This site may have been taken down now.
Although the original site would have had you downloaded the original
"setup.exe" file, the above URL offers a larger and older piece of
"setup__.exe" malware.
Hello VG:
Through manual submission, to as many sites as I'm aware of, you'd find
that 18+ vendors flag the 88,075 byte setup.exe file as malware now.
Surprisingly, some of the biggest names in the business had to be urged
to re-examine the setup.exe file based on increasing positives by their
competitors. Then, even when other big name antimalware vendors flag
the 88K file, the other end of the pipeline is slow in getting to the
released signature files.
Speculation leads me to believe that workload, no weekend staff, poor
skills, and probably a dozen other reasons lead to what we're seeing.
However, they do lead one to the conclusion that if the public doesn't
submit the suspected malware, we aren't going to have the needed
protection till we do.
Now take a look at the latest analysis. Only through resubmissions was
the malware count as high as it is now. Also note who are those whose
assessment & re-assessments failed to recognize the MS AntiSpyware 2009
as a threat. I wonder if their criteria is too restrictive or if it's
procedural shortcomings or a combination of several other factors
included? This wasn't a very good result.