Looking for imageviewer

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hugo de Payns
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Hugo de Payns


I am looking for an (small) imageviewer that has the possibility to
view the images in thumbview in two different folders at once
(i mean in two seperet windows side by side).

Has anybody some pointers for me,please??

Hugo de Payns
| Goodday,
| I am looking for an (small) imageviewer that has the possibility to
| view the images in thumbview in two different folders at once
| (i mean in two seperet windows side by side).
| Has anybody some pointers for me,please??

irfanview, open both files (multiple instances of irfanview)

Hugo de Payns said:

I am looking for an (small) imageviewer that has the possibility to
view the images in thumbview in two different folders at once
(i mean in two seperet windows side by side).

TrackerV3 can show thumbnails of images out of an unlimited number of
different folders in *one* list.

TrackerV3 can show thumbnails of images out of an unlimited number of
different folders in *one* list.

I'm liking TrackerV3 more & more, Donald, but I'll confess I don't see
exactly how to do that.
Bill Day said:
I'm liking TrackerV3 more & more, Donald, but I'll confess I don't see
exactly how to do that.

Ok, I expected this (but did not want to give away the secret right away

Here's the trick: use Find Files! TrackerV3 can search not only one location
but any number of locations if you enter them separated by " | " into the
Location field, eg. "C:\WINDOWS\ | D:\" would search C:\WINDOWS\ and D:\ in
one run and list the results in one list. The rest is easy: enter some image
specs into the name field (eg. "*.gif or *.jpg or *.tif"), enter your
folders separated by " | " into the location field, click "Find Now" and
switch on thumbnails.

On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 18:47:41 +0100, "Donald Lessau"

Here's the trick: use Find Files! TrackerV3 can search not only one location
but any number of locations if you enter them separated by " | " into the
Location field, eg. "C:\WINDOWS\ | D:\" would search C:\WINDOWS\ and D:\ in
one run and list the results in one list.

< snip >

Interesting. With windows "find" it would be "C:\WINDOWS\ ; D:\"

If one used windows "find" to list all *.gifs from all folders/sub
folders then would that be any different than doing things in
Tracker ? Either way all eg. .gifs would be listed in one list.

Regards, John.

,-._|\ (A.C.F FAQ) http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/faq.html
/ Oz \ John Fitzsimons - Melbourne, Australia.
\_,--.x/ http://www.vicnet.net.au/~johnf/welcome.htm
v http://clients.net2000.com.au/~johnf/
Ok, I expected this (but did not want to give away the secret right away

Here's the trick: use Find Files! TrackerV3 can search not only one location
but any number of locations if you enter them separated by " | " into the
Location field, eg. "C:\WINDOWS\ | D:\" would search C:\WINDOWS\ and D:\ in
one run and list the results in one list. The rest is easy: enter some image
specs into the name field (eg. "*.gif or *.jpg or *.tif"), enter your
folders separated by " | " into the location field, click "Find Now" and
switch on thumbnails.

well...very neat trick...I would have gone a LONG time without working
that out, even though the 'find' function is a major aspect of
Tracker. So, I will go experiment...
Interesting. With windows "find" it would be "C:\WINDOWS\ ; D:\"

In a previous version TrackerV3 used ";", too, but then ";" is a legal char
in a filename so it's not very clever to use it as a separator, so I changed
it to " | ".
If one used windows "find" to list all *.gifs from all folders/sub
folders then would that be any different than doing things in
Tracker ? Either way all eg. .gifs would be listed in one list.

Yes. Only, in Windows thumbnails view you cannot easily see in which of the
searched folders a file is located.

_Donald Lessau_, sabato 13/nov/2004:
Yes. Only, in Windows thumbnails view you cannot easily see in which of the
searched folders a file is located.

And Windows find is much slooooower... :-)
Donald said:
Here's the trick: use Find Files! TrackerV3 can search not only one location
but any number of locations if you enter them separated by " | " into the
Location field, eg. "C:\WINDOWS\ | D:\" would search C:\WINDOWS\ and D:\ in
one run and list the results in one list. The rest is easy: enter some image
specs into the name field (eg. "*.gif or *.jpg or *.tif"), enter your
folders separated by " | " into the location field, click "Find Now" and
switch on thumbnails.

On the website, the install does not seem vital to operation.

Can you provide a no-install link so we can try the program out without possible
install issues on older computers?

Mike Sa
ms said:
On the website, the install does not seem vital to operation.

Can you provide a no-install link so we can try the program out without possible
install issues on older computers?

You mean the install does not work on your machine?? What's your system?

Donald said:
You mean the install does not work on your machine?? What's your system?

I didn't say install won't work- I don't install much any more, because earlier
installs caused problems in my W98SE. You say your install doesn't put entries
into registry IIRC, so then why can't you provide a simple no-install for those of
us who are fed up with installs?

Mike Sa
ms said:
I didn't say install won't work- I don't install much any more, because earlier
installs caused problems in my W98SE. You say your install doesn't put entries
into registry IIRC, so then why can't you provide a simple no-install for those of
us who are fed up with installs?

Oh, sorry, I got you totally wrong. Yes, of course I could provide a simple
no-install, but:

1. It would be double work for me each time I update the program.
2. The install forces you to read and accept the license agreement
(TrackerV3 is freeware only under specific conditions).
3. It's very unlikely that my install causes any problems -- ask the
TrackerV3 commmunity.

Donald said:
those of

Oh, sorry, I got you totally wrong. Yes, of course I could provide a simple
no-install, but:

1. It would be double work for me each time I update the program.
2. The install forces you to read and accept the license agreement
(TrackerV3 is freeware only under specific conditions).
3. It's very unlikely that my install causes any problems -- ask the
TrackerV3 commmunity.

As a one-time thing, I could simply use the current version if you could could
provide it. Consider I've accepted your licence agreement. After all, with
freeware, there is always no warrenty, YMMV, as they say. To me, there is less of
a risk with an executable.


Mike Sa
ms said:
As a one-time thing, I could simply use the current version if you could could
provide it. Consider I've accepted your licence agreement. After all, with
freeware, there is always no warrenty, YMMV, as they say. To me, there is less of
a risk with an executable.


Mike Sa

YMMV... the same is true with users. Just as a one-time thing:

