Lumbar punctures

Yes Zed, Terry has had spinal problems for years, which reduced the "feeling" in his left leg over time. In his case, the nerve damage was due to compression caused by discs which were pressing into his spinal cord. He takes a tumble sometimes, when he thinks his foot is in the right place, but it isn't... that's not so bad if he is indoors, but he came in from the garden a few months ago, head-to-foot in mud and with a gashed knee! He had only gone out to feed the birds... but reckon he must've been mugged by an impatient robin!! :)
Hi two feet and hands are numb most of the time and when they aint numb theyre very painful. I cant jump outta bed in the mornings cos i dont know where me feet are....its really strange. The numbess and pain has spread up to my thighs but no pain up there so far. Medication really helps....i'm on stuff called neurontin. It stops the shooting and burning pains and stops me feet from feeling cold. Theyre supposed to be for people with epilepsy so they work on neuropathy by "accident". C'est la vie i suppose. I have just finished a 12 hour night shift and i have no pain today....odd, but i dont care cos i will sleep now.
Abarbarian said:
Yer a brave chap. Hope things improve for you mate. :)

For once I was pretty much stuck for words on how to reply to this but what Abarb said sums it up.

Keep on trucking, as they say.
Thanks old man has a saying. "Thems the breaks!" Lot of people have health issues and learn to just get on with life...Flopp's i thought you had battle with cancer (or did i get it wrong) and you managed to get through it and you're getting on with your life, and quite actively i might add.
Meds are really good though, lol. I'm still hoping to get better though. Never give up hope is what i say, no matter how tough life gets. There's always someone less fortunate:)
captain zed said:
Never give up hope is what i say, no matter how tough life gets. There's always someone less fortunate:)

That sure is a good philosophy to stick by. :nod:
captain zed said:
Flopp's i thought you had battle with cancer (or did i get it wrong) and you managed to get through it and you're getting on with your life, and quite actively i might add.

Indeed I did and you can read all about it Here if you have some time to spare, it's a long thread.

I try not to talk about it now though, I think folks close to me have just about had a bellyful of the subject.

Maybe, just maybe, reading it may help you quit smoking... ;)