Making a personal web page...

  • Thread starter Thread starter DD
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I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type interface
because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to upload the
finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday journal
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of text [the
journal] and an album of photographs with captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?

I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be
used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type
interface because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even
how to upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of
text [the journal] and an album of photographs with captions or
Any suggestions?
Yeah. Don't litter the internet with your nonsense.
Mike said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be
used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type
interface because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even
how to upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of
text [the journal] and an album of photographs with captions or
Any suggestions?

Yeah. Don't litter the internet with your nonsense.

Are you serious? Is what I ask so unreasonable? I thought someone would
have programmed a suitable piece of software. Thanks for the comment
anyway, at least I know someone read my post!

DD said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type interface because
I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to upload the finished
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday journal
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of text [the
journal] and an album of photographs with captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?

You'd best learn the basics of HTML, which you'll need for such a project --
and then you can put together an HTML file which is nothing more than text.
That's how I started my first web page almost a decade ago, and I've been
learning ever since. (My home page, such as it is, can be accessed by
clicking the link in the left frame of the URL below.)
DD said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type interface
because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to upload the
finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday journal with
photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of text [the
journal] and an album of photographs with captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?

Perhaps these two programs from Pricelessware :

Amaya : a WYSIWYG program for creating web pages. No HTML knowledge
necessary. WYSIWYG

JAlbum : a program to create picture albums that are to be published to the
web. Image Gallery

Mike Andrade said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be
used to
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type
interface because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even
how to upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of
text [the journal] and an album of photographs with captions or
Any suggestions?
Yeah. Don't litter the internet with your nonsense.

DD said:
Are you serious? Is what I ask so unreasonable? I thought someone would
have programmed a suitable piece of software. Thanks for the comment

Ever heard of a troll? If not, you just met one.
I agree the blue colour looks better than the new red and green. Looks too
much like the Phoenix colours (yuck)!

Red and white (okay, brick and sand) I could live with, but since the
minor-league version of the Aeros had no problem with kelly green and royal
blue until the MS&E bozos came along, I'm sticking with what got *this* Aeros
fan since 1972 here.
DD said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used
build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type interface
because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to upload the
finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of text
[the journal] and an album of photographs with captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?

It is easier to learn a little html than to learn to use a web designer

You can find loads of easy html tutorials on the web, like this one, for

After a few lessons you know enough to create a web site with pictures.
The only program you need is a plain text editor, like notepad.

Search for "html tutorial" if you want other free courses on the web.

Even if you later want to use a web designer program you need to know the
basics of html, so you are not wasting any time doing it this way.

The uploading is different for different web space sites, so you need to
check out the host you will put the web pages on, to find out how they
want you to upload your pages.
BarryTone said:
Ever heard of a troll? If not, you just met one.

That was tongue-in-cheek! It's a bit like asking someone if they are
having a bad day when you get an offensive reaction...
why dont you create a word document,insert images into the document and then
save the lot as a html file?
DD said:
I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used
to build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type
interface because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to
upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday journal
with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of text [the
journal] and an album of photographs with captions or annotations.
Any suggestions?


It seems that Amaya or Namu6 may be what I'm looking for so I'll give
them a try. I realise that I will have to learn HTML eventually, I
intend to do so, but at this point in time I have very limited need for
a web presence. Thanks to all who replied...

CHarneyCHRIS said:
why dont you create a word document,insert images into the document and then
save the lot as a html file?

Sounds too easy! Still I can try it and see how I go. Thanks!

Sounds too easy! Still I can try it and see how I go. Thanks!

Minus the going through Word part (I had access to a university network that
had access to Unix as an OS, so I could hack the HTML together directly),
that's how my web pages started accreting in 1995. Good luck, and hang on to
your hat -- if your experience is like mine has been, you'll end up miles from
here. ;-)
Support said:

You could try our freeware, easy to use website editor:

I'd love to know what you think of it.



I would like recommendations for a simple program that can be used
to build a personal web site. It would have to be a wizard type
interface because I currently have no knowledge of HTML or even how to
upload the finished project.
Ideally I want to develop a site that can combine an holiday
journal with photographs, but I would be happy with just some pages of
text [the journal] and an album of photographs with captions or
Any suggestions?


I have had a look at namu6 but I need a help file! It seems to be on the
right track but I made a terrible mess of two tries and have now decided
to try something else. One big disadvantage as far as I could see is
that there does not appear to be a way to put a whole album of
photographs on a page and when you choose an individual picture the
thumbnails do not appear in the same order that they are in the original
file.If you would like to e-mail me I will expand on the comments I have

DD said:
It seems that Amaya or Namu6 may be what I'm looking for so I'll
give them a try. I realise that I will have to learn HTML
eventually, I intend to do so, but at this point in time I have
very limited need for a web presence. Thanks to all who

I'd like to throw in another recommendation... NVU is a WYSIWYG HTML
editor, based on Mozilla Composer. I use it almost daily and it does
a great job for not-too-advanced editing purposes.

Make sure to look at the HTML code itself, too. As already
mentioned, the best way to make great websites is by learning HTML,
CSS and everything related, giving you FULL control over what's
appearing where.

Whatever you do: stay away from FrontPage or (god save us) MS Word
to generate your HTML pages. They generate HTML code that is utterly
incompatible with most web standards.

wald said:
Whatever you do: stay away from FrontPage or (god save us) MS Word
to generate your HTML pages. They generate HTML code that is utterly
incompatible with most web standards.

There are programs for cleaning up the html code from Word, if DD wants
to choose that route. One can also use Open office and do the same,
hopefully with cleaner results than with Word.

I learned to use a good wysiwyg html editor several years ago, and
created a few web sites.

This year I tried using the same program again, but found that I had
forgotten how to use it. I didn't have time to find out how to use it
again, so I looked up some nice html tutorials on the web instead.

That took 15-30 minutes before I could create my new web site.
Getting a new wysiwyg editor and learn to use it would have taken hours,
if not days, to learn, and I would not have understood the resulting code
like I do now.

So the notepad route is both faster, cleaner, and let's me understand
what I am doing.