Err, you can definitely define two DNS servers, though I think they
are simply checked sequentially, which might cause problems.
They are... checked sequentially... but only for the first request on
startup and then one of the two is established as the DNS server.
However that wasn't what I was getting at. What I was thinking of is
to setup the private DNS server for your domain to act as a caching
DNS server for ALL DNS request. That way all the PCs in your domain
ONLY look to your private DNS server for all DNS queries. I think all
DNS server applications have the ability to do this.
Maybe I'm totally misunderstanding the question though.
This is our one and only "Main Server" and, as previously noted, it is not
"visible" to the Gateway, meaning it doesn't know about the Gateway... so
can't pass on DNS requests up the DNS chain. I just don't want this thing
having Internet "conversations" with anything, be it attackers, M$,
competitors or "security" companies.
On a side note, I've discovered recently that a couple of "security"
companies have Telneted into our router and I've no idea how - it *is*
passworded... unless there's some mfr's backdoor they know about. I've
tweaked the firewall now so only my home IP subnet has external access...
but I'm kinda pissed about it all the same.
Could be.. I wouldn't touch a Lexmark printer with a 10 foot pole, so
I don't know much about their drivers.
Interesting - I've had reasonably good luck with Lexmark laser printers.
What else is there?... HP?... for years I ignored them as long as they
ignored PS but really... talk about driver hell - everything they sell is a
driver nightmare.<UGH>
BTW it was not the drivers but the management software.
Oh, I would say Lexmark's pricing on the network connection "option" really
sucks but there's so much garbage out there in laser printers.
Rgds, George Macdonald
"Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??