Linux made easy ...

these are the sort of hurdles one comes across with 'help' flies/wiki/video ...

One of the major problems with the linux world, lack of standardisation in presenting information. Nuf said. :rolleyes:

Hmmm you see I subscribe to the original linux way. Keep things simple.
So I do not do that sudo which sounds like pseudo abomination. Why do I need a middle man I ain't some scared thicko. I know when I am a user and when I am root, I use a coloured terminal just to remind me in case I forget :p
As a consequence I know nothing about sudo and very little about Kate or KDE matters. I can give you some old fashioned help though.

Open a terminal and

$ su

enter your root password when prompted then

# nano  /etc/pacman.conf

Make the changes for the repo as outlined earlier. Nano has instructions which you should be able to follow. Exit nano and

# pacman -S yaourt

 # su yourusername

to exit root in the terminal.

You should be good to go with yaourt after that.

I am busy today but if I get time I will have a looksee (read the beginners wiki) as I seem to recall you used to have to add a couple of dev type packages before doing the above.

I'm insane anyway, so what the hell ...

Blimey it usually takes a week or two for folk to get to that stage with Arch. :lol:
Hmmmmmmmmmm I have only done one install with the pacstrap method and it looks like the wiki has changed a lot to reflect all the changes.

Install the base system
The pacstrap script installs the base system. To build packages from the AUR or with ABS, the base-devel group is also required.

# pacstrap -i /mnt base base-devel

The -i switch ensures prompting before package installation. Other packages can later be installed with pacman.

See the pacman and pacman-key articles in case of errors.

I would install the " base-devel " package first as a precaution for now, you will need it for a package install at some time later on.

Also why are you using " pacman -Sy " to install packages you only need " pacman -S ". You may want to check that out with someone who is more knowledgeable than me.

There are alternatives to yaourt like cower or pacaur or packer, SB over at you know where has more knowledge than me on those.

You might find this list a good read at some time,

This article is a general list of applications sorted by category, as a reference for those looking for packages. Many sections are split between console and graphical applications.

Nice to know you are enjoying the penguins. You probably know more about linux than I do and once the ol grey cell is fully activated you will be of and running like Mo :lol:

P.S. there is something wrong with the site software.
One of the major problems with the Linux world, lack of standardisation in presenting information.

OK, 'sudo' is just a way of using route as a user, I've sort of gotten used to it ... I know using 'su' to go to route and issuing commands will not prompt for any root password, however, it will leave 'me' wide open to even more typing errors & cock-ups. I'll stick to doing it that way. :)

Kate = nano ... again I know how to use Kate.

yaourt ... I take it as read is just a suppository (sic) again, I know how to 'add' a suppository to the .conf file ... in this case I got the http address was incorrect and '404 not found' error. You did give me the correct address, I checked, it just don't work for me. (yes I was trying to add it to the correct .conf file.)

reading the 'beginners wiki' amounts to the old saying 'RTFM' ... yep, it's what I do, I have a lot of time, and the assumptions with ALL manuals is you must know how to preform the missing bits they don't mention.

"The Linux Way" with Arch, is just a way of saying ... we are psychopaths who enjoy inflicting pain to people who wish to try Arch Linux. :nod:

Anyway, once again I screwed up, err, no I didn't, Arch did. :) I 'installed' the nVidia drivers. :lol:

I'm also still trying to figure out (via RTFM) how one 'installs' Chrome ... watching YouTube in Firefox (no-flash) @ 360p is, pointless. I've tried to 'fix' that.

Now, a note to our readers;
How to boot Arch Linux in Safe mode
Just follow these simple steps
Now you know how, don't forget to implement this handy feature immediately after installing Arch Linux

Frustrations aside, at least I'm getting some enjoyment at 'beating the system' to death ... I can install Arch in my sleep! :lol:

Manjaro looks interesting. :)
Forget the last advice for FF. If your FF install matches below then you should be able to play 720HD movies.

