I was being ironic.
Great link Aqua.
Great link Aqua.

Much simpler than posting to this newsgroup which is just one reason why IPete D said:Bullshit Paul, how hard would it have been to type in www.newegg.com and
get a price?
You're not seeing the point - which is sometimes to best/most appropriateCouldn't agree more. the effort used by the OP in all follow-up messages
could have been used more efficiently in searching for the information
themselves, no offence to them personally, but there comes a time when you
need to do things for yourself.
Who said anything about him getting ALL his info here - a wise man would usePete D said:Also getting all your info from a public newsgroup is not that smart,
surely better to have at least some info and then ask some pertinent
I completely disagree. Which online merchants to use comes into the equationSean said:I completely agree. I've followed this thread (just like me to follow
something like this and not the news!) and think Bobby should go on ahead
and find a price via online merchants.
Otherwise, Bobby, want my BBA 9800 pro for $300? =)
Pete said:Bullshit Paul, how hard would it have been to type in www.newegg.com and get
a price?