no problem 

Jack Leach said:Hi Tina,
This occured to me about an hour after I posted. I had spent the majority
of the previous day doing final testing on a brand new
startup/shutdown/login/out setup (which I finally and happily approved), and
had started with a cheap and dirty base UI setup (just to be doing something
new, really).
The subform.dirty error is where I called it a night, and putting it out of
my mind for the next day, it didn't occur to me until later that night that
it doesn't matter anyway.
I probably won't open this project for a few more days, but I expect no
issues, as I've never heard of any case where a save won't trigger from
parent to child.
Thanks though!
Jack Leach
"I haven't failed, I've found ten thousand ways that don't work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)