$ yaourt -Qii firefox
Name           : firefox
Version        : 41.0-1
Description    : Standalone web browser from
Architecture   : x86_64
URL            :
Licences       : MPL  GPL  LGPL
Groups         : None
Provides       : None
Depends On     : gtk2  mozilla-common  libxt  startup-notification  mime-types
                 dbus-glib  alsa-lib  desktop-file-utils  hicolor-icon-theme
                 libvpx  icu  libevent  nss  hunspell  sqlite
Optional Deps  : networkmanager: Location detection via available WiFi networks
                 gst-plugins-good: h.264 video [installed]
                 gst-libav: h.264 video [installed]
                 upower: Battery API
Required By    : None
Optional For   : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces       : None
Installed Size :  93.29 MiB
Packager       : Evangelos Foutras <[email protected]>
Build Date     : Wed 23 Sep 2015 03:00:37 BST
Install Date   : Thu 24 Sep 2015 00:06:10 BST
Install Reason : Explicitly installed
Install Script : Yes
Validated By   : Signature
Backup Files:

well, no disrespect, and I really really appreciate you taking time to post here, but ... I use Chromium! once I got over the fixations about Chrome ... :D

not sure about Manjaro, couldn't do anything in VB, maybe mouse issue?

I had Arch freeze up some moments ago ... CAD didn't work, had to power off-n-on, recovered cleanly though.

Knew you you would be off and running before long.

I been learning as I posted an am always happy to help someone out if they are helping themselves. Nice to see someone else posting in the penguin section too.

As long as you can take some time to search for an answer Arch is nearly always a survivor that is what I like about it.

Never tried Manjaro as I can see no reason to. It is Arch based but has been fiddled with and has stuff in it I do not need. If folks find interest in it and find it useful then that is good for them. I would rather spend me time investigating odd programs and fiddling with them to see if they are a fit for me.

As I've said, I do like Arch, but, there is a lot of 'fiddling' to do, from what I've seen from two other Arch derivatives the frustrations of "installing" some needed basics can be a real pain in the arse.

Firefox, the de-facto Linux web browser is not installed ... never mind having to setup your Timezone, Local, desktop & keyboard layout and other 'basic' hardware stuffs from the terminal installation ... yeah, it's an achievement that one can give yourself a pat on the back.

Windows users will not get very far unless the system is pre-setup, however, once they get anything new, be it hardware (a new mouse) or software, they are going to be a tad disappointed being told ... oh, no you have to use the command line environment to do that (if they have it in the suppository) or, no that £50 mouse won't work ... yeah, right.

I want to learn, but I'm not a self inflicting sadist. :)

Nvida still fails, I give up, yes, I know how to install it, it just don't wanna work, and I cannot for the life of me get yaourt to work ... 404.

Nope, Linux will not hit mainstream unless it's called Apple. :)

So, what do you actually do with your Linux?

You want to know what :eek:

Well it helps to keep my mind active.
Do stuff with pictures including earning a few bob.
Keep me e-book library on it.
Shop for all sorts of stuff saving money usually.
Information searching.
Keeping me music on it.
Use office programs.
Get work details with it.
Learnt how to write simple scripts.
Made my pc suit me.
Made themes for Window Maker.
Made friends through linux.
Freed meself from the blue screen of death.
Had fun playing with my Pi. I did have Arch running on the PI.
Played games with it.
Found that I could install a variety of linux os's on a usb stick and have the ability to run my os on almost any suitable pc.
Learnt that I do not need to spend money I do not have to have a full computing experience.
Learnt that it is much more rewarding to put some effort in to open source than it is to pay the man.

I'll have to take some time to think of some really important uses.


When I said of and running, I meant you would soon be dabbling in all sorts of penguin goo. Not running from Arch :cool:
finally got yaourt installed ... now I can really go feck things up. :D

there were two lines in pacman.conf that needed un-hashing ... then add your suppositories.
Too complicated for me folks, all that brain-hurting, I'll stick with my 'Mr Lame Brain' install of Mint or summat similar.

But tell me gentlemen, assuming, after a long and troublesome process of installing Slack, Arch, whatever, and assuming you have it all working and a vaguely usable GUI, just what is the advantage in using a 'clever bastid' install over a 'actually quite dim' install?
Too complicated for me folks, all that brain-hurting, I'll stick with my 'Mr Lame Brain' install of Mint or summat similar.

But tell me gentlemen, assuming, after a long and troublesome process of installing Slack, Arch, whatever, and assuming you have it all working and a vaguely usable GUI, just what is the advantage in using a 'clever bastid' install over a 'actually quite dim' install?

Well you get to know that you totally screwed up by your own efforts when you bork your install.:dance:

An really an Arch install is not a troublesome process as long as you take the time to read through the wiki and the beginners guide. The beginners guide is not called so because it is aimed at total linux newcomers it is named so for anyone who is new to Arch. Think of it as being shown how a ultra modern washing machine works with all the different buttons and symbols and such. You know what how a machine works but are not familiar with that particular make model so a little familiarisation can be helpful.
As to GUI well Arch has tons of different ways of dressing up. You want what, well go ahead and install it then and tweak away to your hearts content. It is a bit like you and your passion for customising

Mucks if you get bored with the couple of packages in the AUR then have a looksee here :lol:

I fancy having a go at this when a skylake compatible build is available.

I see. Well, judging by your answer, it seems the only advantage with using a difficult distro is knowing how you messed up. Really?

Oh, top marks, lol, I'll stick with 'Mr Nice but dim' distro ;)
I see. Well, judging by your answer, it seems the only advantage with using a difficult distro is knowing how you messed up. Really?

Oh, top marks, lol, I'll stick with 'Mr Nice but dim' distro ;)

Not quite. You get to know "you" messed up. Very often you do not know how you messed up :nod:
But tell me gentlemen, assuming, after a long and troublesome process of installing Slack, Arch, whatever, and assuming you have it all working and a vaguely usable GUI, just what is the advantage in using a 'clever bastid' install over a 'actually quite dim' install?

NONE whatsoever ... I'm waiting for my "I installed Arch" badge ... I should tell them, I won! :D

You all know I quite like OpenSuse, and I did a successfully install of it on the laptop, it's KDE based so I also got the pretty "we did the Win 10 look before MS" flat clean desktop.... I really like this look. The 'problem', however, was the fact I got every kitchen sink in the country installed whether I wanted it or not ... I'd rather have the basics and then go look for the "stuff" I need & want than be inundated with a crap load of extra software I haven't a clue as to what it does. They do tend to have really silly names, don't they. :rolleyes:

Once you have installed your 'flavour' of Linux, they are, in essence, all the same. Most just have a different skin and nearly all have a GUI to help install or remove 'Software' which does make for an easier life.

I've taken a look at quite a few different Distros over at DistroWatch and can say they all do the same-ish thing. Arch is an oddmanout of the bunch, basically because they been too lazy to give you any help and just tell you to go RTFM, or should I say, "Read The Feckin Wiki" ... your eyes will bleed for weeks.

Arch is NOT for a Linux beginner ... if you have time on your hands and really want to know what is under the hood of Linux, then be my guest, but do yourself a favour. Try Mint first, you can delve under the bonnet of any Linux distro. :nod:

Mint, IMHO, should be anybody's first choice venture into Linux if you are looking for something as good as Windows, but, with a different twist. I will also remind anyone reading this that, Linux, is NOT Windows, there are quite a few crevates that will trip you up if you think that.

One also needs to be aware that there are subtle differences in what the Linux community call a, "desktop environment" ... the popular ones are Gnome, Cinnamon, Xfce and KDE just to name a few, yes I know there are others ... in-depth explanation of the desktop environment is beyond the scope of this post. :D

I rambled enough ... :lol:
I am hoping that the above post is only semi-serious. In case any reader has been mislead by the opinions expressed I would like to post some of the information easily accessed over at the Arch main site.

At the top of the opening page you see some information about Arch with a link that says " learn more ", following that link you are presented with valuable information which will if read help you to decide if Arch is possibly suitable for you.

Arch is installed as a minimal base system, configured by the user upon which their own ideal environment is assembled by installing only what is required or desired for their unique purposes.

To summarize: Arch Linux is a versatile, and simple distribution designed to fit the needs of the competent Linux® user. It is both powerful and easy to manage, making it an ideal distro for servers and workstations. Take it in any direction you like. If you share this vision of what a GNU/Linux distribution should be, then you are welcomed and encouraged to use it freely, get involved, and contribute to the community. Welcome to Arch!

From here on I will post some of the content verbatim from the top three links in the Arch Wiki.

Arch developers remain unpaid, part-time volunteers, and there are no prospects for monetizing Arch Linux, so it will remain free in all senses of the word.

Arch Linux is a general purpose distribution. Upon installation, a command-line environment is provided: rather than tearing out unneeded and unwanted packages, the user is offered the ability to build on a basic but carefully chosen set of software suitable for nearly any use case. Arch's design philosophy and implementation make it easy to extend and mold into whatever kind of system is required, from a basic console machine to feature-rich desktop environments: it is the user who decides what his system will be.

The large number of packages and build scripts in the various Arch Linux repositories support freedom of choice, offering free and open source software for those who prefer it as well as proprietary software packages for those who embrace functionality over ideology.

Arch Linux strives to maintain the latest stable release versions of its software as long as systemic package breakage can be reasonably avoided. It is based on a rolling-release system, which allows a one-time installation with continuous upgrades, without ever having to reinstall and without having to perform the elaborate procedures involved in system upgrades from one release version to the next. By issuing one command, an Arch system is kept up-to-date.

Arch Linux defines simplicity as without unnecessary additions, modifications, or complications. It ships software as released by the original developers (upstream) with minimal distribution-specific (downstream) changes...................................................................
Arch Linux packages usually correspond directly to upstream projects. Packages are only split when compelling advantages exist rather than it being the norm. Splitting is only done to save disk space in particularly bad cases of waste.

The Arch Way, or the Arch Philosophy, perhaps best summarized by the acronym KISS for Keep It Simple, Stupid.

That seems pretty clear anyone reading from the above page should have a good idea if Arch is suitable for them.
Wait on though there is even more information to help you decide in the second link in the Wiki.

Why would I want to use Arch?
If, after reading about the The Arch Way philosophy, you wish to embrace the 'do-it-yourself' approach and require or desire a simple, elegant, highly customizable, bleeding edge, general purpose GNU/Linux distribution, you may like Arch.

Why would I not want to use Arch?
You may not want to use Arch, if:

  • after reading The Arch Way, you disagree with the philosophy.
  • you do not have the ability/time/desire for a 'do-it-yourself' GNU/Linux distribution.
  • you require support for an architecture other than x86_64 or i686.
  • you take a strong stand on using a distribution which only provides free software as defined by GNU.
  • you believe an operating system should configure itself, run out of the box, and include a complete default set of software and desktop environment on the installation media.
  • you do not want a bleeding edge, rolling release GNU/Linux distribution.
  • you are happy with your current OS.
  • you want an OS that targets a different userbase.

Arch requires too much time and effort to install and use. Also, the community keeps telling me to RTFM in so many words
Arch is designed for and used by a specifically targeted user base. Perhaps it is not right for you. See above.

I really like Arch, except the development team needs to implement feature X
Before going further, did you read The Arch Way? Have you provided the feature/solution? Does it conform to the Arch philosophy of minimalism and code-correctness over convenience? Get involved, contribute your code/solution to the community. If it is well regarded by the community and development team, perhaps it will be merged. The Arch community thrives on contribution and sharing of code and tools.

Arch needs more press (i.e. advertisement)
Arch gets plenty of press as it is. The goal of Arch Linux is not to be large, but rather, to provide an elegant, minimalist and bleeding edge distribution focused on simplicity and code-correctness. Organic, sustainable growth occurs naturally amongst the target user base.

I am a complete GNU/Linux beginner. Should I use Arch?
This question has had much debate. Arch is targeted more towards advanced GNU/Linux users, but some people feel that Arch is a good place to start for the motivated novice. If you are a beginner and want to use Arch, just be warned that you must be willing to invest significant time into learning a new system, as well as accept the fact that Arch is fundamentally designed as a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) distribution. It is the user who assembles the system and controls what it will become. Before asking for help, do your own independent research by Googling, searching the forum (and reading the rest of these FAQs) and searching the superb documentation provided by the Arch Wiki. There is a reason these resources were made available to you in the first place. Many thousands of volunteered hours have been spent compiling this excellent information.

Recommended reading: The Arch Linux Beginners' guide.

There is a lot more information on that page but the above should help someone decide if Arch is for them.

The third link at the top of the Wiki is an explanation of some of the differences between Arch and the main alternatives. Below are just a few snippets.

  • Ubuntu is a popular Debian-based distribution commercially sponsored by Canonical Ltd., while Arch is an independently developed system built from scratch.

    Arch development is not biased towards any one particular user interface beyond what its community provide support for. Furthermore, Canonical's commercial nature has led them to some controversial decisions, such as the inclusion of advertisements in Unity's Dash menu and user data collection. Arch is an independent, community-driven project with no commercial agenda and features no bloatware in its distribution.

    Arch development is not biased towards any one particular user interface beyond what its community provide support for. Furthermore, Canonical's commercial nature has led them to some controversial decisions, such as the inclusion of advertisements in Unity's Dash menu and user data collection. Arch is an independent, community-driven project with no commercial agenda and features no bloatware in its distribution.

Linux Mint
  • Linux Mint was born as an Ubuntu derivative, and later added the LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) that is instead based on Debian. On the other hand, Arch is an independent distribution that relies on its own build system and repositories.

openSUSE is centered around the RPM package format and its well-regarded YaST2 GUI-driven configuration tool, which is a one-stop shop for most users' system configuration needs, including package management. Arch does not offer such a facility as it goes against The Arch Way. openSUSE, therefore, is somewhat more appropriate for less-experienced users, or those who want a more GUI-driven environment, auto-configuration and expected functionality out of the box while still allowing depth of customization.

If you are thinking of installing Arch or any alternative to Windows you would be wise to read up on the operating system before hand. I hope some of the above will give readers a clearer idea of what and who Arch is being developed for.

Personally I would like to thank all the Archers who have given valuable time and effort to produce such a fine operating system.

As to beginners and Arch. I was 58 when I decide to install and run Arch which has been my main os since then. I did not have a clue what " cli " meant and had to search for the meaning of " nano " when I read the Beginers Guide. Was it a difficult journey ? Yes it was. Was it worth it ? Yes it was. Why did I do it. Because I not a sheep.


Well good for you oh Barbaric one. I like to use what works, and I'd like to think I have better things to spend my time on than constant researching then entering lines of text that I don't understand and hoping it works and the whole system doesn't get kiboshed. If I want frustration I'll just drive across London and get stuck in traffic.

If that makes me a sheep then.... Baaaaaaa

The only real villain here is Canonical (Ubuntu) they're trying their hardest to make Linux into a commercial enterprise for domestic use which imo flies against the original Open Source ethos.

I may, just may, try Arch and then give my honest opinion but tbh I'd rather be playing GTA V or other games or sitting on me sofa sipping wine and listening to vinyl. Or sleeping.
No one could ever take you for a sheep Flop's.

As to Canonical, well the guy is trying to make money. However he has done a great deal for the penguin world and there would be no Mint without his efforts. I do not subscribe to his way but heck we are all different thank goodness.

Now that I have done all the ground work and as long as I do not get the urge to fiddle all I have to do to keep my Arch sweet is run,

$ yaourt -Syua

Once a week, hardly a taxing workload.

I enjoy all the chill out ways you employ too but I like to fiddle about with me pc aswell. Like before, thank goodness we are all different. Main thing is to enjoy what you do.
