Brilliant! I am just in awe. This worked beautifully!
don't know why the instabilities occurred with yesterday's
version but this new one works like a charm! You even got
the minimize and maximize functions. Sheesh, nothing
missing here! <g> [snipped]
I use a new Auto2exe complier this time

Also, there are a ton of uses on a home computer for this
app. I have my hdd partitioned so keep copies of vital
files on the D drive. LFBU will take care of all that now
where I used to do it in PowerPro.
I am gladed that you find it useful. I will leave it as is
for now for a while so users can report potiential bugs (there
shouldn't be, but just in case), before I announce a standard
non-beta release. So, please let me know if more bugs are
What I plan to do, and
hope this works alright, is to just have different
instances of LFBU for those back up jobs that need to be
split up because they go into different destination
I am working on having different backup profiles with
commandline support, because I myself will have use for it,
too. The idea is just to use a differnt ini file for each
profile. Perhaps in the next version.
(BTW, you cannot have multiple instances of LFBU at the same
time, it won't allow you. So make sure you do the backup
Thanks so much, RL! I imagine there was a lot of blood,
sweat, tears (and cursing <g>) to get this far! I write
databases myself and such, so I know what an achievement
this tiny big app is! <g>
You're welcomed. I'm happy to share it with this group

Unofficial Adaware Updater:
Little (File) Backer Upper: