Tony Toews [MVP]
Graham Mandeno said:Anything that used to go in Program Files\... goes in C:\Applications\...
Anything that is specific to the current user (temp files, etc) goes in
C:\Users\<Current user>\AppData
Whereas I'm now putting the FE and associated DLL files in
%appdata%\<app name>. (In Vista - C:\Users\<Current user>\AppData\<app
The BE goes into My Documents\<app name>.
Now if multiple users are using the same PC then they will have to
re-install the FE and associated DLLs. And the backend will have to
go somewhere else. That's fine by me as that's easy to handle. And
the My Documents folder has an icon so it's real easy to find.
Anything that is truly shared (like the back-end) usually goes in a network
My apps are sometimes installed on stand alone systems. So if the
user then tells me they are using a network I just tell them to grab
the contents of My Documents\<app name> and put it on the network
share. Then they just relink and they're done.