Logitech MX1000 bluetooth mouse laggy under Vista?

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Hi there - I've just installed a Logitech MX5000 bluetooth keyboard
and MX1000 bluetooth mouse under Vista and am experiencing severe
"lagginess" under Vista. I haven't tried it under Windows XP but can
anyone tell me if they've had similar experiences? Is it Vista or
crappy mouse design?

trojanfoe said:
Hi there - I've just installed a Logitech MX5000 bluetooth keyboard
and MX1000 bluetooth mouse under Vista and am experiencing severe
"lagginess" under Vista. I haven't tried it under Windows XP but can
anyone tell me if they've had similar experiences? Is it Vista or
crappy mouse design?

It's probably Vista. One more bug. Unload it. See the links below.


"A man who is right every time is not likely to do very much."
-- Francis Crick, co-discover of DNA
"There is nothing more amazing than stupidity in action."
-- Thomas Matthews
Hi there - I've just installed a Logitech MX5000 bluetooth keyboard
and MX1000 bluetooth mouse under Vista and am experiencing severe
"lagginess" under Vista. I haven't tried it under Windows XP but can
anyone tell me if they've had similar experiences? Is it Vista or
crappy mouse design?


Try it without the driver installed for mouse & keyboard.
In that situation is there still lag?

Such problems are typically due to too great a distance from
receiver, too much metal around the receiver (Or
mouse/keyboard themselves), too much interference from
nearby devices operating in same frequency range
(bluetooth's frequency hopping should help, but it's still a
potentially congested band at 2.4GHz), or for mouse-only
problems, a sub-optimal mousing surface.
Hi there - I've just installed a Logitech MX5000 bluetooth keyboard
and MX1000 bluetooth mouse under Vista and am experiencing severe
"lagginess" under Vista. I haven't tried it under Windows XP but can
anyone tell me if they've had similar experiences? Is it Vista or
crappy mouse design?


Wireless mice in general are often laggy.
UCLAN said:
And more often, not.

Maybe a while back but now that's complete BS - my MX1000 (on WinXP) is very
smooth and so was a previous MX700 and before that a ... I think one gets
the picture.

Maybe a while back but now that's complete BS - my MX1000 (on WinXP) is very
smooth and so was a previous MX700 and before that a ... I think one gets
the picture.

They both lag more than their corded counterparts. Depends
on one's definition of laggy, ALL CORDLESS MICE have an
observable lag if you're looking for it, though only certain
tasks would make the difference matter.
They both lag more than their corded counterparts.

Irrelevant if you cant detect any difference in a proper double blind trial.
Depends on one's definition of laggy, ALL CORDLESS
MICE have an observable lag if you're looking for it,

Easy to claim, hell of a lot harder to substantiate that claim with the best cordless rodents.
though only certain tasks would make the difference matter.

Easy to claim, hell of a lot harder to substantiate that claim with the best cordless rodents.
kony said:
They both lag more than their corded counterparts. Depends
on one's definition of laggy, ALL CORDLESS MICE have an
observable lag if you're looking for it, though only certain
tasks would make the difference matter.

Having used the MX700 for a number of years on various types of
software, I can confidently say that you are quite simply WRONG!
But I never bothered to install the CD stuff that comes with the
mouse. Perhaps that introduces a lag. I doubt it.
Having used the MX700 for a number of years on various types of
software, I can confidently say that you are quite simply WRONG!

I own one. It is unquestionably more laggy than same
equivalent generation MX300. If you can't tell the
difference, good for you? It's not hard to notice it doing
any kind of precision mousing.

But I never bothered to install the CD stuff that comes with the
mouse. Perhaps that introduces a lag. I doubt it.

With or without the Logitech driver
kony said:
I own one. It is unquestionably more laggy than same
equivalent generation MX300. If you can't tell the
difference, good for you? It's not hard to notice it doing
any kind of precision mousing.

More hot air. There is no observable lag in ANY software that I've
used over the years - PERIOD.
Having used the MX700 for a number of years on various types of
software, I can confidently say that you are quite simply WRONG!

Yeah, I get the same result you have.
But I never bothered to install the CD stuff that comes with the mouse. Perhaps that introduces a
lag. I doubt it.

Cant be that, I have that installed on one of the machines its used on mostly.
I own one. It is unquestionably more laggy
than same equivalent generation MX300.

Easy to claim. Hell of a lot harder to actually substantiate that claim.

Bet you couldnt pick it in a proper double blind trial or you have a faulty MX700.
If you can't tell the difference, good for you? It's not
hard to notice it doing any kind of precision mousing.

Exactly what 'any kind of precision mousing' are you on about ?
More hot air. There is no observable lag in ANY software that I've
used over the years - PERIOD.

I and many other people have observed it. It's pretty much
common knowledge in gaming circles, are people who depend on
accurate mouse movements going to be LESS likely to observe
any lag that might exist?

.... so you don't _observe_ it... good for you, but that
doesn't mean it isn't present, nor that it wouldn't
necessary be a problem (or reason to discriminate multiple
product choices) for someone else.
Easy to claim. Hell of a lot harder to actually substantiate that claim.

Not hard at all, many many many different people have
independently observed it. What do you consider
substantiation? We do in fact know that there is a higher
latency from a radio communication than over wire. It is
measurable, repeatable, satisfies every criteria of
scientific proof except on Planet Rod.

Bet you couldnt pick it in a proper double blind trial or you have a faulty MX700.

Then you'd lose.
I admit I'm probably more picky about mice than the average
user, and after the recent Google checkout discounts at
buy.com and other seasonal sales I bought quite a few
cordless Logitechs dirt cheap recently in addition to those
I already had.
hmm.... LX710 Laser, G7, V200, pre-V200 (looks almost
identical but red LED type), LX5, Mediaplay, MX700,
whatever-its-called-from-EX110-set. Some of these I did
already have, the pre-V200/Mediaplay/MX700, but comparing
them I see consistent performance differences based on the
optical engine used, none are faulty though the V200, LX5
and Mediaplay are all three significantly pickier about the
mousing surface but that's a different kind of response
problem. It's not the environment either, I've taken
several along with my notebook and the slight lag is still

If you don't notice it, consider yourself fortunate. I'm
not really knocking the MX700, I do like it as I'm not
"opposed" to cordless mice at all, I'm even using one at the
moment - but not for anything demanding high precision.
Not hard at all, many many many different people have independently observed it.

Vastly more have claimed to have seen werewolves, dragons, fairys,
vampires, aliens, angels, etc etc etc. Doesnt mean they have tho.
What do you consider substantiation?

If you could actually pick it in a randomised double blind trial.
We do in fact know that there is a higher latency
from a radio communication than over wire.

Irrelevant to whether that is swamped by other factors.
It is measurable,

No it isnt.
repeatable, satisfies every criteria of scientific proof

No it doesnt. Thats what double blind trials arou about, fool.
Then you'd lose.

I admit I'm probably more picky about mice than the average
user, and after the recent Google checkout discounts at
buy.com and other seasonal sales I bought quite a few cordless
Logitechs dirt cheap recently in addition to those I already had.
hmm.... LX710 Laser, G7, V200, pre-V200 (looks almost
identical but red LED type), LX5, Mediaplay, MX700,
whatever-its-called-from-EX110-set. Some of these I did
already have, the pre-V200/Mediaplay/MX700, but comparing
them I see consistent performance differences based on the
optical engine used,

Easy to claim. Hell of a lot harder to substantiate that claim.
none are faulty though the V200, LX5 and Mediaplay are all three
significantly pickier about the mousing surface but that's a different
kind of response problem. It's not the environment either, I've taken
several along with my notebook and the slight lag is still present.

Easy to claim. Hell of a lot harder to substantiate that claim.
If you don't notice it, consider yourself fortunate.

Nothing to notice, you pathetic excuse for a bullshit artist.
I'm not really knocking the MX700, I do like it as I'm not
"opposed" to cordless mice at all, I'm even using one at
the moment - but not for anything demanding high precision.

Notice you never actually spell out what that situation is. Funny that.
kony said:
Not hard at all, many many many different people have
independently observed it. What do you consider
substantiation? We do in fact know that there is a higher
latency from a radio communication than over wire. It is
measurable, repeatable, satisfies every criteria of
scientific proof except on Planet Rod.

LOL. So you are saying you can see the difference in time between
a signal transmitted over wire and one broadcast for a few feet in
the MHz or GHz band? Bull!
And I saw Elvis last week. Really.

Man, it's *really* time to start rolling up the pants.

You're the one with a mental problem here... the FACT is,
there is a difference in lag. If you dont mind that, if the
difference is slight enough that it doesn't effect anything
you're doing, or even slight enough to go unnnoticed by you,
then it wasn't a bad product for you.

There are OTHER people with OTHER needs, who deserve FULL
information. Same story different day, while you may
SUBJECTIVELY like a product, an OBJECTIVE comparison would
have to include the fact that there is a response lag.
LOL. So you are saying you can see the difference in time between
a signal transmitted over wire and one broadcast for a few feet in
the MHz or GHz band? Bull!

I don't care if you accept this, or understand that it is
not just a binary, single-or-no-signal detection but has to
be a one-way communication.

The fact remains that there is a difference. If ignorance
is bliss, you'll be happy. If you don't need higher
precision/response out of a mouse, you'll be happy. If you
need higher precision/response more than wirelessness, you
won't be happy.