Doug Kanter
What ZoneAlarm does that's different (from the Windows firewall) is watch
for OUTgoing activity. There have been viruses which want to live in your
computer and then make contact with the outside world. ZA "notices"
everything going outbound, alerts you to the activity, and gives you the
option of allowing or disallowing it. Once it "learns" which outbound
programs are OK (like your browser), the nagging stops. The learning process
is quick.
for OUTgoing activity. There have been viruses which want to live in your
computer and then make contact with the outside world. ZA "notices"
everything going outbound, alerts you to the activity, and gives you the
option of allowing or disallowing it. Once it "learns" which outbound
programs are OK (like your browser), the nagging stops. The learning process
is quick.