Raphael said:
No, that fact comes from a presentation at a conference
I attended a couple of years ago. It makes some sense
to me -- to the extent that pigment particles sit on the
surface of a page, and essentially are chunks of sold
pigment -- they present a large surface area.
For gas fading, one critical factor is relative surface area. For
pigment particles this is quite low - even though they may be quite
small particles. When I say quite low, then you need to compare with
dyestuff on coated papers.
Dye inks, when printed on "RC" (aka fast-dry) type papers are spread
over the extremely small pore structure typically of zeolites used in
the paper coating. These zeolites have surface areas measured (usually
by adsorbtion of a gas monolayer) of hundreds of square metres per gram.
(yes - this sounds improbable - but check information on zeolites!)
So, with a soluble dyestuff printed on the "wrong" papers, you have
layers of dyestuff only molecules deep "spread" over a surface exposed
to gaseous products that degrade the dyes. Retrospectively, it's easy
to see that there would be problems with testing only for UV light
resistance in accelerated tests.
Print the dye ink on "swellable polymer" papers, and the dyestuff is
protected by being locked in to layers of (AFAIK often polyacrylamide)
resin - protecting the dye from direct exposure to ozone etc.
But the inkjet makers now have some fast drying papers that seem to have
vastly improved gas-fading resistance with new dye inks. I don't know
how they do this, but assume if they include some resin in the ink to
seal the pores in the paper coatings, then that may be a way. In that
case, the claim that they make about the importance of matching ink-set
to paper or longevity may suffer is probably correct.
A further "trick" in the latest pigment inks is to micro-encapsulate
pigment in resin. This seems to have dual function. One may be to
protect the pigment and assist with coalescing of the pigment/resin in
the binder during drying - improving gloss uniformity. The other is
that it overcomes pigment surface electrical charges, so that HP and
Epson now use Carbon Black blended with blue, cyan or violet pigment to
produce neutral black (carbon black on it's own is yellowish-brown) for
monochrome printing.
OTOH, the presenter of that data was none other
than DuPont, and of course they were selling a
lamination system for (large) inkjet prints.
Not to drop names or anything, but I did chat for a
moment or two with the good Dr. Wilhelm at that
conference (he was one of the presenters.)
I have the first edition of Johnson's book and yet
am tempted to buy the 2nd ed. as well, because
it really does cover a lot of new ground.
"Some" people smoke two packs of cigarrettes
a day and yet do not die of cancer. That's
about as relevant.
I have some ancient Epson (dye ink) prints that still
look good. But others are now showing obvious
color shifts. The oldest are 8-9 years now.
The test data from Wilhelm is pretty good IMO as a *comparative*
measure. You can be fairly certain that Epson Ultrachrome Gloss or K3
or HP #38 inks printed on the papers tested will outlast wet-process
colour prints by quite a margin. But reality is that an unframed matte
print displayed in the average home environment will be destroyed by any
number of other things before it fades.
As far as wet-process colour prints go, I know that Cibachrome (now
Ilfochrome) prints don't last more than a few years displayed behind
glass in my home. Yet I hear that old-fashioned galleries still consider
Cibachrome as some kind of great standard. I expect pigment inkjet
prints will fare a lot better.