Linux made easy ...


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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ok ok, I jest ... but this is how Arch is installed, no GUI, you need to know what your doing ... or you follow a video like this. :D

I found the 'community' over at Arch a hit-n-miss experience ... standard answer was, RTFM, yeah, right, it's not in English, it's written in American. I'm not going to learn that language. :)

I'm going to collect notes & videos and once I have everything in place ... watch this space!

Way to go mate.

However that guide is probably out of date as it is a year old. Arch marches swiftly forward so you need a pretty current guide, say about three months old or less. I can not remember any major install changes in that time frame.

The Evo/Lution project is no longer a viable way to install as development has stopped.

The Arch G+ group are friendly as long as you are not a total support vampire and at least have tried to do some research.


Published on Jan 10, 2015
This video proves a successful installation of Arch Linux inside a VirtualBox VM.
aye, I know about Evolution, will go for the 'proper' install anyway. Wont be using VB as I intend to install Arch Linux on this system, after I've built my new-ish one for windows games. :eek: :D

The vid was a bit of a joke as most Linux distro do have a hand holding install which are usually very good. It made me laugh out loud ... :)
Full install is always the best way to see what a os can do. Shame about the Evo/Lution project as it worked really well when I tried it. Though i took it out as it had sudo and some other stuff per-configured which was not for me.

Trouble with a lot of the Arch folk is they have taken of into geek land and have forgotten how mere mortals do stuff. Same for a lot of folk who are expert in their field.
When I did a first install it took me a while to realise exactly what nano was never mind how it was used yet there it was in the instructions with no explanation. So whoever wrote the guide had forgotten that nano to an ordinary person meant ??????? :lol:

Arch Linux installed, in VB ... hey, because I can.

Desktop Environment is Plasma 5, with SDDM (logon display manager) ... Plasma 5 is what Microsoft nicked for Win 10, but Plasma is superior & it doesn't phone home for anything.

Installed British Englerish ... Arch only installed in American (English) ... one day the yank will realise American is their native language, NOT English. :rolleyes:

Installed Yakuake, a Terminal I've used before, a de-facto for KDE, so they say ... you need a Terminal to install software, especially if you haven't got a GUI installer, yet ... not sure if I'll need a GUI installer. It does make one feel like you actually know what your doing with a terminal open. :lol:

Need to mess with "installing" the mouse, just so I know how to do it again. note: it's not actually an 'install' more of a ... get the fecking thing to work as intended. :)


next ... well, I think I may just install it for real. :eek: what can happen? :lol:
Addiction :lol:

Xterm cones as standard with the base install. No idea even if there is a gui package installer for Arch. I use alias's for yaourt,

yup = yaourt -Syau update along with AUR
yin = yaourt -S foo install
yr = yaourt -Rns foo remove + dependencies(not needed by any one else)

I do not have pesky sudo and am either me or root.

Yaourt is what I use to update all the system and AUR packages. Pacman only does official stuff.

"one day the yank will realise American is their native language, NOT English." :lol:

By eck you must have a decent broadband if you have installed all the 100's MB of KDE stuff :eek:

You may want to subscribe to this list. As they inform you of any new updates that may cause problems with your install.

You do not get many announcements so it is well worth joining.

Enjoy :cool:
decent broadband ... it's BT ... but since they now supply cable I've had no problems, touch wood. :) and I've just finished fresh new install 'proper' of Arch & Plasma 5 on the HP laptop ... took only a few mins this time. Nice! :nod:

I need to 'fix' the mouse :rolleyes: ... will have to temporary use the 500

... be back later ...

oh, that mailing list is in "English (USA)" ... sorry I'm to old to learn a new language. :rolleyes: ;)


mouse was easy ... trying to find a snapshot program so I can show off my desktop :)
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I've installed Firefox, it's fugly in Plasma and I cannot "install" the fix for it ... went to get Google Chrome, as it is my default of choice anyway, still trying to "install" that, ok maybe I'll get Chromuinm, nope, nada, zilch ... yaourt? nope. :wall:

oh, look openSuse's Tumbleweed is ready ... downloading!! :nod:
OpenSuse Tumbleweed installed & running, mouse working out of the box and everything else. :)
I've installed Firefox, it's fugly in Plasma and I cannot "install" the fix for it ... went to get Google Chrome, as it is my default of choice anyway, still trying to "install" that, ok maybe I'll get Chromuinm, nope, nada, zilch ... yaourt? nope. :wall:

oh, look openSuse's Tumbleweed is ready ... downloading!! :nod:

I did try to steer you towards a great de/wm but you went for an alternative :eek:

Would that be CHROMIUM ? Installs perfectly here.

Yaourt needs the tiniest of fiddles to work,

or you can go the easy way and add

SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch

to /etc/pacman.conf, and run:

# pacman -Sy yaourt

I'll have to give them suzys a try one day. :cool:

Whichever you stick with at least you are giving a penguin a home :lol:
Suse worked out of the box, including mouse, which I must admit surprised me a little ... I did like Arch, but farting around just to get FF to be legible was not my cup of tea.

Yes, I use the correct "pacman -Sy yaourt" command ... "not found" was the firm reply.

I know OpenSuse from past experiences, I always got it to do what I wanted ... I'll stick with it. I have the desktop I wanted, KDE is it's preferred desktop environment and Chromium installed from YaST no bother. :)

This is OpenSuse Tumbleweed rolling release, not OpenSuse 13.2, so I quite expect to have the odd hiccup ... but yeah, Linux is staying on the Laptop in one form or another ... and once I've built 'Orca' this system too will be a Linux box, will probably have another go at Arch. :nod:


oh, and Suse is based off ... nobody.:)
Yes, I use the correct "pacman -Sy yaourt" command ... "not found" was the firm reply.

Did you " #pacman -Syu " before you did the above ?

Warning: When installing packages, do not refresh the package list without upgrading the system (i.e. pacman -Sy package_name); this can lead to dependency issues. See #Partial upgrades are unsupported and

Also you need to do one of the ways outlined in a post above first before you "pacman -Sy yaourt".

Suse sounds well set up from the get go. I'll keep me fingers crossed that you do not get any KDE gremlins :lol:

What are you using ORCA for ?

What are you using ORCA for ?

see system specs :)

I'll will go back Arch, I do like it, gonna have to get some 'notes' together ... will probably use this system and keep the lappy as is.
see system specs :)

I'll will go back Arch, I do like it, gonna have to get some 'notes' together ... will probably use this system and keep the lappy as is.

He he I thought you were going to build and install the orca screen reader from source. :lol:

There is a TalkingArch version for install that supports braille machines which is developed and maintained by a few arch users.

I keep meaning to try it out to see if I can do a Arch instal with me eyes closed. :cool:
"Everything should just seamlessly work."

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll just keep using my phone, it understands me better than I do. :)
or you can go the easy way and add

SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch
to /etc/pacman.conf, and run:

need root permission to edit this ... these are the sort of hurdles one comes across with 'help' flies/wiki/video ... so, after much reading, I still don't know how to give/get root privileges in Kate. sigh!

you need to Skype me :)

$ kdesu name-of-app

the code worked, but ... error 404, did I mis-type the http ?
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oh, did I not say ... I've re-installed Arch Linux. :eek: :D :lol:

I'm insane anyway, so what the hell ... got the 'proper' KDE looking Firefox installed. :)
