Wayne Youngman
Could you let me know how your order goes with www.thecoolingshop.co.uk? I'm
looking at ordering some rev. 4 coollers for my Radeon 8500 card but I've
never purchased anything from them before. Any info on their performance /
customer service would be great.
As an aside, does anyone know where I can get some isopropyl alcohol from
for the installation process?
Hi, yeah sure no problem. My order was processed on the web very quickly,
and I received a prompt order notification email. That was Thursday day.
There was a courier note posted through my door today, sadly I was asleep as
I didn't crash till 5:30am last night. Not sure if it was my cooling shop
order or possibly it could be an RMA'd MAXTOR drive I am waiting on. . .I
will confirm this Monday
Wayne ][
P.S: One thing I like about the cooling shop already is they do *FREE*