Maxtor hard drives fail too soon.

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Corliss
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Thagor said:
Who is "we"? Have you been elected to represent this entire newgroup?
Anyway, you want facts? Go get them. Don't expect me to hand it to you on
a platter. The newsgroups are full of comments from people with various
experiences. None of these people are required to write extensively to
help you understand. Furthermore, and I thought I made this point
previously, you have the freedom to believe what you wish. I am happy
with that, aren't you?

Oh for Pete's sake, he simply asked you to provide some details as to what
*you* meant in what you say *you* saw. As in "Of all the drives I've
opened, the newer maxtors appear cheap of craftsmanship and quality."

There is no way to 'research' it other than to ask *you*, which is what he did.

And he's correct. If you can't provide anything about how you arrived at
the conclusion then there's no way for anyone else to even understand what
you mean by it (such as how you define "cheap of craftsmanship and quality"
and what you consider an indication of such), much less 'believe' it.
David said:
Oh for Pete's sake, he simply asked you to provide some details as to
what *you* meant in what you say *you* saw. As in "Of all the drives
I've opened, the newer maxtors appear cheap of craftsmanship and quality."

There is no way to 'research' it other than to ask *you*, which is what
he did.

And he's correct. If you can't provide anything about how you arrived at
the conclusion then there's no way for anyone else to even understand
what you mean by it (such as how you define "cheap of craftsmanship and
quality" and what you consider an indication of such), much less
'believe' it.

Thanks for saying what most of us have been thinking, David :-)

spammage trappage: replace fishies_ with yahoo

I'm going to die rather sooner than I'd like. I tried to protect my
neighbours from crime, and became the victim of it. Complications in
hospital following this resulted in a serious illness. I now need a bone
marrow transplant. Many people around the world are waiting for a marrow
transplant, too. Please volunteer to be a marrow donor:
spodosaurus said:
Thanks for saying what most of us have been thinking, David :-)

You're welcome.

For a brief fleeting moment there I thought we might get some inside, pun
intended, information.
Looker007 said:
In part I would have to agree. It's to bad that the west (United States
and Canada) can't compete with these products. More and more it's hard
to find many products with the "Made In" USA/Canada tag.

So stop voting in the neo-liberals!
I had a 250 GB Maxtor One Touch drive fail 1½ weeks after the waranty
lapsed and Maxtor would not replace it. I've had numerous Maxtor
drives failures in the PCs I support.

I will never buy another Maxtor drive. I have heard that Hitachi
drives are very good.

That part about "understand or believe it" reads a bit like
BS. If you have any facts please present them, otherwise we
have no reason to believe this questionable comment.

I've heard many stories about these drives crashing after as little as
a year.
That said I'm running a 80gb Maxtor ultra sata that's been in this
machine for just over two years now and it's still going strong.(I run
the crap out of it as well, doing video editing with it.)