Making a personal web page...

  • Thread starter Thread starter DD
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DD said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used
to build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type
interface because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to
upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday journal
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of text [the
journal] and an album of photographs with captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?
It seems that Amaya or Namu6 may be what I'm looking for so I'll give
them a try. I realise that I will have to learn HTML eventually, I
intend to do so, but at this point in time I have very limited need for
a web presence. Thanks to all who replied...

Namu6 looks very nice. I have had problems with Amaya. The program was
buggy awhile back, but it might be more stable today.

You might try Image Gallery to generate the html for your photos:

Here is a nice HTML tutorial site:

This is a page I created with a program similar to Image Gallery. I
don't recall which program it was, but I could add the desired text
outside the generated html:
Roger Johansson said:
Getting a new wysiwyg editor and learn to use it would have taken
hours, if not days, to learn, and I would not have understood the
resulting code like I do now.

So the notepad route is both faster, cleaner, and let's me understand
what I am doing.

I found the best tutorials by googling for "HTML Tutorial", including the

With this tutorial you have a web page within minutes.

On the other hand, if what you really want is thumb views of lots of
pictures maybe a thumb gallery creator program is the best choice.
Look in the pricelessware list for it.

But even in that case you will need to create a few other web pages
beside the thumb gallery, so we are back to a html tutorial and a plain
text editor.
Namu6 lists the pictures by date, the most recently modified pictures
will be displayed first.

At the moment, Namu6 can only add one picture at a time to a page, in an
upcoming release we will add multiple selection.

If you could send me the two website files that you created (the
"terrible mess of two tries"), I would love to take a look at them.

Your comments are always welcome.


I would like recommendations for a simple program that
can be used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard
type interface because I currently have no knowledge of
HTML or even how to upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an
holiday journal
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages
of text [the journal] and an album of photographs with
captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?


If you are using Mozilla then you have one of the best
wysisyg development tools around.. If you are not then I
would recommend using Nvu, which is very simmilar to that


Good luck,

e-mail: khaledihREMOVEUPPERCASELETTERS at fusemail dot net
(correcting antispam crap..)
Unfortunately anything html that is prepared with any Microsoft software
comes with heaps of file baggage ie xml files etc etc etc etc.

To get started and to learn through your mistakes (ie MS Word html files)
this may be OK but steer away from it in the long term.

Search for html freeware and see what you get.
Roger Johansson said:
There are programs for cleaning up the html code from Word, if
DD wants to choose that route. One can also use Open office and
do the same, hopefully with cleaner results than with Word.

So the notepad route is both faster, cleaner, and let's me
understand what I am doing.

I completely agree with you, I'm no wysiwyg person myself. It's only
because the OP hinted towards wysiwyg applications that I
recommended this one. Of all software in its kind, I think NVU
produces the most compliant code. Don't know about OOo, though...

Re: album of photographs with captions or annotations.
In the process of putting things together for your online album

Look over this site

Have a look at Jpegger
for holding and presenting your photos

Check out templates
You might see a design you could use for your Index.html page

Check out the web storage space available with your account at your server.
The server may have specific instructions for uploading your files to their
storage. There are various uploading software (FTP file transfer protocol)
and ZipGenius has one built in. See review at
FileZilla is reviewed on page This is a specific software for
uploading and downloading your files to your web space.

You can make a simple but effective space for viewing your album journals
using an index.html page that will have a link on it to get your viewer to
the album set up. There are many album html softwares (from the simple to
the exotic)
Check out the htmlgoodies tutorials, put your album together, make an index
page, upload the files to your server provided space.
Rose Weir said:
Re: album of photographs with captions or annotations.
In the process of putting things together for your online album

Look over this site

Have a look at Jpegger
for holding and presenting your photos

Check out templates
You might see a design you could use for your Index.html page

Check out the web storage space available with your account at your server.
The server may have specific instructions for uploading your files to their
storage. There are various uploading software (FTP file transfer protocol)
and ZipGenius has one built in. See review at
FileZilla is reviewed on page This is a specific software for
uploading and downloading your files to your web space.

You can make a simple but effective space for viewing your album journals
using an index.html page that will have a link on it to get your viewer to
the album set up. There are many album html softwares (from the simple to
the exotic)
Check out the htmlgoodies tutorials, put your album together, make an index
page, upload the files to your server provided space.

Have you tried Easy Html? Great Program! EasyHTML is a freeware HTML
editor designed by Toni Helenius. Unlike other freeware editors,
EasyHTML has special feature which you can't even get in some cost
editors. Here are few features you get in EasyHTML:
HTML tags (< and >) are colorcoded, ex. <CENTER>Welcome to my
16 helpers make bug-free HTML code based on your input. You can make
even complex HTML tags, such as a table, easily with them!
Free Javascripts that you can add onto your page with the puch of a

You can edit multiple HTML documents at the same time with EasyHtml's
multi-document interface!
Large help file comes with EasyHtml. This help has information useful
to amateur HTMLprogrammers as well as professionals!
HTML is user friendly!
You can customize EasyHtml's enviroment!
Very fast! One of the few HTML editors compatible with Microsoft®
With one key you can modify text to bold, italic, etc.!
Sample HTML page also comes with EasyHtml!
"Floating toolbars"!
Built-in-browser. With it, you can view your page in milliseconds!
User's own tags!
You can make your own custom toolbars!
HTML-wizard which makes homepages in seconds!
And more...