Sorry to hijack your thread here, but have you tried right clicking and using the 'run as powershell' command before you run the powershell script? The thing with powershell scripts is they don't always guarentee a fix to a problem, and powershell has so many features that it's a hindrance. I think what is happeneing is that in attempting the task, it jumps in and out of powershell accoridng to the task you want to accomplish.Some people prefer not to run powershell straight from the powershell command for this reason, so that you get automation and productivity by running scripts that automate repetitive tasks. Also the default execution policy can prevent scripts from running, or running properly. So don't forget to assign the 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned or Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted' before you run the script. Also you usually need to add snapins or modules in order to make it run wihout the need for most of the above which is usually an annoyance and which most powershell users avoid taking the time to do. Best bet is to ask or log an issue on the forums on if your still having problems with the script. Someone there will certainly solve the issue for you. I personally find the errors with it when I trying running a script that fails or doesn't work how I want, to be intimidating, and usually oftentimes it is because it isn't the appropriate message. Powershell is a huge learning curve, that's for sure lol.