Looking for a High end Gaming PC

Jul 6, 2008
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OK, I had a post earlier but its not on the same topic and i really didnt want to use that because the title would be wrong. XD

I've decided I'm going to get a cheap laptop for typical student stuff, i.e notes and stuff, because what I had in mind before was a high end gaming laptop. But, from some searches, it seems ill simply be better off getting a desktop one, due to prices etc.

(for the curious among you this http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2007/07/17/gaming-laptops-are-a-complete-joke played a big part in swaying my opinion. >.>)

Anyway, my budget is going to be something along the lines of £1000. Basically Id like the best computer for gaming i can get for that money. Ive been looking myself, but I honestly think it would be better if i get some help in on this one, you guys are the experts. :P

Thanks alot guys.

-edit- Forgot to mention, I wont have the money for this until early october. Maybe this is a bit early for me to be looking?
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kiteaura said:
Forgot to mention, I wont have the money for this until early october. Maybe this is a bit early for me to be looking?
Wait until you have the ££££.
As any pc's you look at now will have different specs by October.:nod:
feckit's right, the situation with new computers sometimes shifts on a monthly basis, particularly with video cards.

Such is the situation with video cards that it can actually work to your advantage and you can now buy a very respectable video card - an Nvidia 8800 series - for a very reasonable price.

Are you putting it together yourself?
If not, presumably an 'Off the shelf' model?
Does your budget have to include monitor; keyboard; mouse; speakers?

Just to get an idea, take a look at Overclockers.co.uk and Novatech, this will give you an idea of specs and prices.

By October every single machine you look at now will be a little cheaper.
Ok then, its just about time for me to be looking now I think, So ill give this thread a bump, so i dont need to make a new one.

same guidelines, £1000, best gaming pc i can get, and i dont want to put it together myself due to me being a clumsy git. and the budget doesnt include monitor, keyboard, mouse etc.

looking forward to hearing whats out there guys.
that second one looks very nice, ive put that on the list of choices so far. (so far constists of just that, woot?) cheers Ababarian.
YEah it goes up or down depending on demand and how other things similar are selling, you picked a rig out yet?
nope not yet. i should have the money by..id say wedneday-friday next week. so i got a bit of time yet.
Ok guys. So ive decided to get this one that abarbarian showed me:

However, im not sure whether i should have the 32bit premium vista, or 64bit premium vista. I remember i read somewhere that the 32 bit can only use up to 3.2gb ram, and im getting the 4gb ram so 1/4 of it wouldnt be getting used. that is if im right, which im most likely not lol.

Anyway, answers pl0x. cheers.:user: