Major Trouble at work

BourneSupreme said:

I just hope the HR dept dnt get arsey and decide to involve authorities

Unfortunately they have4 every right to get arsey and call the authorities..Wether you did it for financial gain or not it is still classed as fraud.
BourneSupreme said:
I hope they do not get the police involved. Ive made it clear in a letter that i didn't do this for any financial reasons. Thought it'd be a prank etc...and offered to pay back any monies immediately.

I just hope the HR dept dnt get arsey and decide to involve authorities
Hope you have learned an important lesson from this all. Don’t lie!!
You may also find getting another job more difficult due to your stupidity!

If your out of work for any length of time do some voluntary work as this could provide a valuable reference.
BourneSupreme said:
I hope they do not get the police involved. Ive made it clear in a letter that i didn't do this for any financial reasons. Thought it'd be a prank etc...and offered to pay back any monies immediately.

I just hope the HR dept dnt get arsey and decide to involve authorities

You thought it was a prank !! How old are you , ten or eleven.

You did not do it for any financial gain !! Do you take us for muppetts.

Hard lesson to learn in life ain't it. Mebees now you'll grow up and behave like a man with some dignity.

that's really bad man tut tut
A very silly thing to do, indeed. You can probably write off any chance of a reference from them and ensure you return the money.