Windows 10 Live from Microsoft’s Windows 10 event

Well, I just had a little play with W10 and so far so good. It's a lot easier to navigate then Windows 8
The only thing that has put me off is the scroll bar when you go to All Apps. It looks tacky. Almost like an after thought.
:eek:After reading the article supplied by Evan I certainly will not purchasing any more Microsoft o/s. Nothing to hide BUT invasion of privacy massive, no doubt after searching for something you will get a massive influx of adverts connected with the search. I am in the middle of building a new PC so will dual boot W7 and Zorin 9 and when I cannot update W7 I will convert completely to Linux, if not before:user:
I think yoiur tin foil hat might be too tight, its cutting off the circulation to your brain. ;)
:rolleyes:Yes VR might be a little tight but I do not trust the big corporations they are out to make money and not sure they don't already do it now any way. Hate to say in the future "Told you so":)
bootneck ... MS bean did dun this all the time, especially on Alpha builds. :)
Aye, there's nothing new about an OS developer gathering information from Beta versions to polish the final product, can be a bit worrying in the final version though ;) Having said that,I do believe Windows mostly gives you options about what you want them to receive.

I am reading reports of MS insisting on a user logging in to their Windows identity to be able to access all of Win 10's functions, the inbuilt games being one such example. I'll have to do more research on this as I don't fully understand it.

Bootneck: lots of folk think they'll dump Windows and go 100% Linux and many do manage it, but so far you don't seem to have had much joy with Linux. It seems to me, actually, all your problems stem from dual booting.

Let me make a suggestion.

Either get another hard drive and swap it with your Windows hard drive then install Linux without having to worry about dual booting, or format your main hard drive and install Linux only.

This would force you to get to know Linux and help you master it.

I still think it's very likely you will miss some aspects of Windows but if that turned out to be so then you could always go back.

The desire to be independent of Microsoft and save money is an honourable one but it's a notion that should also be tempered with a sense of reality.

I loathe the Microsoft business mentality and their sneaky practices and if one good thing came out of Win 8.1 it showed the public MS in their true colours - they got it wrong, pure and simple.

But I like my games and I like Windows relative ease of operation so for the immediate future at least, Windows still has a place in my computer setup.
:eek:After reading the article supplied by Evan I certainly will not purchasing any more Microsoft o/s. Nothing to hide BUT invasion of privacy massive, no doubt after searching for something you will get a massive influx of adverts connected with the search. I am in the middle of building a new PC so will dual boot W7 and Zorin 9 and when I cannot update W7 I will convert completely to Linux, if not before:user:

Go back and read what V_R posted.
Thanks for the post Flops just catching up with my email. Thanks for the suggestion of putting linux on a spare drive sounds a good idea to me, I will have to look into that:thumb: