Hi, there was a recently discussion in this NG about how hard
to find a program to backup individual files (from different
directories) to one location. I, therefore, just for the fun
of it, made one with Autoit and called it "Little File Backer-
It is about 100kb, standalone and system green.
I have been using it in XP, and it should also work in 9x and
2000 systems, please let me know if it doesn't.
Here is the screenshot:
And, here is the downloading page:
(Note, I forgot to add this in the Readme file: you can use
command switch to do automatic backup of the list, just add
"auto" with no quotes to the end of the exe commandline.)
It is, of course, free-free-free-ware
I just wrote it for fun, but if someone find it useful and
want to give suggestions for other features, just post it in
this NG. If I am going to add something next, I may add
filesize checking and custom file list support, and finially,
perhaps zip support.
to find a program to backup individual files (from different
directories) to one location. I, therefore, just for the fun
of it, made one with Autoit and called it "Little File Backer-

I have been using it in XP, and it should also work in 9x and
2000 systems, please let me know if it doesn't.
Here is the screenshot:
And, here is the downloading page:
(Note, I forgot to add this in the Readme file: you can use
command switch to do automatic backup of the list, just add
"auto" with no quotes to the end of the exe commandline.)
It is, of course, free-free-free-ware

I just wrote it for fun, but if someone find it useful and
want to give suggestions for other features, just post it in
this NG. If I am going to add something next, I may add
filesize checking and custom file list support, and finially,
perhaps zip support.