Svend said:
From a previous message:
"You may be able to change the BIOS setting, so the disk is shown as
255 heads 63 sectors in Windows 98."
Apropos what?
I believe I just said that those are the settings I am using now.
They also happen to be the same as the corresponding BPB settings.
[To do: When is the boot sector created and what creates it?]
You cannot boot the disk, at least not using a standard Microsoft MBR,
since it has no active partition.
What makes you say that?
As I write these words, I have in another window the following
FDISK screen:
Display Partition Information
Current fixed disk drive: 2
Partition Status Type Volume Label Mbytes System Usage
D: 1 A PRI DOS WD40GB_P1 2047 FAT32 5%
2 Non-DOS 6017 16%
3 Non-DOS 10001 26%
4 EXT DOS 20097 53%
Total disk space is 38162 Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)
The Extended DOS Partition contains Logical DOS Drives.
Do you want to display the logical drive information (Y/N)......?[Y]
Windows wouldn't boot from this drive the last time I tried, but it
is conceivable that the drive was not active at the time, or that
something else I did not notice changed in the interim, so I will try again.
Be back shortly.