's issued within a day or so and sent to the company.
mesh - buyer beware

Of course mesh move quickly when it gets all legal after all the last thing they want is to appear in Court!
But sadly mesh's service to their customers just goes from very poor to shocking!
It's a pity mesh feel that they can’t answer to any of this feedback here on the forum.
But as they dont 'control' the forum it they dont want to add to the debate.

Sad that a once honourable company is now known more for offering a 2nd rate service
And sadly more mesh customers will become victims!

Mesh Mess?? Play them at their own game - Get Tough!

Actually Murdoch, I think the thought of appearing in court would be the least of their worries and, lets face it, they would probably just send some faceless admin person and a lawyer! They don't appear to have changed their ways at all since the BBC Watchdog prog. Bad publicity doesn't seem to bother them one iota!
Whereas, a County Court judgement against them may affect their credit rating as a company and this in turn could affect their operating and buying quite seriously, particularly if they are already a struggling company in a competitive market place. Their suppliers could decide not to supply on a credit basis, their bankers and their main retail outlet - Comet - may loose confidence in them and their cash flow could be seriously compromised.
For a company like Mesh, who appear to live on the edge as it is, viz business and trading, this would be a disaster . . and the well paid directors and shareholders would be apoplectic!
That is the power of taking them to Court . .

And from what I have seen and read in these message threads . . more people ought to do it more often with this company . . and others, who fail to perform as good suppliers and providers and treat customers with the respect their buying power and money commands. Only by doing this will these poor performing companies ever be forced to change the way they operate.

Nuff said??

Ya! Think so!
Ah got mah moneeeeeee honeeeeeeee!!!!
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