Geez, you're talking about analog cable which has no high definition
capability whatsoever. DRM is not an issue with standard definition,
even with an STB. Only applies to high definition.
I'm well aware of that. The statement was made earlier in the thread
that cable was required to carry both the analog and digital in the
basic package and they do not do that here. Only analog is in the
basic package. With Charter it's not a matter of codes on a STB, they
have to come out and change the filter(s) at the pole so you can
receive that block of signals.
I see. So you have no experience at all with the use of a computer as a
Didn't say that either as it wasn't the original question.
I have one of the computers out in the shop set up to record HDTV
OTA as well as SD digital from the satellite via S-video. It uses the
MSI tuner and capture card. For OTA, or cable it will take digital or
analog, SD or HD, time shift, and do most of the things TVio will do.
I also records and plays back HD) It includes a schedule as well
although the free schedule isn't nearly as elaborate as the one to
which you can subscribe..
What it will not do is take a HDMI input that is HDCP compliant. I've
found several capture cards listed that do, but so far I've not found
any one who has them. Whether those cards will still permit tecording
HD remains to be seen. They are basic and commercial and run from the
basic card at $250 USD with the commercial starting at $1000 and going
to something like $2500 as I recall.
Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member)
(N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair)