Here are the two registry keys to play DVDs in Media Player and watch TV/DVD
in Media Center using ATI HD 3450 Hardware Decoder. The system DVD in Media
Player and TV in Media Center simultaneously:
PreferredMPEG2VideoDecoderCLSID = {212690FB-83E5-4526-8FD7-74478B7939CD}
PreferredMPEG2VideoDecoderCLSID = {37A4D808-E76C-11D2-935C-00A024E52661}
To hear both audio streams, uncheck "Allow Applications to take exclusive
control of this device" in the Advanced tab of play back audio device.
in Media Center using ATI HD 3450 Hardware Decoder. The system DVD in Media
Player and TV in Media Center simultaneously:
PreferredMPEG2VideoDecoderCLSID = {212690FB-83E5-4526-8FD7-74478B7939CD}
PreferredMPEG2VideoDecoderCLSID = {37A4D808-E76C-11D2-935C-00A024E52661}
To hear both audio streams, uncheck "Allow Applications to take exclusive
control of this device" in the Advanced tab of play back audio device.
Zack said:I wrote a response to your post, but the system timed out and I could not
send the response.
So quickly, Media Player takes its Preferred MPEG decoder from Media Center.
You set the MPEG decoder in this key:
Then you can also designate any decoder in this key:
They do not need to be the same. Which gives you two degrees of freedom.
If the first listed decoder is compatible with Media Player, you can watch
DVDs in Media Player. If it is not, you still can play DVDs and watch TV in
Media Center. In that case, you designate Media Center to play all Media
locally, and Media Player for the lower resoultion Internet media.
The Adobe drivers32 was a solution for solving no sound in Flash player. If
it has "dangerous" enteries in two keys, please advice to remove them.
The solution was deduced from a closely related problem addressed by a
person who was on Microsoft's evaluation team of Vista RC1 and RC2, just I
I use ATI's hardware decoder to utilize acceleration of the display card.
Albeit, it is incompatible with Media Player. Therefore, you designate Media
Center to play all local media at HD capacity of the display card, and
relegate Media Player to play the lower resolution Internet media. They will
coexist perfectly.
As of this date ATI has not published decoders for any of their display
cards that are Media Player compatible. But Media Center uses them witrhout
any problems.
My system plays DVDs and streams TV using ATI drivers at 7-8 Mbps from
PCTOGOTV HD Wireless on N band. Utilizing CPU usage of 23% and memory of
34%, while running Outlook 2007 and multitude of other programs.
Just relegate Media Player to lower resoolution media and Media Center for
the Computer's video display, TV, DVD, etc. in HD display by setting it as
the preferred program for all media with permiussion to access Media Player.
San Francisco
zachd said:The values you provided are pretty horrible and dangerous, actually. Is
your system really configured like that?
What Adobe "publishing" are you referring to?
These two specific entries:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32]
are horrible and dangerous and will probably destabilize your system.
Anybody telling you to add those may not understand precisely what they're
doing. Especially the latter setting.
At some point, had you installed a "codec pack"? That could definitely
stymie even multimedia experts: those are typically breathtakingly badly
Anyways, the data you provided scares me in its badness: where precisely did
it come from?
Speaking for myself only.
See http://zachd.com/pss/pss.html for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Zack said:The Case ID is SRX1083578172 and was closed as not solved on 11/18/2008.
Since then I have made two major corerections which have resolved the
1. Designating the Preferred MPEG2 decoder.
2. Registration of driver32 key was provided by Adobe:.
The following are the solutions:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
The above is for ATI HD 3450 MPEG Hardware Decoder
{37A4D808-E76C-11D2-935C-00A024E52661}. You simply change this value to a
decoder of your choice.
Adobe published the following for drivers32 key:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00