Hi Wrangler:
Its great to see your still around. You know that if your not around then you are a square
While this is no burning question, I'm still interested in an answer, even qualified, and I
think I understand there is an OS dependency . The knowledge helps me to support and use
McAfee AV software better.
I'm sorry to say, I won't be going to Chicago :-(
PS All the best to you and yours and I hope your new situation brings you the pleasures you
so rightly deserve.
| > Thanx PeaceKeeper!
| > I'm glad to see you monitoring.
| > Too bad Wrangler (UK) monitors very intermittently. He is EXTREMELY
| knowledgeable on McAfee
| > ENGINES and the like.
| High praise indeed from Mr Lipman... Sorry for the delay... I check a.c.v
| every few days...
| I am around, but more lurquing these days as I am no longer where I was, but
| doing fine thanks very much

| This also means my memory is somewhat faded by several (well, nine!) months,
| so, please don't take this as Gospel and if you are planning on doing
| anything exciting, talk to support again !!
| As I remember it, Scan.Exe checks the environment and makes the call about
| which files are needed - the basic files, or with the support files (DLL's
| etc) depending on if Windows OS support is required. I think you will find
| this is where the difference of needing or not needing the support files
| comes from.
| Its been a few months, so I may be a bit rusty... I have other things I have
| to stuff and retain in my cranium now...
| Don't think badly of support, as this is not a question that they would be
| expected to answer - people generally run the engines using contents of the
| installed package / SuperDATs / Engine Updates and don't tend to chop 'em up
| into their constituent parts very often.
| BTW, you going to VB in Chicago?
| Cheers,
| \/\/